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Exploration to Saggitarius with Carrier Escudella / Viatge a Sagitari amb l'Escudella [Nov 3309]

17 Nov 2023TrabucJL
3 de Novembre de 2023/3309

Some earth duties have impede me to jump to the next system, but now I am back to Escudella I realized that I need to get some cash with bioscanning.

PRUA PHIO WL-D C28-16 - Planet A5 has 5 biosigns and we go to scan it.
PRUA PHIO YW-B C29-8 - Also planet C2 has 4 biosigns and I will stop there as well.

I have change my ship to Rodella and heding to planet A5 and after to planet C2.

After this bioscan we collected 126M cr. Another good cut.

Next jump now with tanks almost full is BLAA HYPAI CN-Z B17-0.

4 de Novembre de 2023/3309

Arrived at BLAA HYPAI CN-Z B17-0 is a 3 star system with an M type with 5 planets and 2 moons. Another M type with a belt and two planets and an L type with only a belt. Also there are 5 planets and 1 moon orbiting on BC.

The route for biosigns is 3 systems since stars are far away and filter shows only 6 systems, the following seemed not discovered yet:

BLAA HYPAI HT-X B18-1 - Already discovered - 5 star system. A is a M type with belt and 8 planets and 1 moon. B is another M type with a belt and orbiting with c as a T type and 3 planets orbiting on BC. D is a L type orbitng with E as a T type with 5 planets orbiting on DE. Also stars BCDE are orbiting on A star. Planets DE 2 has 6 biosigns and DE 3 has 5 biosigns but are 499k ls. We will thik if it is worth to go there.
Looking the closest stars I am expanding the list unitl 10 systems.
Blaa Hypai CX-S d4-10 - Already discovered - 2 star system. A is K type with 8 planets and B is a M type.
Blaa Hypai HT-X B18-0 - Already discovered - 3 star wytem with no planets. A is an M clas and B and C are L class.
Blaa Hypai CX-S d4-8 - Already discovered - G star with 6 planes and 2 moons. Planet 3 is a Water world and planet 2 is high value.
Blaa Hypai CX-S d4-11 - Already discovered (even by EDDiscovery).
Blaa Hypai YQ-U D3-6 - Already discovered - Many objects! - 2 star system. A is a F type with a belt and 7 gas giants with 31 moons. B is another F star with a belt and 9 planets with 20 moons- 69 objetcs in total.
Blaa Hypai JO-X b18-0 - Undiscovered - M star with 7 icy planets and 2 icy moons.
Blaa Hypai YQ-U d3-9 - Half dicovered - 2 star system. A is a F star with 2 belts, 3 planets and 9 gas giants, gas giants have 26 moons. B star is another F type with 1 belt and 9 planets. Planets A2, B4 and b5 are high value. Also moons A6d has 7 biosigns and A7d has 4 biosigns.
Blaa Hypai YQ-U d3-7 - 2 Star system A is a G class star and a K class.
Blaa Hypai AO-N C8-3 - 2 star system. A is a K class. B is a M class with 6 planets an one moon. B1 is a high valu scan planet.

Back to Escudella I will grab my Rodella and fly to the far DE stars in BLAA HYPAI HT-X B18-1. Let's see if there is enough fuel in an Imperial Eagle.

5 de Novembre de 2023/3309

Scanned 4 planets and 23 biosigns because I also landed on planet A7e that had 3 biosigns on Blaa Hypai YQ-U d3-7 system.

Stopping by Vista Genomics back on my Escudella i had collected the total amount of 521M cr

Next stop will be inside the black nebula called BLAA HYPAI AA-A H68 in a system called BLAA HYPAI OZ-O D6-21

11 de Novembre de 2023/3309

BLAA HYPAI AA-A H68 is a 3 star system. A star is a G class, B is an M class and c is a K class.

As we expected black nebula BLAA HYPAI OZ-O D6-21 is over visited so no undiscovered systems nearby.

We decided to jump a little down so we expect less stars and maybe more undiscovered systems, we will not lose our objective to arrive at Saggitarius A massive black hole.

