Logbook entry

Exploration to Saggitarius with Carrier Escudella / Viatge a Sagitari amb l'Escudella [Des 3309]

10 Dec 2023TrabucJL
2 de Desembre de 2023/3309

I have spent the day scanning the 3 planets with biosigns.
Went back to escudella to receive 227K cr from Vistagenomics
Next Jump is VAIMOEA WP-X D1-137

3 de Desembre de 2023/3309

Arrived at VAIMOEA WP-X D1-137 we have found a 3 star system where A is a G class, B is a K class and C is a M class.

The route for today is

Vaimoea QR-O b8-0 M star class with no planets
Vaimoea VA-V c3-14 K star system wih 1 belt and 9 planets with 4 moons. Planets A1, A2 and A3 are high value scan.
Vaimoea WP-X d1-41 3 star system. A is a A class. B is a G class with one high value metal planet. C is a M class with 6 planet. Orbiting on ABC are 4 planets where ABC2 is a water world and also there are 7 moons
Vaimoea WP-X d1-108 A PULSAR!! This is a Pulsar with a M star system where B has 5 planets 4 are icy and the B1 is a metal planet.

Vaimoea YU-Y e9 B star system with 7 planets where 6 are huge gas giants and 2 moons.
Vaimoea UA-V c3-9 2 star system. A is a K star with 2 belts and 5 planets with 9 moons. B is a M star with 1 belt, 3 planets and 2 moons.
Vaimoea WP-X d1-45 A WHITE DWARF!! alone and dangerous.
Vaimoea AQ-Y e45 3 star system. A is a B class, B is a F class. C is a T Tauri class. Orbiting on BC there are 4 planets where BC4 is a high value scan, also a moon orbiting on BC2.
Vaimoea WP-X d1-136 2 star system. A is a A class with 1 belt 4 planets all with rings and 13 moons. B is a K star with 2 belts 6 planets and 18 moons.Planet A3 is a high value scan.
Vaimoea SF-V c3-4 K star system with 6 planets and 1 moon. A2 is a high value scan planet.

Next jump is VAIMOEA UW-Z C14-2

4 de Desembre de 2023/3309

Arrived at VAIMOEA UW-Z C14-2 this is a 3 star system. A is a K class. B is a L class. Orbiting on AB there are 6 planets and 1 moon. The moon has 3 Biosigns if I do not find any other system with biosigns I will land for a little cash. C is a M class.

The route for today is:

Vaimoea UW-Z c14-3 K star class with 2 belts and 7 planets with 19 moons
Vaimoea UW-Z c14-8 K class star with 1 belt and 4 planets with 13 moons
Vaimoea QE-Y b30-1 M class star alone
Vaimoea UW-Z c14-1 2 star class system. A is a K class with 1 belt and 6 gas giants with 18 moons. B is a L class with 1 belt with 8 planets and 7 moons.
Vaimoea SZ-X b30-0 2 star system. A is a M class with 9 planets and 3 moons. B is a L class with 6 icy planets and 1 moon..
Vaimoea SZ-X b30-1 2 star system. A is a M class. B is a L class with 6 Icy planets.
Vaimoea UW-Z c14-7 2 star system. A is a K class with 2 blets. B is a M class with 1 belt and 6 planets with no moons.
Vaimoea UW-Z c14-9 2 star system. A is a T star with 1 blet. B is another T with 1 belt. No planets nor moons.
Vaimoea MY-Z b29-1 M star class with 8 planets and 1 moon.
Vaimoea MY-Z b29-0 M star class with 2 belts and 6 gas giants with 13 moons.

Back on Escudella I change my ship for my Rodella to scan the three biosigns found in this system.

After bioscanning these three signs stopped on Vistagenomics and collected 55M cr.

The next jump is to VAIMOEA ZS-H B52-0

5 de Desembre de 2023/3309

Arrived at Vaimoea ZS-H b52-0 we found M class sat with one belt and 8 icy planets with no moons.

The route for today is:

Vaimoea WN-F c25-1 K class star with one belt and 9 planets where planet 5 and 6 are high value scan.
Vaimoea WN-F c25-7 K class star with 1 belt and 13 planets with 3 moons. Moon 2A has 4 biosigns.
Vaimoea WQ-D d12-11 2 star systems. A is a G class star an B is a K class.
Vaimoea US-F c25-2 3 star system. A is a K class. B is a M class. C is another K class with 2 belts 2 metal planets and 3 gas giants with 9 moons. Planet C1 is a high value scan.
Vaimoea YX-H b52-1 2 star system with a M star class as A and B is a T class.
Vaimoea WX-H b52-0 Another 2 star system. A is a M class and B is a T class.
Vaimoea ZS-H b52-1 M star class with 1 belt and 10 planets with 1 moon. Planet 4 is a high value scan.
Vaimoea YS-H b52-0 M star class with 8 planets and 3 moons.
Vaimoea US-F c25-5 K class star very lonely
Vaimoea XP-P e5-38 B class star with 7 planets and 1 moon

Back to Escudella changed the ship for my Rodella and went back to Vaimoea WN-F c25-7 to scan 4 biosigns.

