Logbook entry

Exploration to Sagittarius with Carrier Escudella / Viatge a Sagitari amb l'Escudella [Gener 3310 W01]

07 Jan 2024TrabucJL
1 de Gener de 3310

Opening this Captain Logbook or Quadern de a bord de l'Escudella to continue our journey on Saggitarius A with the carrier.

January 1st we have arrived at Wepai HV-M a89-0. This is a 2 L type stars with 6 icy planets and 1 icy moon on star A and 9 icy planets on star B.

The route for today is:
Wepai CL-P e5-6388 B star class with 10 Gas Giants where A7 is a Tauri Star Class and many moons total of 52 moons. Quite a number!
Wepai EW-E d11-3446 2 star systems. A is a A type and B is a G class.
Wepai RK-T b44-2 M star class with 1 belt. It has 5 planets and A1 is a high value scan.
Wepai EW-E d11-1899 G star class with 1 belt and 1 planet and 3 gas giants with rings which they have 14 moons. Planet 1 is a high value scan.
Wepai AQ-G d10-2845 3 star system. A is a F class and B and C are T-Tauri class. There are 6 planets counting the 2 T-Tauri stars and 1 moon. Planet 2 is a high value scan.

Back to Escudella T3V-LKG after visiting this time 5 systems and speeding up the route the next jump is Hypio Pri YT-A D2352.

I am going to stop on vista genomics just in case I have some biodata I do not remember because my last's year illness.

No data I had on my own. I am heading for some Gin Tonics into Escudella's bar waiting for the next jump.

Hypio Pri YT-A d2352 Arriving on Hypio Pri YT-A d2352 we found a F star class system with 10 planets and 31 stars.

The route is:
Hypio Pri YT-A d2578 2 star system. A is a F class and B is a K class.
Hypio Pri YT-A d3459 3 star systems. A is aK class. B is a M class with only 1 high value scan planet. C is another M class with 1 ring and 10 planets with 22 moons.
Hypio Pri YT-A d7474 F star class with 2 rings and 3 Gas giants where one ia a Y star class. There are many biological signs on those 17 moons. Moons 2d 2e 2f have 5 biosigns, moon 1c has 5 biosigns and moons 1b has 7 biosigns.
Hypio Pri YT-A d4842 A class star single and alone.
Hypio Pri YT-A d2233 2 star system. A is a an A class. B is a M class. Orbiting on AB are 8 planets and 23 moons, some with 3 biosigns.

Back on Escudella T3V-LKG to change the Cissium for Rodella and scan Hypio Pri YT-A d7474 for those many biosigns.

After bioscanning 7 signs on Hypio Pri YT-A d7474 1b I decided to rest on a chill place on Hypio Pri YT-A d7474 1c for tomorrox scanning the 6 biosigns this planet has.

4 de Gener de 3310

Many things has happened between the second and fourth of Jan '24:

I was able to collect more biosigns but when my rover was idle and I was not paying attention my rover exploded. Reasons, i do not know, checking the log I have not seen anything strange. The only reason could be lack of fuel but I was pretty sure i was not going ran out of gas.

Anyway I went back to Escudella, get another rover and start again.

I spent 3 days bioscanning the 32 signs and I got 108cr without bonus.

This system which 74 is my earth years birth has liked me a lot and enjoyed every bioscan.

Back on Escudella I visited Vista Genomics and with bonusses we have collected 540M cr my biggest cut in a single system!

Also I have been promoted Elite Exobiologist!!
Another big success on my career.

Next jump is to Hypio Pri FM-U D3-3134 (I hit it by accident but fate drives us there).

Hypio Pri FM-U d3-3134 We have arrived at Hypio Pri FM-U d3-3134 this is a G star class system with 11 planets and 2 moons. Planet 3 is a high value scan.

The route for today is:
Hypio Pri FU-Y b17-36 M class star with 1 belt 3 gas giants and 1 planet. The gas giants have 17 moons.
Hypio Pri OE-N c8-2115 K star class alone.
Hypio Pri OE-N c8-2017 4 star system. A is a G class with 1 belt with 5 planets and 2 moons. Planet A5 is a high value scan. B is a L class with 1 belt and 7 planets with 3 moons. Planet B5 is a high value scan. C is a M class with 1 belt and 3 planets. D is a L class. Orbiting on CD there is an almost star class Y with rings and 5 moons.
Hypio Pri OE-N c8-1929 2 star system. A is a K class star with 1 belt and 10 planets, planets A7 A8 A9 and A10 are high value scan. B is a M class star with 1 belt and 6 planets with 1 moon. Planets B1 and B2 are high value scan.
Hypio Pri OE-N c8-2436 K star class with 8 planets. Planets 1, 2 and 3 are high value scan.

