Logbook entry

Exploration to Saggitarius with Carrier Escudella / Viatge a Sagitari amb l'Escudella [Sept 3309]

01 Sep 2023TrabucJL
1 de setembre de 2023/3309

Captain Trabuc with Carrier Fleet "Escudella" and with a crew on the carrier.

After two months leave I am back to the Milky Way to start a mission facing to the center of Saggitarius A and see the black hole in it. After visiting the inner milky way we will face up to see it from above and finally go back to Ostyat our base system. Without following any guide the adventure will tell what we found.

First planned stop: HIP 62138.

Before departure we will ensure to have enough Tritium at least to be safe on this start trip.
Reserves around 2000-2500 will be enough.

We are going a couple of times to Airsetanoa for buying Tritium at market price (50k cr/unit) and will review the mining needs to be self sufficient during the exploration.

2 de setembre de 2023/3309

Before jumping to HIP 62138, we will ensure a good mining ship on the carrier and the best one is the "Roca del Drac" (Imperial Cutter) and as a second choice the one I always use, the "Pedrera" (Python) just in case we need something more fast and manuvreable and even ready for some core mining.

The jump has taking place at 16:10 CET

The strategy follow is to visit the 10 closest systems and look for high value planets and some biology. Next to HIP 62138 we have visited:
1. Musca Dark Region SE-P b6-6
2. Musca Dark Region HM-V c2-15
3. Musca Dark Region SE-P b6-12
4. Musca Dark Region SE-P b6-7 -- We have found some Xeno presence and decided to investigation even traveling with "Bombolla" (Sidewinder). Agresive we flied quicly out.
5. Musca Dark Region SE-P b6-11
6. Musca Dark Region SE-P b6-4
7. Musca Dark Region SE-P b6-2 -- More Xeno presence found continuing investigation with Bombolla (Sidewinder). Found Thargoids kidnapping humans with no chance to assist them.
8. Musca Dark Region SE-P b6-10 -- Xeno presence found as well not investigating this time, too risky with Bombolla.
9. Musca Dark Region IM-V c2-24 -- Two carriers found (V8M-80X and V3B-GTK) also two Ammonia plantes scanned.
10. Musca Dark Region HM-V c2-24 -- Xeno presence found just stopped by one signal source Thread 5 and still Thargoids kidnapping people and some other very aggressive. Full throtle to not get caught and easily evading several attacks.

Back to HIP 62138 and found xeno presence, I assume my fleet carrier is not in danger. Xeno encounters has been unexpected and it is not the purpouse of this exploration trip.

A curious star where seems have nice views on a Coalsack Dark Region is Musca Dark Region VK-L A9-0. I will change my Bomobolla (Sidewinder) for a higher jump ship. Cissium (Clipper) Seems a good choice fast enogh a wide screen for views.

At that system we found two Human ships attacked by Thargoids, I was able to distract the Thars and people is safe after jump. Crew feel happy after seeing many humans kidnapped in this zone.

Tomorrow next jump to Lupus Dark Region at HIP 77157.

3 de Setembre 2023/3309

We have arrived to HIP 77157. System scanned and found that system was already scanned by humans and some signals with components we checked and almost all was scrap we havent collected except for two data boxes.

As we planed we have checked the following 10th closests systems

1. Lupus Dark Region B Sector LN-S b4-1
2. Lupus Dark Region B Sector IH-V c2-3
3. Lupus Dark Region B Sector LN-S b4-0
4. Lupus Dark Region B Sector KN-S b4-4
5. Lupus Dark Region B Sector HH-U b3-5
6. Lupus Dark Region B Sector HH-U b3-4
7. Lupus Dark Region B Sector KN-S b4-3
8. Lupus Dark Region B Sector LN-S b4-5
9. Lupus Dark Region B Sector EB-X c1-13
Nothing interesting on all 9 above systems and all of them already scanned by humans.
10. HIP 76989 -. 4 High value planets scanned and a nice picture of the Milky Way with the Lupus Dark Region visible over the planet shown on the picture.