Vista genomics bring us 53M cr.

Next jump is to DRYIO FLYUE OS-U D2.4

6 de Desembre de 2023/3309

Arrived at Dryio Flyue OS-U d2-4 we found a A star system. A is a A star class with a belt and has 8 planets and 18 moons. Planet 7 is almost a star with rings but is shon as a planet but as star on my cockpit radar. Also Planet 1 and 5 are hig value scan.

Look this is a planet 7 or a second star, or almost a second star.

The route for today is:

Dryio Flyue AQ-P c5-1 2 Star system. A is a K star. B is a M star with 1 belt and 4 planets with 1 moon. Planets B2 and B3 are high value scan.
Dryio Flyue OS-U d2-3 4 star system with no planets. A is a F class. B is a M class. C is a L class and D is a T class.
Dryio Flyue AQ-P c5-0 2 star system. A is a K class and B is a M class. No planets
Dryio Flyue FG-Y e30 A PULSAR!! Also with a B class star.
Dryio Flyue CL-P c5-3 G star class with 1 belt and 9 planets with 10 moons. Moons 7a and 7d have 4 biosigns and 7b and 7c have 3 biosigns.
Dryio Flyue OS-U d2-2 A PULSAR!! Also with 4 stars orbiting where all of them are M class.
Dryio Flyue KM-W d1-8 2 star system. A is a G class and B is a M class. No planets nor moons.
Dryio Flyue JM-W d1-4 G star class alone.
Dryio Flyue VZ-G b10-0 3 star system. A is a M class. B is also a M class. C is a T class. Orbiting on B there is 1 planet. Orbiting on BC there are 6 icy planets.
Dryio Flyue FG-Y e9 A NEUTRON STAR. With extreme spinning. Also 2 stars. A is a M class and B is a K class.I have supercharged in otder to jump back to Escudella.

After visiting 4 bioplanets stopped by VistaGenomics and collected 95M cr.

Next jump is DRYIO FLYUE BS-S C17-0 which is quite a lone system at the bottom of the milkyway.
Also time to look for some tritium.

7 de Desembre de 2023/3309

Arrived at Dryio Flyue BS-S c17-0 we found a three star system with no planets nor moons. A is a K class. B is a M class and C is a L class.

The route for today should be not only finding bioscan but also tritium rings in order to replenish our Escudella carrier. There are not many systems here but and it could be difficult to find tritium putting the crew in jeopardy, but adventure is adventure and we are here for exploration:

Dryio Flyue MD-K d8-23 A class star with 8 planets and 1 moon. Planets 4, 5 and 6 are high value scan.
Dryio Flyue MD-K d8-19 F class star with 4 planets and 2 gas giants without rings. Alse the gas giants have 9 moons.
Dryio Flyue MD-K d8-12 G clas star with 1 belt and a semi-star on position 6. This sistem has everything. 6 solid planets with 1 moon on planet 3. Planet 6 is a hihg valu scan. 2 Gas giants, one with rings and 5 moons where moons 8c and 8d have 6 biosings each and 8e has 5 biosigns. There are also 3 Icy planets where Planet 9 and 10 have also rings to scan for Tritium.
Lucky us we found tritium on planet 9. Also a good place to move our Escudella.

Dryio Flyue XL-U c16-1 K star class with 1 belt. 4 Planets 2 with rings and 16 moons.

T3V-LKG Spent the afternoon mining for some Tritium I have been able to collect and depot 473 units on my Escudella.

Also I collected 35 units of liquid Oxigen, 19 units of Lithium Hydroxide and 16 units of Methanol Monohydrate Crystals u have transfered to Escudella market.

8 de Desembre de 2023/3309

Spent the whole bioscanning on Dryio Flyue MD-K d8-12 8 c, d and e. The total of 6+6+5= 17 bioscan according to EDDixcovery are worth 61M but let's see the bonus.

I also sepnt some time connecting with Jordhon and Mabvs hope to see them on 3310 since we all are bioscanning in a different parts of the milkyway.

On Dryio Flyue MD-K d8-12 8 e it took me more than two hours to find the last bioscan of this Osseus. I took a picture of this desperating moment. Also some minor wreckage on my Rodella that let me with 71% hull. Many things has happened on these three small planets,

Going back to escudella to collect Vista Genomics and tomorrow will be another day for mining to reach 1000 units of Tritium.