Next jump is BLAE HYPUE BF-R B47-0 which is a M star with 7 icy planets with 2 moons and 1 gas giant.

There is an interesting group of stars to approach were I will left my escudella on the 9th one. These group are

BLAA HYPAI KR-H C24-0 - 2 star system both star are M types and nothing else
BLAA HYPAI KR-H C24-1 - 3 star system. A is a K clas with a belt and 3 Metal planets and 1 moon. B is a M type with a belt and 5 metal planets with 1 moon. Orbiting on AB there are 3 gas giants with 9 moons. C is another M star with 7 planets and one moon.
BLAA HYPAI KR-H C24-2 - 6 stars are in this system- A, B and C are M types and D, E and F are L Types. ABC have 1 planet and 5 Gas giants with 22 moons. D star has a belt and 7 icy planets. I have taken some nice pictures on planet ABC1 with its three suns.
BLAA HYPAI KR-H C24-3 - K clas star with a belt and 3 gas giants with 13 moons and 1 icy planet.
BLAA HYPAI KR-H C24-4 - K class star with a belt and 4 gas giants with rings and 22 planets
BLAA HYPAI KR-H C24-5 - K class star with 2 belts and 7 planets some with rings. Also has 11 moons.
BLAA HYPAI KR-H C24-6 - G class star with a belt and 7 planets and 4 moons. Planet 3 is a high value scan.
BLAA HYPAI KR-H C24-7 - 2 star system. A is a M Class and B is a L class.
BLAA HYPAI KR-H C24-8 - K class star with 8 planets and 3 moons. Planets 1 and 2 are high value scan.
BLAA HYPAI KR-H C24-9 - 2 star system- A is a M class with 6 planets and B is a L star with one gas giant. Also there is a Icy planet with rings orbiting on AB.
I cannot jump with Roca del Drac I need to change it to Alarich
BLAA HYPAI KR-H C24-10 - K star system with 2 belts, 3 gas giants with 16 moons. Also 1 icy planet next to A2
BLAA HYPAI KR-H C24-11 - M star system with 2 belts, 8 planets and 15 moons.

No planets with biosigns high enough to scan. Going back to Escudella for the next jump.

Next jump is to GREAE HYPAI FM-V D2-0

12 de Novembre de 2023/3309

GREAE HYPAI FM-V D2-0 is A class star with a belt and 4 gas giants with 9 moons.

The route this time is:

GREAE HYPAI FM-V D2-5 - F class star with 7 planets and one moon on A1. A6 is a high value scan.
GREAE HYPAI UW-H B11-4 - M class star with 6 Icy planets.
GREAE HYPAI HH-V D2-8 - 2 star system. A is a F class and B is a K class.
GREAE HYPAI KY-Q C5-2 - 4 star system. A is a K class, B is a M class and C and D are L class.
GREAE HYPAI KY-Q C5-0 - 2 star system. A is a K class. B is a M class with a belt, 7 planets and 2 moons.
GREAE HYPAI UW-H B11-3 - Discovered system by Cmdr Grimsal. M class star with a belt and 4 icy planets with one icy moon.
GREAE HYPAI VR-H B11-2 - 2 star system were A and B are M class.
GREAE HYPAI KY-Q C5-1 - 2 star system were A is a K class and B is a M class.
GREAE HYPAI FM-V D2-1 - G class star with 2 belts and 8 planets with 20 moons.
GREAE HYPAI YC-G B12-4 - 3 star systems. A is a M type with a belt and 4 planets with 14 moons. B is a L type with a belt and 3 planets where B3 has six biosigns. C is a T type. Orbyting on BC there are two planets and 4 moons.

13 de Novembre de 2023/3309

Going to GREAE HYPAI YC-G B12-4 with my small rodella for Bioscanning planet B3

We have collected a total amount of 141M cr after visiting Vista Genomics.

Next jump is GREAE HYPAI AB-Q B33-1

14 de Novembre de 2023/3309

GREAE HYPAI AB-Q B33-1 is a 2 star system A is a M class and B is a L class. Nothing else interesting and it is an undiscovered system.

