Logbook entry

Exploration to Saggitarius with Carrier Escudella / Viatge a Sagitari amb l'Escudella [Oct 3309]

10 Oct 2023TrabucJL
1 d'Octubre de 2023/3309

Arrived at LYSOORB UG-O C6-3 and visiting the 10th closest and maybe undiscovered systems are:

Lysoorb QY-A b14-3 - 2 Star M system with no planets
Lysoorb QY-A b14-1 - 1 M Star with 8 planets and no moons.
Lysoorb QY-A b14-6 - 1 M Satar with 9 planets
Lysoorb UG-O c6-2 - 3 Stars 2 K and 1 M with 9 Planets on A where 2, 3 and 4 are high value, also with 3 moons where moon A6a has 5 biosigns. Star B has 5 planets and one moon. BC has two planets orbiting where one is a Water world and C has 2 planets.
Lysoorb AE-T d3-0 - 2 Stars, one G and the other M class
Lysoorb UG-O c6-5 - 2 M Stars with one gas giant on A that has 4 moons. Moon A1d has two biosigns.
Lysoorb UE-Z B14-6 - 1M Star system with 6 planets planet 1 has 3 biosigns.
Lysoorb XZ-Y B14-9 - 1 M Star with 7 planets and one moon.
Lysoorb TT-A B14-8 - 1 lonely M Star
Lysoorb TT-A B14-1 - Another 1 M Lonely star
Lysoorb QY-A b14-2 - And another 1M lonely star

Going back to escudella to change ship for bioscanning.
After visiting Lysoorb UG-O c6-2 A6a I have decided to go back to escudell and collect 44Mcr one planet I recovered what I found in 3 planets with much less time.
From now to be more fast we will stop only on 3 biosigns planets.
This means that tomorrow or soon I will go to Lysoorb UE-Z B14-6 A1 to collect the 3 biosign I did not have time to collect today.

7 d'Octubre de 2023/3309

I had to dismiss myself for an urgent matter that took me a week to solve.
Today afternoon earth time I am heading Lysoorb UE-Z B14-6 A1 and see what I found about these 3 biosigns-
The 2 biosigns give us 34.3M cr, not bad since we skipped the bacterium.

Next Jump is LYSOORB MB-J B37-0

7 d'Octubre de 2023/3309

Arrived at LYSOORB MB-J B37-0 we found a M star wit a belt and 5 gas giants three of them with rings and 6 moons.
After leaving escudella and scanned this system we found 7 undiscovered moons on planet A3 and A4.

There are 8 systems since what navigation system list shows on the ship that are not shown compared to EDDiscovery is the list above, maybe some systems are discovered but are not in EDDIscovery.The planned route to the 8 closest undiscovered systems are:

LYSOORB PH-T C17-22 - 4 star system with 2 K stars one M star with one metal planet and one L star.
LYSOORB NW-I B37-1 - 2 star system with M star with 7 icy planets and a belt and one L star
LYSOORB UI-R c18-5 - 1 K Star system with two belts and 5 planets with 20 moons. Moon 2B has 7 biosigns and is not mapped nor landed.
LYSOORB MB-J B37-3 - 1 M star with a belt and 7 planets with no moons.
LYSOORB HV-K B36-4 - 1 M star with 6 gas giants and 16 moons
LYSOORB UI-K D8-36 - 4 Star system one A star, one M Star, one G Star and one K star.
LYSOORB TN-R c18-10 - 1 Star system with 5 plnets where planet A has high value and has not been mapped
LYSOORB IV-K B36-0 - 1 M Star with a belt and 11 planets and 37 moons some with 2 biosigns the most. Planets 3 and 4 have high value.

Going back to Escudella to head back to LYSOORB UI-R c18-5 for those 7 biosigns.
These seven biosigns avter visiting the planet twice, just to be safe on fuel, has given a profit of 149M cr. It looks like landing on planet with at least 3 biosigns is giving us more profit and speed.