Viste genomics gave us 300M Cr. And now Our balance has reach 5B cr. Shame I cannot buy another carrier, but back to the bulbble all these money will go to my Escudella

9 de Desembre de 2023/3309

In Dryio Flyue MD-K d8-12 I spent the whole day mining and understanding how to mine.

So far so good thanks I have changed all my hardpoints for better aiming..

What I understood is the following:
Laser is for surface not many % of tritum is depleded for asteroid.
Abrasion Blaster is for surface fragments, easy to extract.
Missile is for sub-surface material with a minigame wich is quite fun at the beginning.
Seismic charge are for deepcore mining some framgments detach on the explosion but some others needs the abrasion blaster for taking out.

At the end I have been able to collect 475 units of Tritum.

10 de Desembre de 2023/3309

Still Mining in Dryio Flyue MD-K d8-12 and Soooo much fun!!

Now that I know the mining mecanics yesterday I started mining and today I ended knowing very well what to do.

Finally I got the trick on the core mining but I was not able to find Tritium Core mining. The best is subsurface core mining but the minigame with the missiles at the end sucks a little bit and the need to replenish is costly on material.

Went back to Escudella to deploy Tritium 397 units and Escudell is full with 100 units again.
Also I transfered 16 units of Alexandrite, 8 Low Temp diamonds and 15 units of Grandiedierite.

Going to my Command Deck the next jump is Tyreanguia HK-C D14-2

Arrived at we have discovered a Neutron Star. This is a 2 star system where A is a Pulsar with 4 planets and 1 moon. The 4th planet is a high value scan. B is a M class with 8 planets and 3 moons.

The route is quite challenging since the star are far from each other:

Tyreanguia HK-C d14-8 4 star system. A is a F class. B is a M class. C is a K class orbiting 5 planets. On ABC there are 4 Gas giants orbiting with 9 moons. Moons ABC1b, ABC1c and ABC1d have 4 or more biosigns. D is another K class with 2 belts and 4 planets and 6 moons..
Tyreanguia OU-E c28-0 K star alone
Tyreanguia GH-V f2-6 3 or 4 Star system. Not sure in my scanners. A is a B class and B is a A class. C is a White TTauri Class. Orbiting on BC there is a Orange TTauri star... named as a planet. This Orange TTauri has 1 moon or it is a planet?
Tyreanguia IF-C d14-9 G star class alone
Tyreanguia GH-V f2-14 A I have discovered a BLACK HOLE!! And I crashed on it. The sister star is Neutron Star. This is a nice discovery. I have spent some time for some pictures.
Tyreanguia NU-E c28-0 K class star with 2 belts.There are 5 planets and 32 moons.

Tyreanguia RA-D c29-0 K star class with 2 belts. There is 1 planet and 3 Gas giants with 12 moons.
Tyreanguia GK-C d14-14 3 star system. A is a F class. B is a K class and C is a M Class. No planets nor moons.
Tyreanguia GK-C d14-6 G class star lonely and only.
Tyreanguia HK-C d14-4 A NEUTRON STAR!! With 3 High metal content planets where planet A1 is a hig value scan. There are 2 moons and moon 3a has 4 biosigns.
Tyreanguia HK-C d14-8 ABC1b c & d Spent the evening bioscanning the 13 Bioscans on planets on moons ABC1b c & d.

After completing the bioscanning I return to escudella to refill and jump to Tyreanguia HK-C d14-4. This has been a risky jump since I need the supercharge from my escudella to reach these two systems and there is no middle jump to support nor any star for scooping.

After this jump I decided to spend the night on on Tyreanguia HK-C d14-4 3a for bioscanning the next day.

11 de Desembre de 2023/3309

Resting on the morning and on evening scanning the four biosigns. I did not have my Joystick and it has been so long for only 4 biosigns but at the end everything went OK.

Fuel also has been enough I had returned to Escudella after overcharging my frameshift drive and landed for the next jump.

But before let's stop on Vista Genomics to collect 176M cr for 17 biosigns.

Next jump is SMEAMIAE VU-X E1-12

13 de Desembre de 2023/3309

Arrived a Smeamiae VU-X e1-12 this is a system with a single star A class.