Next Jump to COL 359 SECTOR ZG-V B32-4

4 de Setembre 2023/3309

System already disovered by humans.

Starting 10 system strategy to explore:
1. Col 359 Sector ZG-V b32-3
2. Col 359 Sector ZG-V b32-0 - Water system already discovered by mankind but not mapped
3. Col 359 Sector PT-W c16-16 - No planets
4. Col 359 Sector PT-W c16-15 - The last moon has two biological signs. We will land to check this biology
5. Col 359 Sector VA-X b31-4 - No planets
6. Col 359 Sector ZG-V b32-2
7. Col 359 Sector PT-W c16-17
8. Col 359 Sector PT-W c16-14 - The second planet is a Water world. Already mapped.
9. Col 359 Sector BC-V b32-5 - 3 Stars no planets
10. Col 359 Sector YG-V b32-2 - 2nd planet and 3a moon with two biological signs we scanned.-

It has been a good Jump, Biological data collected amount 64.419MCr

Next Jump Mammon a star inside a nebula, crew has high expectations about this jump.

5 de Setembre de 2023-3309

Crew is excited on this new system, nice views on the nebula and human contacts in the monitoring facility.

This time we wil explore with a small ship my Rodella (Imperial Eagle) equiped for exploration and low jump but a safe scoop just in case.

Let's see if the 10th closests planets have been visited or bioscanned:

1. IC 1287 Sector PD-S b4-4 - Already discovered
2. IC 1287 Sector PD-S b4-7 - No Planets
3. IC 1287 Sector TJ-Q b5-6 - 5 Star systems with minor planets all footfalled but without bio or geo
4. IC 1287 Sector PD-S b4-5 - 2 Star system without planets
5. IC 1287 Sector PD-S b4-6 - 3 Star system with no planets
6. IC 1287 Sector NI-S b4-7 - 1 Star no planets
7. IC 1287 Sector NI-S b4-6 - Simple system with 7 icy planets
8. IC 1287 Sector PD-S b4-2 - 1 Star no planets
9. IC 1287 Sector PD-S b4-8 - 2 Stars with one Metal Planet
10. IC 1287 Sector TJ-Q b5-7 - 2 Stars with 16 planets A2 with 3 biological signs

We found that near Mammon stars are overvisited and nothing special, quite empty and almost no planet near Mammon, We will head back after some bioscanning with a nice view of Mammon star and Nebula:

No bonus on my organic data just got paid 8.284M cr. I will raise my anger to Frontier.

Next Jump PRU EUQ VE-B B55-4

6 de Setembre 2023-3309

Only some time to check the carrier and giving the crew a day off.

7 de Setembre 2023-3309

Captain was busy with earth documentation and could not advance on the exploration.

8 de Setembre 2023-3309

Arrived at PRU EUQ VE-B B55-4 system already discovered, Sittinng on my "Bayard" (Krait Phantom)

Near systems route is:

1. Pru Euq VE-B b55-3 - one star seven planets anything interesting.
2. Pru Euq VE-B b55-1 - One star no planets
3. Pru Euq VE-B b55-2 - 2 stars and 16 planets A2 with one biological sign no worth to land.
4. Pru Euq IM-B c27-13 - 1 Star 7 planets, Nothing interesting and already scanned.
5. Pru Euq VE-B b55-0 - 1 Star 7 planets, Nothing interesting and already scanned.
6. Pru Euq UE-B b55-3 - 1 Star 9 planets, Nothing interesting and already scanned.
7. Pru Euq UE-B b55-1 - 1 Star and 9 planets. Planet 1 with 5 Bio signs. Once landed I realized I have no rover installed anyway .
8. Pru Euq RY-C b54-5 - 3 Stars 4 planets and Planet 1 with 3 Bio signs. Back to land. System already discovered but not landed.
9. Pru Euq UE-B b55-4 - Nice 3 Star system with a Red and Yellow star very close. Also C1 with 5 biosigns nobody scanned.
10. Pru Euq UE-B b55-0 - 1 Star system with 9 planets already scanned and nothing interesting.