8 d'Octubre de 2023/3309

The next destination will be a red star named PRIELUIA DP-B B3. As expected no planets but a belt

PRIELUIA EP-B B2 - 2 class M suns and nothing else
PRIELUIA EP-B B3 - 2 T Class Stars and one Gas giant 350kly far away
PRIELUIA CU-B B6 - 3 stars 1 M and 2 L with a single small icy planet
PRIELUIA EP-B B7 - 2 M stars riht a bleto on A and 7 planets with 2 moons and B with 6 planets and 1 moon
PRIELUIA CU-B B5 - 1 single M star
PRIELUIA DP-B B1 - 1 M Star system with 6 planets
Lysoorb VM-U b58-2 - 1 M Star with 6 icy planets and one moon
PRIELUIA OU-A C23 - 2 star system with one G star with 7 planets and one belt and anohter K star 8 planets and 2 moons
PRIELUIA CU-B B0 - 3 M star system
Lysoorb UR-U B58-5 2 Star system A Star is an M class with 6 planets and 2 moons where planet A1 is a high value scan with bacterium. B star is an L type with nothing orbitig.

9 d'Octubre de 2023/3309

No biosigns we moved fast to escudella for the next jum to Prieluia OQ-F c11-3 passing through NGC 6357 Nebula were we found a 2 star system one K class with 8 planets and an L dwarf with 8 planets and no moons. Planet A2 is ammonia world witha high valu scanned and has not been scanned yet.

Prieluia ZA-N b21-7 - 3 T suns system
Prieluia DH-L b22-3 - 4 Star system with one M Star two L Stars and one Y star
Prieluia OQ-F c11-24 - 1 K star
Prieluia HV-P D5-109 - 1 F Star with 9 planets and 2 moons where planets 3, 4 and 5 is a high value and 7 is a water world. Also moon 5a has two biosigns.
Prieluia OQ-F C11-23 - 1 T star with one asteroid belt
Prieluia OQ-F c11-21 - 1 G star with bet and 8 planets and 5 moons. Planets 5 and 6 are high value and moons 7b has 6 biosigns and moons 7d has 8 biosigns
Prieluia ZA-N b21-0 - 1 M star with a belt and 10 Icy planets and one icy moon
Prieluia ZA-N b21-2 - 3 twin T stars
Prieluia DP-R D4-142 - 2 Stars one F Class and one K class
Prieluia HV-P d5-177 - 1 G star with 6 planets and one moon. The moon has 4 biosigns.

10 d'Octubre de 2023/3309

I have scanned the 6 biosigns on Prieluia OQ-F c11-21 7b and 7 biosigns on 7d. We stop to sleep at 7d.

11 d'Octubre de 2023/3309

I have scanned the last biosign on Prieluia OQ-F c11-21 7d and jumped to Prieluia OQ-F c11-21 2a to scan 4 biosigns.
Back to escudella we stop by Vista Genomics to collect 359M cr. That has been a good cut.

After back on the Escudella command deck we decided to jump to PRIELUIA GG-F D11-141 this system is a A star with a belt and 5 planets which 4 are gas giants. It has 26 moons.

The list of nearest and undiscovered systems are:

PRIELUIA GG-F D11-139 - A Class Star with 12 planets and 25 moons.
PRIELUIA ZD-V B44-0 - M class star with 6 planets and 1 moon which has 2 biosigns.
PRIELUIA ZD-V B44-7 - 2 Star systems. A star is an M Class with 9 planets and one moon and B Star is a lonely L Class. First 5 planets with minor Biosigns.
PRIELUIA ZD-V B44-12 - 3 Star system. A is an M class B is a L class and C is Y class. No planet nor moons.
PRIELUIA ZD-V B44-5 - 2 Star System. A is an M class with belt and 6 planets. B is a L class with 6 planets and ther are two planets orbiting on AB. Planet B4 has 4 Biosigns.
PRIELUIA UB-S A88-0 - T star class with 9 planets and one moon. Many low bioscan signs on all planets except two.
PRIELUIA VX-W B43-3 - 2 Star system. A Star is a M class with 8 planets and 2 moons. And B is T lonely class star.
PRIELUIA NM-K C22-28 - K class star with a belt and 5 gas giants all of them with rings. There are 17 moons. Moon 1c has 4 biosigns.
PRIELUIA NM-K C22-5 - K class star with a belt and 4 gas giants all of them with rings. There are 21 moons.
PRIELUIA CA-H D10-11 - F class star with a belt and 11 planets and 21 moons. Moons 5e and 5f has 7 biosigns and 5g has 6 biosigns

12 d'Octubre de 2023/3309

My data has been lost but I was scanning two systems with a moon with 4 biosigns. and on PRIELUIA CA-H D10-11 I have found 2 moons with 7 biosigns and one moon with 6 biosigns.