My 10 systems route is:

GREAE HYPAI AB-Q B33-3 - 2 star system A is an M class with 7 icy planets and 1 icy moon B is a L type.
GREAE HYPAI AB-Q B33-2 - 2 star system. A is an M type with 6 planets and 1 moon. B is an M class. Orbiting on AB are 2 planets and 4 moons.
GREAE HYPAI NA-V C16-22 - K class star with 2 belts and 5 gas giants with 22 moons.
GREAE HYPAI WU-R B32-5 - M class star with 7 icy plnaets
GREAE HYPAI AB-Q B33-4 - 3 star system. A is a M type, B is a L type and c is a T type.
GREAE HYPAI NA-V C16-21 - M class star with a belt and 6 planets with 9 moons. Planet A1 is a Water wotld.
GREAE HYPAI AB-Q B33-0 - 4 star system. A and B are M class, C is a L class and D is a T class
GREAE HYPAI WU-R B32-3 - M class star with 5 icy planets
GREAE HYPAI YF-Q B33-0 - M class star with a belt and 2 gas giants with 9 moons
GREAE HYPAI WU-R B32-1 - M class star very lonely.

No biosigns back to Escudella for the next jump to GREAE HYPAI FI-B D13-38

18 de Novembre de 2023/3309

GREAE HYPAI FI-B D13-38 is a 4 star system with a single icy body on ABCD. Planet A is a F type and B, C and D are K type.

Our route for this zone is:

GREAE HYPAI SC-Z C27-11 - 2 star system. A is a K class with 2 belts has 3 gas giants and 10 moons. B is a M class with 1 belt, has 5 planets and 2 moons.
GREAE HYPAI CR-N E6-27 - 1 Neuron star!! with a HMC planet orbiting.
GREAE HYPAI IK-Y B55-4 - A single and alone M type star.
GREAE HYPAI IK-Y B55-5 - A star class with a belt and 7 planets with 2 moons.
GREAE HYPAI HK-Y B55-2 - 2 star system. A is a M class with 1 belt has 5 planets and 1 moon. B is a T type with one belt has 6 icy planets and 1 moon.
GREAE HYPAI IK-Y B55-0 - M star with 5 planets and 1 moon.
GREAE HYPAI DE-A B55-4 - M star with 1 single gas giant
GREAE HYPAI DE-A B55-5 - M class star with 2 blets and has 9 planets which 4 are gas giants that have 17 moons
GREAE HYPAI SC-Z C27-10 - 2 star system. A is a K class and B is a M class.
GREAE HYPAI IK-Y B55-3 - M star system with 2 belts and has 5 planets and 15 moons.

There is one system that attracts my curiosity I will jump to see that star named GREAE HYPAI CR-N E6-28 and I have discovered a single B class.

Back to Escudella took some pics and prepared to jump to BLAA PHRAE RK-V D3-135

19 de Novembre de 2023/3309

BLAA PHRAE RK-V D3-135 is a 4 star system were A is A class, B is a M class, C is a F class and D is a G class. Ther is one planet orbiting on A and another Ici planet orbiting on AB.

the route for this Escudella jump is:

BLAA PHRAE RK-V D3-41 - 2 star system. A is a G class and very close is a K class as a B star.
BLAA PHRAE RK-V D3-238 - 2 star system. A is a F class and B is a K class.
BLAA PHRAE KG-P C8-0 - 4 star system. A is a K class. B is a M Class. C is a M class with 1 belt and 7 planets. D is a M class with 1 belt, 5 planets and 1 moon.
BLAA PHRAE JG-P C8-32 - G class star with 1 belt and 9 planets with 2 moons. Planet A7 is a high value scan.
BLAA PHRAE RK-V D3-232 - F class star with 10 planets. Planet 8 is a Water world and planet 9 is a earth-like world.
BLAA PHRAE JG-P C8-16 - 3 star system. A is a K class with 2 belts and 1 planet. B is a M class with 4 metal planets. C is a L class with 1 belt and 3 metal planets.
BLAA PHRAE UC-D B18-1 - M star class with 4 planets and 1 moon.
BLAA PHRAE RR-E B17-9 - M star alone.
BLAA PHRAE UU-X E1-594 - A single and alone pulsar!!
BLAA PHRAE PW-E B17-4 - 2 star system. A is a M class with 6 planets and 1 moon. B is anoter M class.