After visiting 5 systems and no biosigns I am back to Escudella T3V-LKG for the next jump which is Hypio Pri PC-V C18-1212

Hypio Pri PC-V c18-1212 is a K star class with 2 rings and 5 planets with 4 moons. Planet 1 is a high value scan.

The route for this sector is:
Hypio Pri PC-V c18-3771 3 star system. A is a K class with 1 ring, 4 planets and 1 moon. B is a M type with 4 planets. C is also an M type with 9 planets where planet C2 is a high value scan. Orbiting on AB there are 2 gas giants with rings and 2 moons. There is also 1 icy planet orbiting on ABC..
Hypio Pri PC-V c18-571 K star alone and single
Hypio Pri RX-U c18-193 2 star system. A is a K class with 1 ring and 6 planets. Planets A4 and A5 are high value scan. B is a M class with 4 planets where planet B3 is a high value scan.
Hypio Pri RX-U c18-2602 K star class with 2 rings and 9 planets with 19 moons.
Hypio Pri GA-Q b37-87 4 star system. A is a M type with 1 ring and 3 planets and 2 gas giants with 10 moons. B is another M type with no planets. C is a L type alone. D is another L type alone aswell.

On Escudella T3V-LKG again we are 700ly from Sagittarius A. But we need first to stop on another system, the next jump is on Hypio Pri OZ-O E6-2473

Arrived at Hypio Pri OZ-O e6-2473 we found a 2 star system A is a T star class with 1 belt and B is another T star class with as well a belt.

The quick tour on this zone is:
Hypio Pri BF-J b56-109 4 star system. A is a L star with 1 belt and 4 planets with 1 moon. B is a T star class with 1 belt and 2 planets. Orbiting on AB are 2 icy planets C is a L class and D is a T class star.
Hypio Pri BF-J b56-146 M star class an alone star.
Hypio Pri NP-E c28-1804 3 star system. A is a K class, B and C are M class. There are no planets nor moons.
Hypio Pri HF-C d14-5339 2 star system. A is a K class and B is a M class.
Hypio Pri NP-E c28-2174 K star system with 6 planets and 1 moon. Planets 1, 2 and 3 are high value scan.

Back to Escudella T3V-LKG and after finding anything interesting I run to sit on my Commander Deck in my carrier Escudella.

So this is it, the endpoint of our journey: SAGITTARIUS A* this is our next jump and the crew is excited to reach it.

Sagittarius A* We have arrived at Sagittarius A*. The crew is cheering up and celebrating the achieve.

Here we found B class star that has 5 fleet carrier orbiting and another carrier our Escudella. 67.233Ls there is the center of the milky way a super massive black hole class SBH5VII.

Since Escudella is quite far from the black hole were are 16 fleet carriers we will jump a little back and jump again in to be much closer to the black hole.

Waiting Escudella to jump I was visiting some near systems and I have found strange phenomena in the rings of planet A in Stuemeae KM-W c1-342 system.

Here on Stuemeae KM-W c1-8086, the closest system to Sagittarius A and trying to jump closer to the massive Black Hole we have found it is not possbile since there are not free slots available. Therefore we need to jump back to the B class star.

Waiting for my carrier to jump back I will go to see if there is an undiscovered system near Saggitarius A.
Stuemeae FG-Y d215v This one is already discovered.
Stuemeae KM-W c1-7994 This is a system already discovered but there are two high value planets. I am scanning Planet A4 and A5.
Stuemeae KM-W c1-4634 A lonely K class star.
Stuemeae KM-W c1-488 Discovered
Stuemeae FG-Y d8248 Discovered

Back on Sagittarius A with my Rodella I crashed on the black hole and found it heats the engines dangerously. I stopped ona carrier for repairs and going back to Escudella for changing to my Cissium and take some more pictures. Lastly I will do the same with La Roca del Drac.