13 d'Octubre de 2023/3309

I have finishing scanned PRIELUIA CA-H D10-11 A5f and g but on g two of the biosigns have been impossible to find them. I am going back to Escudella to review my planet scanners or maybe is EDMatrix not working properly.

On VistaGenomics I caught a big cut of 424M cr. It looks like the strategy of iver 3 biosigns is giving us money and speed.

Next Jump is PLAA AIN SW-W D1-25. We found a three star system with on F Star and 8 plnets where two of them are high value. An M Star with a belt and 6 planets. And orbiting on BC 4 Gas giants all of them with rings and 20 moons with many biological signs. Finally the third star is a lonley L star 250k ly far away.

I am going to scan these two high value planets and the route on these area will be:

15 d'Octubre de 2023/3309

Plaa Ain TW-W D1-56 - Two star system. A star is an A class with 8 planets and one moon. 4 of are hihg value scan. The second star is an M Class with 4 planets and one moon and two planets are high value scan.
Plaa Ain XC-M B8-2 - M lonely class star
Plaa Ain SB-O B7-6 - 2 Star system. A star is an M class with 7 planets an one moon. B is an Class wit 8 planets and 2 moons.
Plaa Ain TW-W D1-150 - 2 Star system. A Star is an F clss with 8 planets B star is a lonly K class.
Plaa Ain SB-O B7-5 - 2 Star system. A star is a M class Star with 2 belts, 7 planets and 7 moons. B is a T class with no planets. Planets 3 and 4 are high value scan.
Plaa Ain SB-O B7-4 - 2 star system with A as a M Class with a single Metal planet and B as a L class.
Plaa Ain SB-O B7-7 - 2 Star system. A star is an M Class with a belt and 3 gas giatns with rings and 22 moons some of them with one or two biosigns. B star is a L class with a belt and one gas giant.
Plaa Ain OJ-A A16-0 - T class star with 7 icy planets.
Plaa Ain KY-T C3-3 - K class star with 2 belts 2 Metal planets, 2 gas giants and 6 moons.
Plaa Ain TW-W D1-101 - TT class star with a belt and 3 gas giants without rings.

After the route we have a nice cut on high value scan planets but no biosigns over 4 on any system.
Going back to escudella for the next jump.

The next jump is PLAA AIN LK-Y c14-44

16 d'Octubre de 2023/3309

PLAA AIN LK-Y c14-44 is a lonely K Class Star

The route for today is:

Plaa Ain LK-Y C14-45 - 3 Star system A is G star very close to a M star and C is K Star 1,5Kly far
Plaa Ain LK-Y C14-46 - 2 Star system. A is a K star with 6 planets and 3 moons. B is an M star with one icy planet
Plaa Ain TC-M d7-128 - 2 Star syetem- A is an A star with no planets. B is F star with 1 metal planet 1 belt and 2 gas giants.
Plaa Ain NF-Y C14-52 - 3 Star syste. A is a K star and B is a M star with 6 planets. Orbiting on AB there are 3 planets and one moon. This AB 1A Moon has 5 biosigns.
C, the last is a K star with 5 planets and one moon.
Plaa Ain TC-M d7-102 - 3 Star system A is F star very close to a K star and C is 300ly close as a M Star
Plaa Ain AB-V B30-4 - M star with 5 planets and 3 moons
Plaa Ain Wu-W B29-6 - M star with 5 gas gians with 25 moons and one icy planet as the 6th.
Plaa Ain CW-U B30-14 - 2 star system. A is a M class and B is a T class.
Plaa Ain AB-V B30-1 - M star with a belt and 3 gas giants with 9 moons
Plaa Ain WU-W b29-4 - M star with 9 planets

Going to Escudella for a beer and tomorrow going to Plaa Ain NF-Y C14-52 AB1a for thos 5 biosigns.