The route for today is:

Smeamiae TA-U d4-3 3 star system. A is a G class. B and C are M class.B has one Rich Metal planet.
Smeamiae QH-M c10-0 K star class with 2 belts. There are 2 gas giants and 6 moons. Also an Icy planet with rings.
Smeamiae TA-U d4-10 F class star with 1 belt. There are 5 gas giants all of them sith rings and 16 moons.
Smeamiae SC-M c10-0 K class system with 2 belts. There are 4 gas giants two of them with rings and 15 moons
Smeamiae SC-M c10-0 NEUTRON STAR with 2 planets with rings and 2 moons.
Smeamiae VV-T d4-6 F class star with 8 planets and 2 moons. Planet A1 and A4 are high value scan and moon A4a has 5 biosigns.
Smeamiae VU-X e1-25 B class star with 7 planets and 2 moons. The last planet is a Water World with high value scan.
Smeamiae TA-U d4-4 NEUTRON STAR alone and calm.
Smeamiae VU-X e1-24 B star class. Alone as well.
Smeamiae KG-O c9-0 3 star system. A is a K class. B is a M class. C is another K class but with 1 ring and 4 planets with 5 moons. Also orbiting on AB are 4 planets 6 planets, also there is a belt around AB.

Back to Rodella I have changed the ship to Rodella for thos 5 biosigns but this ship is too smal and cannot reach the system. Tried with Cissium with a bigger jump rate and the system is reached with a single jump. Anyway it can be difficult to land.

Collected the 5 biosigns stopped by Vista Genomics and collected 44M Cr.

The next jump is SMEAMIAE TG-J D10-4

14 de Desembre de 2023/3309

We found that Smeamiae TG-J d10-4 is a WHITE DWARF that it is alone. Scary but interesting. Stars are quite far away between them. Therefore I will use Alarich for the highest jump rate.

Thr route for today is:

Smeamiae HN-S e4-5 NEUTRON STAR with a K class and anything else.
Smeamiae HN-S e4-26 B star class with 2 gas giants
Smeamiae LT-Q e5-2 5 star system A is a B class. B is another B class. Strange since 3 T star class are orbiting on A and A also has 9 planets. Total with stars, gas giants and solid planets are 12 planets. Alos there are 2 moons.
Smeamiae XM-H d11-11 F star class with 1 belt. There are 5 planets and 9 moons.
Smeamiae OY-Q c21-0 K class star with 1 belt. It has 4 Gas giants with rings and 10 moons.
Smeamiae NY-Q c21-0 2 star system. A is a K class with 1 belt. B is a L class.There are 1 gas giant with 8 moons and 1 high value planet as a high metal content type.
Smeamiae XM-H d11-2 2 star system. A is a F type and B is a M class. No planets nor moons.
Smeamiae KS-S c20-0 M star type with 1 belt. There are 5 gas giants all with rings and 13 moons
Smeamiae TG-J d10-0 F star class with 7 planet and 12 moons. Moon A4c has 5 biological signs.
Smeamiae PY-Q c21-0 G star class with 2 belts. There are 4 gas giants and 17 moons. Moons A1d and A1e have 4 biosigns each.

Went back to escudella and change the ship to scan these 13 biosigns on 2 systems.
The ship again will be the Cissium, since it was a good option last time.

Spent the night on Smeamiae TG-J d10-0 A4c and collected 4 biosigns but struggling to collect Concha biosign.

14 de Desembre de 2023/3309

T3V-LKG We found that Smeamiae TG-J d10-4 is a WHITE DWARF that it is alone. Scary but interesting. Stars are quite far away between them. Therefore I will use Alarich for the highest jump rate.

The route for today is:

Smeamiae HN-S e4-5 NEUTRON STAR with a K class and anything else.
Smeamiae HN-S e4-26 B star class with 2 gas giants
Smeamiae LT-Q e5-2 5 star system A is a B class. B is another B class. Strange since 3 T star class are orbiting on A and A also has 9 planets. Total with stars, gas giants and solid planets are 12 planets. Alos there are 2 moons.
Smeamiae XM-H d11-11 F star class with 1 belt. There are 5 planets and 9 moons.
Smeamiae OY-Q c21-0 K class star with 1 belt. It has 4 Gas giants with rings and 10 moons.
Smeamiae NY-Q c21-0 2 star system. A is a K class with 1 belt. B is a L class.There are 1 gas giant with 8 moons and 1 high value planet as a high metal content type.
Smeamiae XM-H d11-2 2 star system. A is a F type and B is a M class. No planets nor moons.
Smeamiae KS-S c20-0 M star type with 1 belt. There are 5 gas giants all with rings and 13 moons
Smeamiae TG-J d10-0 F star class with 7 planet and 12 moons. Moon A4b has 5 biological signs.
Smeamiae PY-Q c21-0 G star class with 2 belts. There are 4 gas giants and 17 moons. Moons A1d and A1e have 4 biosigns each.
T3V-LKG Went back to escudella and change the ship to scan these 13 biosigns on 2 systems.

The ship again will be the Cissium, since it was a good option last time.