Going back to eswcudella since there are not interesting biosigns on this jumps.
We are heading now to BLAA PHRAE OX-U C18-4

24 de Novembre de 2023/3309

BLAA PHRAE OX-U C18-4 is a K class star with 7 planets and 2 moons. Planet 1 and 2 are high value scan.

The route for today is:

BLAA PHRAE AA-Q B37-3 - 3 star system, A is a M class with 6 planets. B is a L class with 1 belt and 7 planets. Orbiting AB are 4 gas giants with 13 moons. C is a M star class with 1 belt and 4 icy planets.
BLAA PHRAE AA-Q B37-5 - 3 star system. A is a L class, B is a L Class with 1 belt and 4 planets. Planets B3 and B4 have 4 biosigns each. Orbiting on AB are 2 gas giants with 11 moons. C is a M class with 6 icy planets and 1 moon.
BLAA PHRAE OX-U C18-5 - K class star with 1 belt with 4 rocky planets 2 gas giants and 6 moons.
BLAA PHRAE AA-Q B37-2 - 2 star system. A is a M class with one single planet. B is another M class.
BLAA PHRAE AA-Q B37-1 - 2 star system. A and B are M class. Nothing else.
BLAA PHRAE NX-U C18-30 - K class star with 2 belts and 5 planets with 26 moons
BLAA PHRAE OX-U C18-22 - 2 star system. A is a K class. B is a M class. here is one gas giant orbiting on AB.
BLAA PHRAE UL-K D9-152 - 2 star system. A is a G class with 7 planets. B is a M class with 1 belt 6 planets and 8 moons
BLAA PHRAE NX-U C18-12 - 4 star system. A is a K clas, B is a M class and C and D are T class
BLAA PHRAE OX-U C18-14 - 4 star system. A is a G class with 1 beltl 4 planets which A1 is a Water world and 10 moons. B is a M class with 1 belt, 6 planets, which B3 is a high value scan and B4 is a water world. There are 2 moons one on each high value planet. C is another M class. D is a L class. Orbiting on BCD there is 1 planet with 1 moon and orbiting on CD there are 5 planets, which CD3 is a high value scan and orbiting on C4 there is 1 moon.

Going back to Escudella and change ship to Rodella for bioscanning those 4 plus 4 biosigns.

25 de Novembre de 2023/3309

Went to BLAA PHRAE AA-Q B37-5 to scan planet 3b and 4b.

Sell the biodata and collect 233M Cr.

Next jump to GREAE PHRAE QY-A E398

26 de Novembre de 2023/3309

GREAE PHRAE QY-A E398 is a 2 star system. B twin stars where both are B class. A star has on planet with geosigns.

I am piloting the Cissium again, my Imperial Clipper. The route for today is:

GREAE PHRAE CP-H B1 - 2 star system. A is a M star and B is a T star. No planet nor moons.
GREAE PHRAE OU-D C17 - G star class and nothing else.
GREAE PHRAE CP-H B0 - 2 star system. A is a M star and B is a T star. No planet nor moons.
GREAE PHRAE OU-D C18 - 3 star system. A is a K star, B is a M star and C is a L class.
GREAE PHRAE OU-D C19 - K class star with 2 belts and 8 planets that have 22 moons
GREAE PHRAE OU-D C21 - K class star with 7 planets and 2 moons
GREAE PHRAE HX-B D85 - G class star with 2 belts and 5 planets with three moons. Has alittle of everything. 3 high value planets, one metal rich, one water world with rings and a high metal content world, none of them landable. Moons 4a and 4b have 3 and 4 biosigns. Since I am with my Cissium I will do everytthing on this visit.
GREAE PHRAE DP-H B8 - 2 Star system. A is a M class with 1 belt, 6 planets and 1 moon. B is a L class with 7 icy planets and 1 moon.
GREAE PHRAE DP-H B4 - 2 star system. A is a M class with 1 icy planet. B is a L class.
GREAE PHRAE OU-D C34 - 3 star system. A is a K class with 2 belts, 1 Rich Metal planet that is a hig value scan , another planet that is a Gas giatn with 4 moons. B is another K class with 3 planets and one moon, planet B3 is a high value scan. C is a M class with 1 belt and 4 planets, C1 and C2 are also high value scan.