We face back to Escudella for the next jump but first collect Exobiology. It has been a nice cut of 182.7M cr

Two nice pictures taken in this jump:

Next Jump BLEAE THUA SC-U B17-2

9 de Setembre de 2023/3309

Arrived at BLEAE THUA SC-U B17-2 a system with 3 suns, 21 planets and 3 moons with no biosigns and already discovered.

This time getting back Athina ship (Adder) my first mining ship, but some modifications will be needed in order to fulfill the visiting of the nearest stars. We have moved the rodella optional internal to make it better suitable for exploring.

1. Bleae Thua SC-U b17-1 - 1 Star system with 7 planets and 4 moons. Already scanned and nothing special to visit.
2. Bleae Thua GY-K c8-5 - 1 sun and 10 planets with 1 moon. A1, A2 and A3 with high value surface scanner and A3 with biosigns. Biosigns taken.
3. Bleae Thua GY-K c8-2 - 1 star system with 6 planets and two asteroid rings, 4 of the planets has rings and this ring planets have moons with a total of 17 moons. Also three planets with biological signs but already scanned by "Known Captain V". We will not land since they are already discovered and mapped.
4. Bleae Thua SC-U b17-0 - 1 single and alone scoopable star.
5. Bleae Thua BJ-T d3-29 - Another interesting system with 2 star and 8 planets, the other star is almost a planet, there are 10 moons on the first sun and 8 planets and two moons on the second sun. Very high Biology with moon 8B with 9 biological signs and moon 9e with 6 biological signs. All this system has been already mapped and bioscanned. We will not deepscan it.
6. Bleae Thua GY-K c8-7 - 1 alone sun with no planets
7. Bleae Thua JT-K c8-7 - A sun and 7 planets with 2 moons. Planet A1 is high value metal planet.
8. Bleae Thua GY-K c8-8 - One star and 7 planets with 2 moons. This time nothing interesting on this system.
9. Bleae Thua SC-U b17-3 - Another one star system with 7 planets and no moons. Also nothing valuable on this system. Any planet is landable.
10. Bleae Thua GY-K c8-1 - One star system with two asteroid belts and 4 planest wich two of them are gas giants with 12 moons and some geo signs.

Only one bio sample taken and left many others which we assumed were already discovered. This is an exploration travel not to get money with biosigns.

We are heading back to the carrier for the next jump.

Arrived at BLU THUA AI-A C14-10 and quickly heade to Carbis Bay.

10 de Setembre 2023/3309

We wake up in Carbis Bay and we headed back to Escudella to sell our data in Vista Genomics. As expected our sample was already scanned and we collect 19M cr, more than expected.

We also exepcet near systems will be already explored, but anyway we will do our exploration with our Escurçó-CobraMKIII just in case we found some hidden gem:

1. Blu Thua AI-A c14-9 - Two star system no planets and anything interesting.
2. Blu Thua AQ-A b28-3 - One star system with 5 planets and one moon. Nothing interesting.
3. Blu Thua YA-O d6-2 - Quite big one star system with 2 icy planets 6 Gas Giants and 15 moons. Some interesting rings with Tritium spot and low temps diamonds.
4. Blu Thua AI-A c14-5 - One star system with 10 planets and one moon. The first three planets are hihg value planets that we have scanned and the moon with two bio signs. Even though we know they are already bioscanned we have landed to scan as well.
5. Blu Thua YA-O d6-5 - 4 Star system with no planets.
6. Blu Thua AQ-A b28-1 - 2 Star system with 5 planets and 2 moons. Nothing interesting.
7. Blu Thua YU-A b28-0 - 3 Star ssytem with 2 twins star very close eachother.
8. Blu Thua YA-O d6-35 - Another 3 Star system these time the twins are 60kLs away.
9. Blu Thua AI-A c14-0 - 1 Star system with 6 planets and 3 moons. The first three with high value and the third one is a waterworld.
10. Blu Thua AI-A c14-4 - 4 Star system. The farthest stars have planets. 4 Orbiting on the third star and 4 orbiting over the two farthest C and D stars. Thing interesting on those planets.