I have spent the rest of the day in Smeamiae TG-J d10-0 A4b collecting data on planet A4b but concha is resisting me to be found. I will let the discover for the next day and maybe I will visit planet A4c for those 3 biosigns

15 de Desembre de 2023/3309

Today it is not my day. I found concha and scanned the 3 biosigns on planet A4c. After I travelled to Smeamiae PY-Q c21-0 A1c and as soon I arrived I forgot the landing gear i got discracted accidentally hit the boost and I crashed on the floor leaving only 1% hull. That was close to loose around 3 months of data. Next time I should take more care.

Went back to Escudella very afraid of being destroyed by a scratch on my ship but with silk hand i landed and I have been able to do some repairs, and decided not to visit vista Genomics for those 8 biosigns i had.

Going back Smeamiae PY-Q c21-0 A1c and enjoying the views of this planet that almost killed on my Cissium

everything looked fine 2 scans on the planet and when I was going back with my third scan to mi ship Cissium I did not notice my rover was so damaged and I crashed and exploded killing myself and losing data from 11 biosigns. At the end this planet killed me (but with lesser loses)

This planet today is not for me but I decided to not surrender and recover all the data lost tomorrow. Time to rest for today after being rescued by my crew.

16 de Desembre de 2023/3309

After collecting again these difficult 16 biosigns finally we have acquired 208M Cr from Vista genomics

The next jump is Triemboe EX-A D1-18 and ready to leave this jinxy system that almos got killed me first and killed on my rover (thank good it was only this!)

17 de Desembre de 2023/3309

We have stopped on Triemboe EX-A D1-18 a F star class with 1 belt and 6 gas giants all of them with rings except A3. There are 30 moons where moons A1f and A2b have 6 biosological signs. Also Moon A6c has rings.

We will plan the route and after I will land on those 2 moons.

The route for today is:

Triemboe NA-A c3-0 K star class with 2 belts and 9 planets with 18 moons. Planet A1 is a high value scan.
Triemboe NI-B E32 NEUTRON STAR with a G and K stars class.
Triemboe EX-A d1-17 2 star system. A is a K class with 8 planets and 1 moon. Planet A1 is a high value scan. B is a M class star with 7 planets and no moons.
Triemboe EX-A d1-16 2 star system. A is a K class star with 8 planets and 1 moon. Planet A7 is an earth-like world, maybe with isolated civilizations there, some pictures taken and no way to land. A6 and A8 are high value planets. B is a M class with 1 belt and 9 planets with no moons.

Triemboe EX-A d1-15 WHITE DWARF. With 3 more stars. B is a L type. C is a M type with 1 belt and 2 HMC planets. D is another L class with 1 belt and 4 HMC planets. Orbiting on CD there are 6 icy planets and 1 icy moon.
Triemboe EX-A d1-0 NEUTRON STAR moving calmly with an M star class and 1 class 1 gas giant.
Triemboe EX-A d1-3 WHITE DWARF, the second one here. With 1 blet and 2 gass giants with 10 moons and also 1 icy planet.
Triemboe GS-A d1-7 3 star system. A is a F class. B and C are M class. No planet nor moons.
Triemboe GS-A d1-6 2 star system. A is a A class star with 4 planets. B is a F type with also 4 planets.
Triemboe HS-A d1-5 2 star system. A is a F class with 9 planets, planets A4 and A7 are water worlds and A3 and A 6 are HMC with high value. B is a G class without planets.

18 de Desembre de 2023/3309

I have spent all afternoon scanning 5 biosigns and it has been very difficult to fina the osseus. Taday the whole day just to find the last piece of osseus to complete the bioscanning. Almost run out of fuel and I am on the same system as escudella.

I will go back to escudella to refill fuel and this time I will stop on vista genomics just in case i do not crash my rover again.

The total amount collecte on vista genomics is 66M cr.

Heading to Triemboe EX-A d1-18 2 b

19 de Desembre de 2023/3309

Spent the whole day scanning the 6 biosigns in Triemboe EX-A d1-18 2 b, quite more easy comparing to the other planet.

On vista genomics we have collected 90M cr for this 6 biosigns.

Going back to Escudella for some drinks until we jump on Triemboe AB-W e2-0

Triemboe AB-W e2-0 We have arrived at Triemboe AB-W e2-0 this is a 2 star system. A is a B class with 4 planets and 8 moons. B is a F class with 5 planets and 6 moons. Planet B1 is a high value planet.