Going back to Escudella for the next jump but first visit vista genomics for those small biosigns scanned that are worth of 48M cr.

The next jump is GREAE PHRAE IY-Q D5-40

27 de Novembre de 2023/3309

GREAE PHRAE IY-Q D5-40 is a 2 star system where A is a A type and B is a M type. Orbitng on A are 6 planets where A3, A4 and A5 are high value scan. There is also one moon on A2.

The route for today is:
GREAE PHRAE IY-Q D5-249 - K class with 2 belts and 6 gas giants with rings and 6 moons.
GREAE PHRAE DD-Q B22-1 - M class star with 8 planets
GREAE PHRAE DD-Q B22-2 - M class star with 1 belt and 6 planets and 17 moons
GREAE PHRAE IY-Q D5-262 - 3 star system. A is a G class. B is a K class. C is another K class with 2 belts and 5 gas giants with 9 moons.
GREAE PHRAE PB-I C11-3 - 3 star system. A is a M class. B is a L class. C is another M class which has 1 gas giant.
GREAE PHRAE FY-P B22-2 - 2 star system. A is a M class with 5 planets and 2 moons. B is a L class alone.
GREAE PHRAE IY-Q D5-209 - A NEUTRON STAR!! with a K class star as a B with 1 belt also has 5 planets and one moon. Orbiting on AB there is 1 High metal content planet.
GREAE PHRAE IY-Q D5-89 - 4 star system. A is a F class with 3 planets. B is a K class with 4 planets. C is another K class with 1 belt 3 planets and 1 moon. C is a M class with one planet. Orbiting on CD there are 6 planets and 1 moon. Planets CD1 CD2 and CD3 are high value scan.
GREAE PHRAE IY-Q D5-158 - A WHITE DWARF!! with 4 icy planets
GREAE PHRAE IJ-O B23-0 - 3 star system. A is a M class. B is a L class and C is a T class. No planets nor moons.

Back to Escudella for the next jump to GREAE PHRAE QI-M C22-1

29 de Novembre de 2023/3309

GREAE PHRAE QI-M C22-1 is a K star class with 1 belt and 7 planets. The system has 24 moons where 1c has 6 biosigns, 1d has 7 biosigns and 1e has 3 biosigns. Those sings will be scanned back from my tour which is:

GREAE PHRAE KX-W B45-2 - M class star with 1 belt, 7 planets and 15 moons.
GREAE PHRAE QI-M C22-2 - A single K star class.
GREAE PHRAE QI-M C22-3 - 2 star system. A is a K class and B is a M class. Nothing else.
GREAE PHRAE KX-W B45-1 - M star class with 1 belt and 3 gas giants that have 9 moons
GREAE PHRAE EW-Y B44-0 - M star class with 2 belts and 6 gas giants with 17 moons
GREAE PHRAE IE-G D11-21 - 2 star system. A is a G class with 1 metal planet and B is a K class star.
GREAE PHRAE QI-M C22-15 - 4 star system. A is a G class star with 2 belts and 5 planets where A1 is a high value scan also there are 10 moons. B is a M class. C is another M class. D ia a L class.
GREAE PHRAE IE-G D11-22 - 3 star system. A is a G class. B and C are M class.
GREAE PHRAE IE-G D11-46 - F class star. Only and lonely.
GREAE PHRAE IE-G D11-19 - 2 star system. A is an A class with 8 planets and 2 moons. Planets A3 and A4 are high value scan. B ia a M class with 7 planets and 3 moons.
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︎1 Shiny!
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