At the end as expected, all system were already discovered. Nothing really interesting to remark. Going back to Escudella to plan the next jump.
Our short visitng for Bioscan give us 11,5M Cr.

Next jump BLU THUA XM-K B50-1

Arrived at BLU THUA XM-K B50-1 I took my Python and did something very stupid. Boosting at the ejection I hit Escudella and explode my Pyhton.
The result:
I lost around 15M cr on cartographic.
I lost some exploration data 15k cr
I had to rebuy my Python 4.5M cr

Deep breath twice and keep calm, loses were not so bad but some first system discoveries have been lost.

Adventure is adventure and we must continue.

Lets launch again and start over.

After a quick flight qith my Python we arrived a two start system with no planets. Good place to rest, think what has happened and continue tomorrow.

11 de Setembre de 2023-3309

The ten nearest systems we wil explore will be:

1. Blu Thua VX-G c24-4 - 3 Star system nothing else to explore
2. Blu Thua TG-M b49-0 - Huge System with 51 Objects. 3 Stars, 12 A planets, 1 B Planet and 2 C Planets. and 33 moons. Planet A10B has 7 Biosigns and also A9C has one biosign but nice to land to its planet rings. System discovered but wih no footfall.
I have decided to spent a night here and study all the species on this planet.

12 de Setembre de 2023/3309

After biostudying the 7 species I continue the exploration of the other 8 planets.

3. Blu Thua TG-M b49-2 - 3 Star system with 5 planets on C-Star and one moon. Planet 4C has one biosign not worth to scan.
4. Blu Thua VX-G c24-3 - One star systems with 10 planets. Planet 4 with 4 biosigns. I will stop to scan.
5. Blu Thua RL-M b49-0 - One star system with 4 planets, 2 gas giants with 8 moons. Only some Geosigns.
6. Blu Thua VX-G c24-5 - One star system with eight small planets and no moon, no signs at all
7. Blu Thua UB-M b49-1 - One star system with with 8 ice planets and two moons. No signs.
8. Blu Thua XL-D d12-26 - Huge system with 53 Objects. 2 Stars and and 10 Planets orbiting on both stars. 6 are Gas giants and the system has 41 moons. Two of them with Biosigns which are AB5B with 7 biosigns and AB6E with 6 Biosigns.
I will land on AB5B to stay there until tomorrow with lot of work to Bioscan.

13 de Setembre 2023/3309

Since yesterday I have spent all day scanning biology on this system a total of 13 Biosigns. I almost broke my ship that has now a 45% hull.

9. Blu Thua YM-K b50-1 - This is a 2 star system with one gas giant orbiting on B Star. Nothing interesting. It seems an undiscovered system.
10.Blu Thua YM-K b50-0 - 4 Star system with 7 planets on D-Star. Three of them have 1 biosign and are not worth to scan.

Going back to Escudella for the next jump and collect some cash from Bioscanning.
Bioscanning has been very profitable after scanning 3 systems and 25 different organic data the profits are 464.4M cr.
To complete my research Stratum Data gives 95M cr and some other plants to take into account are Frutexa, Concha and Bacteria Volu.

Planning next jump to SMOJAI WE-Q C5-2

14 de Setembre de 2023/3309

It is my mother's birthday today so I spent all day in the Escudella courier with a good family meal to celebrate it.
Tomorrow will be a duty day.

15 de Setembre de 2023/3309

In SMOJAI WE-Q C5-2 we found a 1 star system with three planets and 8 moons all in the third planet with few geological signs.

Looking the cartographic stars a small ship will not be enough, I will opt for a Gutamaya in my Cissium Imperial Clipper is a good choice.
I will also will remove my 2 3Beam Lasers and the 2D Cannons. Also 3 OA Engineered Shild boosters are not necessary.

