Logbook entry

Witchhead Nebula Stellar Survey concludes 9/1

07 Sep 2016DrShradre
I had the old man, the gruff old fighter Ken Defee, whom I had named my XO for the trip onboard the R.S.S. Judy Beaver, awaken me over the intercom before we bore back into regspace at Smethells 119.  Our new home. As I sliipped my coveralls back on I thought about that word.  Home.  I realzied that I had not called a place home since...Since before I left Ahcenar.  And when I thought of my home system, I always thought about my poor wife and her grisly fate.  I shook my head.  This was not the way I should start a new day.  As I made my way to the bridge I shook of the memories of Christina and settled in to my command chair. I sipped my cup of coffee made by the Asp Explorer's CHEF.  It was awful.  I missed the CHEF onboard the Imperial Clipper. I stared out into witchspace and I realized that there were butterflies in my stomach.  I had seen Smethells 119 several times in the past...This was the first time, though, that I actually looked at the system as my home.

And so when the blue jewel surrounded by rings that captured and refracted the sunlight caught my eye after this long trip...yeah, it meant a little bit more to me than usual.  But the truly sad part of all this was that I was supposed to have an entire week to myself.  I was going to spend it lazing around my new vineyard home on the eastern continent, 100km from the nearest neighbor.  Instead I got two days.  Two bloody days and new orders come in.    Who knew being a client on his way to patron could be such a pain in the ass?   I think maybe I will suggest to Marcus that he should run for Patron on Smethells 119...He like's headaches like this.
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