The route for today is:

Triemboe EI-Q d6-11 This is a 3 star system. A is a F class. B is a M class. C is a K class with 1 belt. C has 5 planets and 1 moon. Planets C1, C2 and C3 are high value scan where C3 is a water world.
Triemboe EI-Q d6-14 NEUTRON STAR. It is with a M class star.
Triemboe AB-W e2-44 2 star system. A is a B class and B is an A class. No more.
Triemboe EH-U e3-32 NEUTRON STAR! also with another star which is a K class.
Triemboe DI-Q d6-9 WHITE DWARF! with 6 icy planets and 1 icy moon. Planet 2 has 1 biosign, let's have some picture how a white dwarf is seen from a planet!

Triemboe DI-Q d6-11 NEUTRON STAR! with another M class star. The neutron has 5 planets and 1 moon. B star has 6 planets.
Triemboe AB-W e2-2 3 star system. A is a B class. B is a A class. C is a F class. There are also 1 gas giant orbiting on B and another 1 gas giant orbiting on C.
Triemboe AB-W e2-38 1 star system or 6 star system? According to EDDiscovery and Universal Cartographics there are 1 B class star, with 3 HMC planets and 4 T class star orbiting as if they where planets. Now most weird there are 4 moons where 3 are small moons but one is a T star class. Will take some pictures of the system map.

Triemboe EI-Q d6-5 This is an already mapped system by Cmdr SHADOWNUAR. Therefore there is no need to scan. 3 star system with 4 gas giants orbiting on AB with 19 moons also 4 planets orbiting on B and 6 planets orbiting on C with 7 moons.
Triemboe QC-D c15-0 K star class. No more, No planets, no moons no other stars.
Triemboe AB-W e2-0 Back on escudella with no biosigns we are ready for our next jump.

The next system will be on SCHIENAEI BO-O C20-6

20 de Desembre de 2023/3309

Schienaei BO-O c20-6 is a 2 star system. A is a K star class with 8 planets and 2 moons. B is a L class star with 7 icy planets and some minor biosigns.

The route for today is:

Schienaei OE-H d10-79 A star class with 8 planets and 1 moon. Planets 3, 4 ,5 and 8 are high value scan.
Schienaei BO-O c20-2 K class star with 8 planets
Schienaei OE-H d10-67 F star class with 7 planets and 2 moons. Planets 2 and 3 are high value scan.
Schienaei OE-H d10-115 2 star system. A is a F star with 1 belt. It has 3 gas gants and 3 moons- B is a K star with 6 planets and 1 moon.
Schienaei TJ-R e4-34 NEUTRON STAR! with another M class star. Anything else.
Schienaei OE-H d10-66 2 star system. A and B are F class. Orbiting on A there are 8 planets ans 1 moon. Orbiting on B are 4 planet and 1 moon. Planet B4 is a ahigh value scan.
Schienaei OE-H d10-107 NEUTRON STAR! with 2 planets. Planet 2 is a high value scan.
Schienaei TJ-R e4-111 NEUTRON STAR! with 3 gas giants and 27 moons. On Planet 3 almost all moons have 3 biosigns except planet 3c which has 4 biosigns.
Schienaei DJ-O c20-3 3 star system A and B are K class, but A has 1 planet and B none. C is a M type with no planets.
Schienaei PE-H d10-14 2 star system A is a F class and B is a M class. No planets.

Back to Escudella T3V-LKG I change my ship to Rodella and let's go to scan those 4 biosigns on Schienaei TJ-R e4-111.

Change my mind I do not feel secure enough to jump with Rodella, I will go with my Bayard since it is middle size a little easier to land compared to Cissium.

Changed my mind again lets pilot Pedrera. It is a mining but I have a vehicle there and it has been many days in the hangar.

I am wondering how in Schienaei TJ-R e4-111 3c there are moons orbiting on a Neutron Star that with dimmed light can have 4 biosigns, also there are 5 more moons with 3 biosigns. If I found an over 5K scan I will scan each moon to see if I can have a good cut in credits.

I have spent the afternoon biscanning the 4 signs and also stopped on the other 5 planets to scan Frutexa which is the highest value of the three signs.

Stopping by Vista Genomics we have collected 81M cr.

Next jump is SCHEAU FLYUE BR-C C8

Arrived at Scheau Flyue BR-C c8 on the same day and this is a 4 star system. A is a K class, B and C are M class and D is a L class.

I found my Escurçó, a ship I used when I was a rookie. Since the stars are quite close it is a good zone to go back with this ship.