The planned route for today is:

1. Smojai CG-O c6-4 - 1 Star system with two belts and 9 planets, Gas and MEtal, and 13 moons. This system says it is half dicovered.
2. Smojai CG-O c6-2 - 2 Star system with 1 high value planet with moon on Star A and another planet. Also 6 Planets on star B and 10 moons with some geo signs.
3. Smojai XP-E b12-1 - 3 Star system with 16 planets and 5 moons. Nothing interesting.
4. Smojai CG-O c6-3 - 3 Star system with 6 planets where plaents c3 and c4 are high value scan. I have scanned both.
5. Smojai CG-O c6-1 - 2 Star system with 10 planets and 2 moons on A and 6 planets and 3 moons on B. Planet A six is high value and has benn scanned.
6. Smojai YP-E b12-0 - 1 Star system witn 9 planets and 7 moons on A7 and 6 moons on A8. Nothing interesting but some geo signals.
7. Smojai XP-E b12-0 - 2 Star system with 6 planets on A and 5 on B with 3 moons. Nothing interesting.
8. Smojai DG-O c6-4 - 3 Star system and on Gas giant planet. Anything else.
9. Smojai BL-O c6-3 - Another 3 system with on planet but a metal planet this time.
10. NGC 6383 Sector YU-X c1-5 - After 9 boring systems this one has 3 stars but Star A has 9 planets and 10 moons where A8d has 5 biosigns and A5c has 4 biosigns.

I took a little bit longer to get the 7 biosigns from the last planet, hope it is worth it. I go back to Escudella and prepare for the next jump.

While waiting for jumping we went to cash our biosigns with amounts is 122.4M cr. Not bad since it was all on the last system.

16 de Setembre de 2023/3309

We have arrived at SMOJAI ZC-0 B34-0 - 2 suns system with 8 planets and 1 moon on A, 2 with biosigns and 6 planets on B also 2 with biosigns. Before planning our rout we have visited and bioscanned this system.
Before the route we visited Vista Genomic and this systems bring us 87.6M cr.

17 de Setembre de 2023/3309

Some deck duties impede the Captain Trabuc to star the exploration cycle.
Also today has been the homeEarth partie a time to spent with the spouse and telechat with friends and family.
We leave on the afternoon earth time to start our route on this zone which is:

1.- Smojai YV-U c16-7 - 1 sun and 7 planets with one moon, Planet A1 and A2 with high value scan.
2. Smojai NI-K d8-2 - another 1 star system with 10 planets and 2 moond. Planet 7 is a high value scan. Also some geological signs.
3. Smojai NI-K d8-10 - 2 Star system and nothing else.
4. Smojai NI-K d8-24 - 1 Sun system with 12 planets and one moon. Planet 7 and 9 are high value and 8 is a Water world.
5. Smojai FE-M b35-2 - 3 star systems with no planets.
6. Smojai NI-K d8-1 - 2 Star system with 11 planets and 3 moons with no biosigns anywhere.
7. Smojai AD-O b34-0 - 3 stars alone in this system
8. Smojai XH-O b34-0 - 3 suns, 15 planets and 2 moons. Planet C7 has 4 Biosigns.

18 de Setembre de 2023/3309

9. Smojai NI-K d8-11 - 2 Star system, on A with 2 planets and 10 moons 5 for each and on B 10 planets and one moon. Two with biosigns but are 330k ls too far to land and scan for 2 biosigns on 2 planets. It looks like only two planets have been discovered.
10. Smojai YV-U c16-4 - 2 Star system with 14 planets and no moons. Planets A5, A6 and A7 have a high value scan also A7 is a water world.

On this jump not many biosigns on the route, at the end we collected 33,6M cr. We had a good luck on landing on the system with most biosigns.
We spent some time on the bar and today the bartender seems pretier, yes even after my third gintonic. Good laughs with the crew and are happy on the trip.

We planned on Jumping to SMOJAI XU-K B56-1 and when we arrived we found a lonly star, no planets Class M star lost alone in the milky way... quite sad,

OK then we need to scan the 10 nearest stars, they are quite long one each other so it is time for the Alarich Anaconda with its 80ly jump hoping landing wouldn't be a proble for bioscan... but with advancing doking and landing computer.