It is a shame that each time you have to travel back 65Ls for this reason I will place my Escudella on another star for easy traveling

The carrier has jump to Stuemeae FG-Y d4857 an A class Star and found planet 2 is a high value scan. But this system is already discovered.

Back to the centre we took some pictures with Cissium. Also stopping on a Carrier similar to Escudella for some other pictures.

Before going back I took some pictures on a carrier similar to Escudella to have a souvenir of what could be to stop there if slots were not full:

Back to Escudella T3V-LKG to change the ship and start thinking on getting Tritium.
Maybe visiting those carriers they have some to sell. Unprobably but need to try.

5 de Gener de 3310

Sagittarius A* Back to the centre with Cova del drac I took some pictures and landed on some carriers for Tritium with no luck.

After a short period of time we decided to go to the bottom of the galaxy, as we planned and neded to change due to lack of stars. This is a trip about 3200LY

Back on Escudella T3V-LKG on Juenae AJ-C c2-3874 we are planning these 3200LY, this should account of 6 or 7 carrier jumps. Therefore to be safe on three jumps we should go for mining some Tritium.

1st jump is to JUANAE WD-A B4-150. From now on we will count our jumps according to an objective predefined.
Juenae WD-A b4-150 A Arrived at Juenae WD-A b4-150 this is a 2 star system. A is a M class with 1 belt and 3 iscy planets. B is a T star with 1 belt and 6 Icy planets. This system was discovered and scanned by Cmdr Voneetoe.

The 5 systems is:.
Juenae NY-Z d2578 2 star system discovered by Cmdr Xegon.
Juenae YB-A c2-3367 M class star alone. Discovered by Cmdr Hamouras.
Juenae YB-A c2-86 M class star with 1 belt. There are 2 planets, 6 gas giants and 14 moons.
Juenae YB-A c2-451 M class star with 1 belt. There is 1 gas giant with 8 moons.
Juenae YB-A c2-6744 2 star system. A is a M class with 1 belt and 5 planets with 1 moon. B is a L class with 3 planets and 1 moon.

T3V-LKG Back on Escudella ready for the next and 2nd jump to Juenae ZU-Y D8829.
Arrived at Juenae ZU-Y d8829 we found a K star class star with 1 blet and 10 planets with 19 moons.

The quick route is:
Juenae YP-X c1-1033 K star system with 1 belt and 5 plnets with 7 moons. System discovered by Cmdr Chalicer, Half mapped by Comdr Hartmann Von Doom and Cmdr Altrieth
Juenae ZU-Y d4688 M star alone discovered by Cmdr Hixbb
Juenae ZU-Y d6162 2 star systems. A is a K star with 2 belt 2 high value planets and 4 gas giants with 16 moons. B is a K star with 2 belts, 4 gas giants and 8 moons. This system was discovered by Cmdr Vetal_l and barely scanned by this cmdr. Cmdr Trabuc has finished the FSS.
Juenae ZU-Y d8837 G star class with 2 belts and 2 gas giants with 1 icy planet, the system has 10 moons and moon 1b has 6 biosigns but I am not going to bioscan it. The system was discovered by Cmdr Themasterm but not completely scanned on FSS.
Juenae YP-X c1-279 G star type with 2 belts and 1 planet and 3 gas giants with 10 moons. Planet 1 is a high value scan.

Back on Escudella T3V-LKG for the 3rd jump to Phraa Pra FS-A D1-437. This time changing the ship to Roca del Drac to fill the carrier with Tritium.

Arrived at Phraa Pra FS-A d1-437 we found a discovered system by Cmdr Vetal_L were planet 7 is a high value scan. Also there are 2 icy planets with rings. I will approach them to see if there is Tritium on those rings.

Also from here now the dense star system from the milky way can be seen above our heads.

And yes! Planet 8 has Tritium on its rings. We will also check Planet 9 and als has two Tritium spots. We will stop on this planet 9 to start mining.

After collecting 24 units i will rest here until tomorrow.

6 de Gener de 3310

Spent the day mining.

6 de Gener de 3310

Spent the day mining. And learning munchkin.

This has been the first week of 3310. Closing this chapter of the Cmdr Trabuc Logbook. Reported and finished for public.

o7 Cmdr Trabuc.
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