The route for today is:

Scheau Flyue UO-A e261 2 star system. A is a B star and B is an A type. Alos there is 1 Gas giant
Scheau Flyue BR-C c4 2 star system. A is a K class with 1 belt, has 6 planets and 13 moons. B is a M type without planets.
Scheau Flyue NI-B d155 A class star with 1 belt and 9 planets with 11 moons.
Schienaei VW-A d14-93 3 star system. A is a A class with 5 planets where planet A5 is a High Value Scan. B is a K class with no planets. C is a F class also without planets.
Scheau Flyue NI-B d290 F star class with 8 planets. Planets 3, 4 and 5 are high value scan.
Schienaei TE-A c29-13 K class star with 1 belt and 8 planets with 3 moons.
Scheau Flyue NI-B d371 5 star system. A is a G class with 1 belt and 3 planets. B is a K class also with 1 belt and 1 planet. C is a L class with 1 belt as well and 1 planet. D is a M type. C is a T class. Orbiting on BC there are 2 planets and 1 moon.
Scheau Flyue NI-B d125 3 star system with no planets. A is a G class. B and C are M type.
Schienaei VW-A d14-130 NEUTRON STAR!! with another K class star.
Schienaei VZ-Z c28-1 G star class alone very alone.

After ther route with no biosigns we were able to use Escurço without fuel scoopping it has been fun and Escurço is a great ship.

Back on Escudella we are ready for the next carrier jump which is HIPIO FLYA PC-T D4-358

21 de Desembre de 2023/3309

Waking up on Hypio Flya PC-T d4-358 this is a 3 star system. A is a F type. B and C are M class. Orbiting on AB there are 3 planets and 6 moons. Moons A2a and A2b have 4 biosigns each.

The route for today is:
Hypio Flya FF-M c9-17 2 star system. A is a K class and B is a M type. No planets nor moons.
Hypio Flya PC-T d4-411 A star system with 1 belt. There are 2 gas giants and 9 moons.
Hypio Flya FL-X e1-908 2 star system. A is a B type and B is an A type. :-)
Hypio Flya FF-M c9-45 2 star system. A is a K type and B is an M type.
Hypio Flya RX-S d4-364 F class star with 2 belts. There are 4 planets with 9 moons. Planet 1 is a high value scan.
Hypio Flya PC-T d4-645 F star class with 1 planet and 1 moon.
Hypio Flya FF-M c9-6 3 star system. A is a K class. B is a L class. C is a M class with 2 rings. All 5 planets are orbiting on C ans there is also 18 moons.
Hypio Flya PC-T d4-177 G star class alone.
Hypio Flya PC-T D4-567 2 star system. A is an A class and B is a M class. No planets nor moons.
Hypio Flya PC-T d4-521 3 star system. A, B and C are K class but A is K Orange giant.

Spent the eveneing scanning 6 biosigns. No bacterium this time. I headed back to Escudella to collect 50M cr from Vista Genomics.

Next carrier jump is Hypio Flya MJ-T C19-46

22 de Desembre de 2023/3309

On Hypio Flya MJ-T c19-46 we found a 3 star system. A is a K class. B and C are M Class. B has 6 planets. C has 1 belt, 3 gas giants with rings and 20 moons.

The route for today is:

Hypio Flya FM-K d9-811 F class star alone.
Hypio Flya FM-K d9-14 G class star alone.
Hypio Flya JS-I d10-626 3 Star system. A is a F class with 3 planets. B is a G class. C is a M class. Orbiting on BC there are 5 planets and 1 moon. 4 of these planets are high value scan.
Hypio Flya JS-I d10-746 2 star system. A is a G class with 2 belts, 4 planets and 12 moons. B is a M class with 2 belts, 1 Gas giant and 2 moons.
Hypio Flya MJ-T c19-13 K star class with 10 planets and 3 moons. Planet 2 is a high value scan.
Hypio Flya JS-I d10-632 G class star with 2 belts and 4 planets with 8 moons.
Hypio Flya HW-W f1-1124 B class star with 1 planet and 1 gas giant.
Hypio Flya JS-I d10-660 F Class star with 10 planets and 24 moons. Planet 6 is a Y Star with rings. Planet 2 is a high value scan. Also moon 9b is a water world.

I am stopping here to rest and continue later for scanning those 2 planets.
Going back an quickly scanned the 2 moons.

Hypio Flya JS-I d10-466 2 star system. A is a G star with 2 belts, 3 planets and 12 moons. B is a L star with 1 belt and 1 planet.
Hypio Flya DZ-K b40-1 5 star system with no planets. A is a M class. B is a L class. C and E are T class and D is another M class.

Back to Escudella T3V-LKG with no biosigns found we head directly for the next carrier jump. The jump is on Phraa Flya SI-B E1953.

Time to rest for tomorrow route. Now going to chill with some music in a concert with my crew.

23 de Desembre de 2023/3309

Arrived at Phraa Flya SI-B e1953 we have found a complex star system. We can say this is a 2 star system or a 5 star system. According to Universal Cartographics A is a B star class with 18 planets but planets 14, 16 and 17 are T class stars, there is also 1 moon and planet 1 is a high value scan. Star B is a F class with no planets.