1. Smojai XU-X b56-0 - One star undiscovered system with ten small planets and no moons
2. Smojai ZF-W b57-3 - One star already discovered byt the 3 planets and its 8 moons were not. Planet A1 is a hot planet just 7ls from the star.
3. Smojai YR-Z c27-7 - Just one alone star.
4. Smojai MT-Z d13-9 - One star system with 7 planets an no moons Planet A2 is a high value scan already scanned.
5. Smojai VZ-X b56-2 - 3 star system where star A has 6 gas giants with 27 moons. Planet A5 all its 5 moons hahe to biosigns. I landed on moon A5a for scanning tomorrow

19 de Setembre de 2023/3309

Wake up and starting scan the first planet with 2 biosigns, all af them have been scanned.

6. Smojai XR-Z c27-11 - 2 Star systems with 9 Planets and 4 moons. Planet B5 has 5 biosigns. We will land rest there and scan the next day.
7. Smojai ZF-W b57-2 - 1 Star alone
8. Smojai SO-Z b55-1 - Another star alone
9. Smojai MT-Z d13-39 - 2 Stars only.
10. Smojai MT-Z d13-0 - another 2 stars only.

Going back to Escudella and stoping by to Vista Genomics we have been able to collect 178.7M cr. The 5 moons with two signs only give us 50M cr and just finding one stratum gave us 95M cr.

Going back for a small jump to a milestone from Republicats a place called: BLU EUQ RA-P B6-2
The crew is intrigued what we will find there.

20 de Setembre de 2023/3309

Arriving at BLU EUQ RA-P B6-2 we found that this system has been discovered by Pilots of Catalan R and also the unique moon has 7 biosigns. One strange thing is that planet B has a high value and has not been scanned. I have scanned and since the 7 Biosigns planet has been scanned there is no need to land and bioscan. Also last jump was 100ly therefore we will jump again to a new system and start the 10 system exploration.

We will pass through Cat's Pawn nebula therefore the next jump is BLU EUQ KR-N D6-165 that will approach us there. On this system we found a one star system with 9 planets and 5 moons for the last 2 gas giants with rings. Planets 5 and 6 haave high value and have not been scanned yet.

The exploration route is:

1. Blu Euq XY-X b28-11 - One star undiscovered system with 6 gas ginats that have 24 moons in total
2. Blu Euq TS-Z b27-9 - 2 Star system with 5 planets and 14 moons.
3. Blu Euq ZT-X b28-3 - 2 Star undiscovered system, farthest star has 3 gas giants with 11 planet where 3 of them have 2 bio signs not worth to go there for 30M
4. Blu Euq TS-Z b27-10 - One star system with three Iciy planets and two gas giants. Planet 4 has two moons very close to its rings and also very close each other with 2 biosigns each. I have landed to bioscan and also spent the night here.

21 de Setembre de 2023/3309

I wake up over the planet and lift up to take some nice pictures from the blue gas giant and the close moon.

After I countinue my exploration route.

5. Blu Euq XT-Z c13-2 - 3 star system with nothing else
6. Blu Euq XT-Z c13-24 - 1 star system with 7 planets and 6 moons all orbiting on one gas giant.
7. Blu Euq XT-Z c13-39 - 5 Star systems with no planets nor asteroids
8. Blu Euq TS-Z b27-2 - 1 Star system with 8 planets and 1 moon. No biosigns.
9. Blu Euq KR-N d6-159 - 3 Star system were Star B has 6 planets 1 moon and 1 biosign already bioscanned.
10. Blu Euq XT-Z c13-6 - 1 Star system half discovered with 4 planets and 8 moons.

I have decided to go back to Blu Euq ZT-X b28-3 to scan the 3 planets with 2 biosigns since I did not find anything more valueable.

22 de Setembre de 2023/3309

We woke up and move to the third to finish our bioscanning. After, back to Escudella and visiting Vista Genomics our calculations were right 50M cr gained.

We move to the Management Center and planned to jump to "BLU- EUQ RK-J B50-9". This is a curious system with two stars On gas giant and 4 moons.

