Logbook entry

Exploration to Sagittarius with Carrier Escudella / Viatge a Sagitari amb l'Escudella [Gener 3310 W02]

08 Jan 2024TrabucJL
8 de Gener de 3310

Departing from Phraa Pra FS-A d1-437 and with not full of Tritium yet now I will route the closests 5 systems if there is Tritium I will stay if not I will try next or go back to Phraa Pra FS-A d1-437 to finish mining.

The route is:
Phraa Pra OD-B e224 t star class already discovered by Cmdr Hartmann Von Doom. I will scanning only for EDDB. It has 1 belt and 4 planets and one of them not discovered yet.
Phraa Pra OD-B e2499 2 Star system. A is a T star with 1 gas giant. B is a T star with 1 belt 2 gas giants and 1 icy planet..
Phraa Pra FS-A d1-2984 2 star system already discovered by Cmdr Dylmah93.
Phraa Pra FS-A d1-2982 3 star system with 63 bodies already discovered by Cmdr Mike Slade.
We found a Ring with Tritium and spent the day collecting 223 units to replenish Escudella for the travel to the bottom of the milky way.
Phraa Pra KK-B c2-202 K star type discovered with 2 belts, there are 4 gas giants with 19 moons and un icy planet far away.

Back to Escudella we donate Tritium to have it fully replenish.

We also save the limpets for future mining.

The 4th carrier jump will be on PHRAA PRA TJ-A D161.

9 de Gener de 3310

We have arrived at Phraa Pra TJ-Z d161 here we have a 3 star system. A is a A class. B is a K class. C is a M class with 1 belt and 4 planets. Orbiting on BC there are 2 gas giants and 9 moons.

The quick route for today is:.
Phraa Pra TJ-Z d549 2 star system. A and B are M class star. A has 1 belt and 7 planets with 8 moons. Planets A1 and A2 are high value scan.
Phraa Pra KY-Y c1-12 System already discovered by Cmdr. Unfocssedmoss. 2 star system with 1 an only planet orbiting on A, also this planet is a water world.
Phraa Pra KY-Y c1-24 K class star with 2 belts. There are 2 gas giants with 8 moons and 1 icy planet with rings
Phraa Pra TJ-Z d577 F star class with 3 gas giants and 4 moons.
Phraa Pra KY-Y c1-28 3 star system. A is a G class and only this star was dicovered by Cmdr Omegah Shot. B is a M class. D is a L class with 1 planet. Orbitinc on BC thre is 1 gas giant..
Phraa Pra KY-Y c1-19 2 star system. A is a K class with 5 planets where planets A2, A3 and A4 are high value scan. B is a M class with 7 planets and 1 moon.

Back on Escudella T3V-LKG after our 5 visits we are planing the next jump.

The 5th jump is to PHRAA PRAA FG-Y D34, and according to the galaxy map star desity is very low. We will see what await us there.

We have arrived a Phraa Pra FG-Y d34. This system was discovered by Cmdr Bakula 666, Cmdr Sentoris and Cmdr Zama Nahs. Is a K star system with 1 belt 4 planets and 1 moon.

The 5 jumps here are:
Phraa Pra EG-Y d38 2 star system already discovered by Cmdr Rikk and Cmdr Toni_Zero
Phraa Pra HR-W c1-4 3 star system. A is a K star discovered by Cmdr Sol Didact and it has 1 belt and 5 planets. B is a M star with 1 belt and 7 planets. C is a far M star class with 11 icy planets and 1 moon.
Phraa Pra AA-A e6 2 star system already discovered by Cmdr Hobgoblinsdg.
Phraa Pra JC-V c2-3 2 star systems undiscovered. A is a K class star. B is a M class star. No planets nor moons.
Phraa Pra JC-V c2-1 2 star system half discoverd by Cmdr Michey (On star A and its 3 planets) Planet A3 is a high value scan. B star is a M class with 9 planets where planet B9 is a high value scan.
Phraa Pra FG-Y d74 Just passing by and already discovered by Cmdr MrMaccallan. Nice 5 star system.
T3V-LKG Back on Escudella for the next jump to destination Sluemoa SJ-Z E2.

This is the 6th jump and the penúltimate to reach our destination, the bottom of the milky way from Sagittarius A*.

We have arrived at Sluemoa SJ-Z e2 and first thing to do is change the ship for my alarich the highest jump ship I have of about 80 Ly.

What we find here is a system with 24 bodes already discovered by Cmdr Madrigor. it is a G star class with 10 planets and 13 moons. Planet 6 is a high value scan.

This is also a higly visited system since there is nothing to discover, nor to map or to first footfall. We asome the next carrier jump will be the same.

There is a chance to visit 5 systems which are less than 80Ly.

Therefore the route is:
Sluemoa UO-A f6 2 star system discovered by Cmdr Madrigor
Sluemoa SJ-Z e9 T tauri star with 1 belt discovered by Cmdr Ldobe
Sluemoa UO-A f37 T tauri star with 2 gas giants 1 moon and 1 Icy Panet discovered by Cmdrs Szelag, Digitalwarzone and Goemon
Sluemoa UO-A f23 3 star syste whera A b anc C are T Tauri stars with no planets nor moons. Discovered by Cmdr Sir Raw Thunder and Gabriellg
Sluemoa UO-A f10 Another T Tauri star with 1 belt and 4 planets discovered by Cmdr Shilling
Sluemoa UO-A f42 Another T Tauri star with 1 belt discovered by Cmdr Boogyman

After visitin the neares 6 systems that are less than 80Ly jump we are back to Escudella for what we think is the lowest system Sluemoa YE-A G0

This is the 7th carrier jump to our destination, and the crew is excited to arrive there and see all the milky way from the very bottom of Sagittarius A*.