Stars are so close here and are many and many on the space.

We will use our prefered small ship Rodella to jump and scan and scoop.

The route is:

Phraa Flya JR-C d576 3 star system. A is a A class with no planets. B is a K class with 12 planets, planet 1 and 2 are high value scan but they are 395k ly quite a travel to scan them, but I have gone. C is a M class with 7 planets and 1 moon.
Phraa Flya KR-C d1972 F class star with 7 planets and 2 moons. Planet 2 and 3 are high value scan.
Phraa Flya YO-D c1-123 K class star with no planets
Phraa Flya KR-C d1447 3 star system. A is a F star class. B is a M class and C is a L class with 1 planet.
Phraa Flya KR-C d563 3 star system. A is a F class and B is a K class very close to A. Orbitng on AB there are 8 planets and 1 moon. C is a M class.
Phraa Flya YO-D c1-118 G star class with 2 belts and 4 planets 3 are gas giants. There are also 13 moons.
Phraa Flya KR-C d978 2 star system. A is a G class with 2 belts. There are 6 planets and 19 moons. Moons A4a and A4f have biosigns. 5 and 6 each. B is a M class with 1 belt. It has 10 planets and 5 moons.
Phraa Flya JR-C d813 3 star system with no planets. A is a F class, B and C are K class.
Phraa Flya KR-C d1658 G star class with 2 belts and 6 planets with 13 moons. Planet 1 is a high value scan.
Phraa Flya RI-B e2804 2 or 4 star system. A is a A class but with 2 stars type Y orbiting as planets. It has 1 belt, 6 planets counting the 2 Y stars and 22 moons. B is an F class. Planet 1 is a burned metal rich planet by this massive A class star and it is orbiting a very high speed where 1 orbit (1 year) lasts 1,4 days and you can easily see the rotational mvement. Also we are visiting planet-star 4 that has rings and also a moon with rings.

Back on Phraa Flya KR-C d978 I am landing on planet A4a for bisocanning the planet the next day.

24 de Desembre de 2023/3309

I have wake up on planet A4a and ready to grab my rover and start finding those 5 biosigns.

25 de Desembre de 2023/3309

Caga tió! Caga turró! M'he quedat a casa per menjar una bona ESCUDELLA!!!!!

Escudella: is a traditional Catalan meat and vegetable stew and soup. Francesc Eiximenis wrote in the 14th century that it was eaten every day by Catalan people.[ It is characterized by the use of a pilota, a very big meatball spiced with garlic and parsley; it also contains vegetables as celery, cabbage, carrots, etc. depending on the season. Additionally, bones, sausages called botifarra, and other types of meat, can be used. In historical times a type called escudella de pagès, which had pasta and rice, was traditionally made on Thursdays and Sundays

Xmas Escudella: a particular version of the soup that can be called "escudella de Nadal" (Christmas soup) or either "sopa de galets" (galets' soup) and it is very typical on Christmas Day. It includes meat from four different animals, a pilota, several vegetables and the traditional special type of pasta known as galets, which are snail-shaped and notable for their considerable size.

Bonissima!! Very good meal!!

26 de Desembre de 2023/3309

Back on my Escudella after scanning today the second planet we have collected 120M cr on VG and we have reach 6B in savings.

Next jump is to Phraa Flya FC-S D5-1552 where we need to replenish some tritium. So scanning rings for Tritium is a must.

We need to speed up a little bit our course therefore we need to change the strategy:

1.- Instead of visiting 10 planet per fleet jump we will do 5
2.- Instead of stopping on 4 biosigns or more we will stop on 6 biosigns or more.
3.- Mining requirement will stay the same collecting around 900-1000 units whe Tritium is spent on the carrier.

Arrived at Phraa Flya FC-S d5-1552 we found a 2 star system with no planets. A is a F class and B is a K class.

Phraa Flya LE-K c11-115 3 star system. All three are K class. There are 5 gas giants all with rings orbiting on AB with 18 moons. 3 planets orbiting on B and 5 planets with 2 moons orbiting on C.
Moon AB1d has 6 biosigns :-)

31 de Desembre de 2023/3309

Spent 5 days mining on the rings of Phraa Flya LE-K c11-115 AB4. Collected around 850 units of Tritium. Many has happaned, I felt ill for 2 days, also we have upgraded our software in the carrier and on the ships. Now everything is faster, smoother and very detailed. I am happy with all achieved.

Today is the last day of 3309 and a new earth year is coming.

The next log post will be weekly, and hope Cmdr Trabuketa will become more active, time will tell.

Our next jump is to Wepai HV-M A89-0 and we are behind schedule to reach Saggitarius A, 3 months so far and many experiences have passed.

Closing this log o7 3309!!

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