1. Blu Euq RK-J b50-10 - 1 Star system with 4 planets and the gas giant has 5 planets and rings. Nothing to scan
2. Blu Euq KC-D d12-102 - 2 star system
3. Blu Euq VQ-H b51-2 - 2 star system with one planet alone
4. Blu Euq SH-P a102-0 - 1 non scupable star with 7 icy planets and 2 moons.
5. Blu Euq KC-D d12-101 - 2 Star system A has 5 planets and one moon and B has 6 planets two of them with 2 biosigns. Time to land.
6. Blu Euq XP-E c25-30 - 1 Star system with 4 planets and 7 moons
7. Blu Euq RK-J b50-8 - 3 star system AB have 6 planets and C has three qhere the third has one bioscan. I do not land to find Bacterium.
8. Blu Euq TF-J b50-8 - 2 Star system where B has 5 planets. Nothing interesting.
9. Blu Euq WQ-H b51-9 - 1 lonely star
10. Blu Euq KC-D d12-14 - 1 Star with 7 planets and 2 moons planet 4 is a high value scan.

Back to escudella I do not learn, again i hit my carrier luckily this time my prismatic shields hava protected me :-P
Stoping on Vista GEnomics we collected 20M cr.

Next jump will be interesting since we will stop in Cat's Paw Nebula, exactly at Cat's Paw Sector TJ-Q B5-1

23 de Setembre de 2023/3309

Cat's Paw Sector TJ-Q B5-1 is a 2 star system with 7 planets an 1 moon on A and

We will visit 10 systems, but not the closests, the route will be something a little more mathmatic:

1. Cat's Paw Sector TJ-Q B5-0 - 1 star system with one gas giant and one icy planet.
2. Cat's Paw Sector TJ-Q B5-2 - 3 star system with no planet and one asteroid ring
3. Cat's Paw Sector TJ-Q B5-3 - 2 Star system where A has 7 planets and 11 moons some with biology. B has 6 planets and no moons. Since all planets have been scanned probably its biology has also been scanned. It is not worth to land for bioscanning.
4. Cat's Paw Sector TJ-Q B5-4 - 2 stars with belts and one nice whitepurple gas giant with no rings.
5. Cat's Paw Sector TJ-Q B5-5 - 3 stars A has one whitepurlple gas giant and C has 6 planets and 2 moons. Two planets have biosigns but already scanned.
6. Cat's Paw Sector TJ-Q B5-6 - 1 Star system with 3 gas giants and one icy planet and 10 moons no biosigns but all of them scanned.
7. Cat's Paw Sector TJ-Q B5-7 - 3 star systems with no planets
8. Cat's Paw Sector TJ-Q B5-8 - 1 Star system with 6 icy planets and two moons.
9. Cat's Paw Sector TJ-Q B5-9 - 1 star alone
10. Cat's Paw Sector TJ-Q B5-10 - 2 stars where A has three Metal planets. No moons.

It has been a nice ride inside Cat Paws. since we have seen all this planets have been scanned I will go back to Cat's Paw Sector TJ-Q B5-3 to land in one planet and see if it has been already bioscanned. We see all the bioplanets have allready footfall, but no moon with 5 biosigns. I will go back to Cat's Paw Sector TJ-Q B5-5, I think the 5 signs planet or moon is there. It was not 5 but 3 biosigns and I was so astonished with the nebula views that I made a rookie mistake to not doublecheck the footfall. All planets have been footfalled therefore let's go back to escudella.

Back to Management Fleet Carrier I have decided to jump to a Tauri star.
Before I had to transfer tritium from cargo to reserves using my Type9. It should be another way to transfer I will check the commander's guide.

24 de Setembre de 2023/3309

We have arrived at BYEIA EUQ ZD-A C14-1 a Tauri star with another tauri star and no planets only a belt for each star.