17 d'Octubre de 2023/3309

I have visited Plaa Ain NF-Y C14-52 AB1a and was able to scan four signs

18 d'Octubre de 2023/3309

I have visited Plaa Ain NF-Y C14-52 AB1a and was able to scan the last sign

19 d'Octubre de 2023/3309

I went back to Escudella and visited the Vista Genomics to collect 53M Cr.
Next jump planned is Plaa Ain LK-Y c14-44

20 d'Octubre de 2023/3309

Plaa Ain LK-Y c14-44 is a F star with 9 planets and 6 moons. Planets 3 and 4 are high value scan.

On this Jump we will stop by:

Plaa Ain NW-H A107-0 - T star type with 7 planets and 3 moons.
Plaa Ain HG-D C26-24 - 3 Star system with A as a K type with a Belt and 3 planets and 2 moons- B is a M star and C is a L star. Orbiting on ABC are 5 planets and 19 moons. One curiosity is that the moon ABC5a has rings, first time i see it. Moon ABC1f has 4 biosings
Plaa Ain HG-D C26-25 - 2 Star ssytem witha a K and M stars
Plaa Ain SS-E B53-3 - M star type and nothing else
Plaa Ain MW-H A107-0 - Y star with a belt, 5 icy planets and 1 icy moon.
Plaa Ain WY-C B54-2 - M star with a belt and 7 icy planets
Plaa Ain OR-H A107-0 - T star with 8 icy planets and one moon
Plaa Ain SS-E B53-4 - 2 Star system. Two M class stars. A has 7 planets and 3 moons. B has 9 planets and 1 moon.
Plaa Ain RN-B D13-75 - F star and anything else
Plaa Ain SS-E B53-11 - L star and nothing else

Going back to Plaa Ain HG-D C26-24 to take some pictures on this ringed moon.

Picking Rodella on Escudella and lets go land on planet ABC1f.. Stopping on VG we collected 76M cr.

Next jump is to EODGOLS DO-U B16-4

21 d'Octubre de 2023/3309

EODGOLS DO-U B16-4 is a M class with a belt and 5 gas giants with rings and with 21 moons.

The route is

Eodgols DO-U b16-8 - L star type with a belt and 6 planets and 15 moon
Eodgols FH-P a33-0 - Y star with 6 icy planets
Eodgols DO-U b16-7 - M star type with a belt. 13 planets and 28 moons. Moons 9c and 9d have 4 biosigns
Eodgols DO-U b16-9 - 2 star system. A is a M class with 7 planets and 2 moons. B is a T class with 9 planets and 3 moons.
Eodgols DO-U b16-12 - M type star with a belt and 10 planets and 19 moons. Planet 4 is a high value scan
Eodgols FZ-S d3-325 - 4 star system. A and B are A class and C and D are K class. I have taken nive pictures on BCD which are very close and nice to visit.
Eodgols ZH-W b15-10 - 3 Star system. A is a M class and B and C are L class. C has 9 icy planets
Eodgols FZ-S d3-225 - A type star with 7 planets and 3 moons. Planets 4 and 5 are high value scan
Eodgols DO-U b16-6 - M class star with 5 planets and one moon
Eodgols FZ-S d3-55 - 4 complex star system. A is a F class with 9 planets and one moon. Planets 5, 6 and 7 are high value scan. B is a K class and AB have 5 planets orbiting. C and D are M class and BCD have 2 gas giants with rings orbiting with 5 moons on BCD1 planet.

Going back to Escudella to pick Rodella and going back to scan the 4 biosigns on Eodgols DO-U b16-7 9c and 9d.

22 d'Octubre de 2023/3309

After spending the day bioscanning i am going back to Escudella to collect 111M cr at Vista Genomics.

Next jump is PRUA PHIO EC-U D14-67

Again some data has been lost on my LogBook. Thanks to EDD I can recover it but it is a little pain to rewrite.

In PRUA PHIO EC-U D14-67 we found a

The route is

Jump to Prua Phio YA-W b34-5
Jump to Prua Phio YA-W b34-3
Jump to Prua Phio YA-W b34-2
Jump to Prua Phio YU-Y c16-23
Jump to Prua Phio WF-W b34-8
Jump to Prua Phio YA-W b34-6
Jump to Prua Phio YA-W b34-1
Jump to Prua Phio YA-W b34-7
Jump to Prua Phio WF-W b34-7
Jump to Prua Phio YA-W b34-0
Jump to Prua Phio EC-U e3-29

No biosigns on this sector therefore we will continue our route.

