Logbook entry

New Orders (No rest for the wicked)

23 Sep 2016DrShradre
The orders came down from the very top..or, well, very nearly the top. Senator Denton Patraeous Bitchboy admiral Nathans sent the orders to RILAF HQ, which forwarded them out to me on my private data terminal in the sticks. I read over the orders becoming more incensed that my well deserved vacation had come to an end with the words "ALL PREVIOUS ORDERS AND CONDITIONS RECINDED" By the end of the rather extensive "Primary Action Item List" I was less angry. This was the mission that Marcus and I had been waiting on. Patraeous had invested a lot of the Emperors money making RILAF more than just something I had scribbled down on a bar napkin while I was drunk. We are an Honest to God, (Or Nebula Goat) part of the Imperial intelligence community with the completion of this mission. Finally. Vindication. Maybe spending my 60s and 70s schlepping and lying my way around the Alliance and Federation navies, risking not only my life but the lives of my...oh wait...I have not friends or family. Not any more. Well, risking my life posing as Midshipman for the Feds and a Commander for the Alliance at the same time, maybe all of that -was- noticed by somebody. Maybe they had finally realized the information I had given them (especially towards the end of my tenure in the alliance Navy) was worth more than my position as an Imperial agent in the Alliance. Maybe, instead of seeing only a black mark on my record of Imperial service, someone with some sense was finally seeing the sacrifices I had made, continues to make, and if god was good, maybe they realized that my cover getting blown WASN'T MY DAMN FAULT!!!

The mission was pretty straightforward but had a lot of goals. Pleideas sector...Outstanding. R.I.L.A.F. pilots were to provide extensive intelligence on Federal doings within 150 light years of the planet Merope. Pleadies is a hotbed...it's -the- place to be assigned if you want to see your star rise n the Imperial Intelligence Network. After re-reading the orders I deleted the file and called RILAF HQ. I needed to talk to Marcus Nylund, RILAF's XO and blood soaked sword. The HQ office in Coastvale city did not answer my call. Someone was getting fired there and theyw ould be lucky if they didn't wake up in a cramped ships compartment full of other Imperial Slaves, heading for Jaques Station.
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