After last trip on Cat's Paw nebula we will change the strategy, we will continue to look the 10 closest planets with no landing and after we will go back for bioscanning. Therefore, we will use our Roca del Drac Imperial Courier to jump to these systems:

1. Byeia Euq LW-N d6-136 - 2 star system with three planets on A and 4 planets on B
2. Byeia Euq YH-A b28-5 - 3 Star system with 7 planets and 5 moons on A and 3 gas giants and7 moons on BC and 3 metal planets on C
3. Byeia Euq ZD-A c14-3 - 3 Star system with 7 planets and 1 moon on B and 6 planets and one moon on C
4. Byeia Euq ZD-A c14-34 - 2 star system with 8 planets on A with 2 moons and 9 planets on B with 3 moons.
5. Byeia Euq ZD-A c14-23 - 1 star system with 5 icy planets and one gas giant, also two moons. Some minor biosigns not worth it.
6. Byeia Euq TG-C b27-2 - 1 L star system with 6 icy planets and two moons. Moon A1a has 2 biosigns.
7. Byeia Euq SG-C b27-4 - 1 M star alone
8. Byeia Euq ZH-A b28-5 - 2 M&L star systems weher A has 13 planets and 14 moons and B has nothing.
9. Byeia Euq YH-A b28-8 - 1 M Star system with 4 Icy Planets 2 Gas giants one with rings and 9 moons.
10. Byeia Euq SG-C b27-6 - 3 Star system 2 Ms and 1 Tauri

11 systems and only one planet with biosigns we went there at Byeia Euq TG-C b27-2 A1a and i found a like mars planet I landed on a crater and biosign the typical bacteria and fonticulua.

Go back to Escudella for the next jump and cash this 10M cr of biosign.

Next jump BYEIA EUQ LO-K B50-5

25 de Setembre de 2023/3309

We arrived at BYEIA EUQ LO-K B50-5 and found an undiscovered system with 2 suns 9 planets and one moon on A and on B 6 Icy planets.

Our 10 system route is:

1. BYEIA EUQ LO-K B50-4 - 2 M&L star system with 7 planets and one moon on A. Planet A3 has two biosigns.
2. BYEIA EUQ LO-K B50-6 - 1 M Star with 5 planets
3. BYEIA EUQ HM-D D12-92 - 2 star system A star is F type with 8 planets 3 high value scan and B is K star with 3 planets and 7 moons where one planet is a water planet and its moon has 2 biosigns. After scanning all the planets and the moon I see stratum which is a high value biosign.

At this point I found out that EDDiscovery does not give right the ten closests systems. May be some data is miisng on EDDiscovery. Therefore I will do the 10 route more manually looking the Galctic map closely and target what looks closer on an eye sight. Maybe I will lose accuracy but also I imagine I will visit more undiscovered systems.

4. BYEIA EUQ JT-K B50-2 - 1 M Star system with three planets and 12 moons. Moon 1d has 2 biosigns.
5. BYEIA EUQ JT-K B50-3 - 1 M star system with 6 planets all gas giants except one water world. 19 moons and no biosigns.
6. BYEIA EUQ RJ-F C25-18 - 1 K star system with two gas giants and 13 moons. Moons 2b, c ,d and e has biosigns.
7. BYEIA EUQ LO-K B50-3 - 2 M & L stars with 6 icy planets on A and B has 8 icy planets two of them with biosigns.
8. BYEIA EUQ TE-F c25-18 - 1 K star with 6 icy planets and 2 moons
9. BYEIA EUQ NZ-I B5 1-1 - 1 M star with 11 planets and 3 moons.
10. BYEIA EUQ KO-K B50-4 - 3 M Star system with 3 planets orbiting on A with two moons and 2 gas giants orbiting on AB with 6 moons.

Going back to Escudella, to change ship to Rodella Imperial Eagle and go back to BYEIA EUQ JT-K B50-2 and BYEIA EUQ RJ-F C25-18 for bioscan.

30 de Setembre de 2023/3309

After five days of vacation we are going back to exploration. With y Rodella Imperial Eagle we are facing back to BYEIA EUQ JT-K B50-2

After Scanning BYEIA EUQ JT-K B50-2 and BYEIA EUQ RJ-F C25-18 I decided to fly over the terrain a little bit and... crashed!!! again quite loses, around 70M. Anyway it looks like I do not care but it will be my last time to crash... hopefully ;-)

I am not going to rescan there is plenty of star outthere to recover and the trip has not even reach the 25%. Next jump is LYSOORB UG-O C6-3.
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