Next jump is PRUA PHIO KV-B D14-67

23 d'Octubre de 2023/3309

Arriving at PRUA PHIO KV-B D14-67 we have 56 units of Tritium left. It is time to find some rings and collect around 2000 Tritium to continue. Three "Roca del Drac" full cargo will be enough since we have 640 units of cargo that will amount a total of 1920.

PRUA PHIO KV-B D14-67 is a A class star with no planets no belts

Our route, this time to find tritium is:

PRUA PHIO UQ-D C28-7 - K class star and anything else
PRUA PHIO UQ-D C28-5 - 4 Star system. A is a K class, B and C are M class and D is a L class
PRUA PHIO UQ-D C28-6 - 2 star system. A is a K class with one gas giant orbiting. B is a L class.
PRUA PHIO SN-F B57-3 - M star class with 9 planets and no moons. No rings on any planet as well.
PRUA PHIO WL-D C28-17 - 2 star system with. A is a K class with 7 planets and one moon. Planet A1 is a high value scan. B is another K star with 6 planets and one moon.
PRUA PHIO KV-B D14-68 - 2 star system. A is a lonely F type and B is 376k ly far has two belts 3 planets and 11 moons. Planet B1 is a high value scan not worth to visit.
PRUA PHIO YW-B C29-1 - K type star with a belt and 6 planets with 3 moons
PRUA PHIO UQ-D C28-9 - K class star with 5 planets and one moon.
PRUA PHIO WL-D C28-16 - K class star with 11 planets and 3 moons. Planet A5 has 5 biosigns.
PRUA PHIO UQ-D C28-8 - 4 star system. A and C are K class and B and D are M class. No planets.

We did not find any rings therefore I am going back to escudella for some fuel and do another route.

PRUA PHIO SN-F B57-4 - M class star with a belt 5 planets and 8 moons. Planet A4 is a gas giant with rings. After scanning the rings I did not found Tritium
PRUA PHIO KV-b D14-6 - 2 star system A is a A class and B is a M class. Just two stars.
PRUA PHIO TN-F B57-1 - M class star with a belt and 3 gas giants. Planet 1 and 3 have rings. There are also 7 moons. No tritium spots.
PRUA PHIO UQ-D C28-10 - 3 Star system- A is a G, B is a K and C is a M.
PRUA PHIO YW-B C29-8 - 3 star system where A and B are close being K class both. Orbiting on AB there are 6 planets and orbiting on C there is a belt and 2 planets. Planet C2 has 4 biosigns
PRUA PHIO YW-B C29-2 - M class star with 6 planets and 4 moons
PRUA PHIO VI-F B57-0 - 2 star system. A is a M class with one gas giant no rings. B is a L class with 9 icy planets.
PRUA PHIO SN-F B57-2 - M class star with a belt and 9 planets and 7 moons on planet 8 and planet 9 has rings.
PRUA PHIO WT-D B58-0 - 2 star system. A is a M class with 2 belts and 4 planets. Planets 2 and 3 have rings. Also has 9 moons. B is a L type with 5 icy plnaets. Planet 2 has a Tritium spot!
PRUA PHIO YW-B C29-9 - I have not visited this planet.

24 d'Octubre de 2023/3309

I stayed on PRUA PHIO WT-D B58-0 2 To extract some tritium. It took all day but I was manage to extrac 470u of Tritium.
Since it is a long period for extracting and Tritium is not an almost impossible resource to find on the milky way I will collect to replenish the 1000 units and continue the expedition to the mass balck hole on Saggitarius A.

25 d'Octubre de 2023/3309

Back from a rest of three days. I have changed the configuration of my Imperial Courier for mining and added another limpet controller to have 3 more limpets collecting that will count a total of nine to speed up with a cargo of 576units. Enough to replenish in two travels.

26 d'Octubre de 2023/3309

Spent the day collecting Tritium. Tried deep mining but it is too slow since my accuracy and knowledge is low. After all this day I have replenish Escudella fuel up to 984 units. Enough to continue my travel
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︎1 Shiny!
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