I am moving to my Command Deck for this jump.

Finally we arrived at SLUEMOA YE-A G0 what we can see is the lowest star from Sagittarius A*. This is a T Tauri star with a belt, and no planets, no moons, no life. Only a young star dated with less than 1M years discovered by Cmdr Aulinawho.

We have flight with Anaconda, Escudella and Cissium and took some pictures of the emptiness of space and the veiws from the bottom of the milky way. From this distance no one can appreciate any of the arms only a small curvature of the galaxy. One can see another galaxy but to jump there need a increase amount of technology humanity today does not have.

To spend a little more time here we will take la Roca del Drac and mine some rocks to see and get some materials far far from home.

We did not fine good materials here mostly Rutile, Bauxite, Uraninite, Lepiodite anda, Gallite, Cobalt amd Coltan. We tried some deep mining but we fail on charges and we miss the only deep core asteroid, a shame but nothing grave.

Back to Escudella we had a innovative idea, since the nearest systems are more than 150ly why not carrier jump to the next 5 systems? Then the route will be:

Sluemoa YE-A G17 197ly
Sluemoa YE-A G14 216.68 Ly
Sluemoa YE-A G15 149.49
Sluemoa YE-A G18 308.67
Sluemoa YE-A G8 141,21Ly

And if we are OK with Tritium we will continue to carrier jump to:

Sluemoa YE-A G16 309.76 Ly
Sluemoa YE-A G1 257.38Ly
Sluemoa YE-A G13 380.79Ly
Sluemoa YE-A G2 337.39Ly
And a last one that we will see after visiting so many T-Tauri stars.

10 de Gener de 3310

1st carrier jump:
We found in Sluemoa YE-A g17 a T Tauri with 1 belt, the same as Sluemoa YE-A g0. I will make a round and go for the next carrier jump. This sistem was discovered by Cmdr Gregorio Cortez.

I did some mining and explode one rock with nice pinky smoke.

2nd carrier Jump is to Slumeoa YE-A g14:
This second visit we find a 2 T tauri system where both stars have 1 belt each.

I took some pictures on the first belt trying to find some deepcore mining but nothing found.

3rd carrier jump:
After this third jump on Sluemoa YE-A g15 we found a 4 star T class sytem. we just flight around for nice T orange and T low red pictures.

Back to Escudella for the next jump

12 de Gener de 3310

4th Carrier jump:
We have arrived at Sluemoa YE-A g18 a system discovered by Cmdr P3X704. It is a T Tauri star with one belt. It is the same that we found ant the bottom of the galaxy.
No need to travel around and we will start the next carrier jump.

5th Carrier jump:
We have arrived at Sluemoa YE-A g8 a system discovered by Cmdr Gregorio Cortez. It is another T Tauri star alone. I will go to just flight less than 5' and with my Escurçó ship that has been quite time I haven't flight.

Since we have seen that the other 5 planets are also T Tauri stars and any of the last system were not discovered we better head up to the top of the galaxy, just for the experience to be there and after head back to the bubble.

Therefore we will do the second 1st half jump heading to the top of the galaxy arriving at 350Ly to Sluemoa XP-X E1-10.

Our destination should be Quemeou AA-A G1 and we should do it with 14 carrier jumps starting from Sluemoa YE-A g0

1st carrier Escudella Jump to top of Milky way:
We have arrived at Sluemoa XP-X e1-10 and we have found at least an undiscovered 3 star system-All three stars are T Tauri stars where A and C have 1 belt.

With my anaconda I can make some jumps since here the closests systems are from 13ly. but I though the stars here would be farther away.

The 5 star route will be:
Sluemoa QP-V d3-21 F star class with 4 gas giants and 17 moons. I will not stop but moons 2a, 2b, 2c and 2d have 5 biosigns.
Sluemoa QP-V d3-29 3 star system, where A is a F class, b is a M class and C is a L class. No planets.
Sluemoa KL-P c8-1 2 star system. A is a K star with 1 belt and 6 planets and 1 moon also planet A1 is a high value scan. B is a M star with 8 icy planets.
Sluemoa QP-V d3-23 K star class with 2 belts and 7 planets where 3 are gas giants. The systema has 10 moons. Planet A1 is a high value scan.
Sluemoa VU-X e1-37 T Tauri star system sicovered by Cmdr Mephesfeles. It has 5 planets and 1 moon.

2nd Carrier Escudella jump:
Back on Escudella time for the heading to Phraa Pra YQ-L C8-12.
We have arrived at Phraa Pra YQ-L c8-12 a K star system with 2 belts and 7 planets were planet 6 is a Y star with rings. There are 10 moons. I am picking the Bayard ship since has a good jump range.

The 5 system route is:
Phraa Pra KS-T d3-149 F star class witn 1 belt and 8 planets with 18 moons. Moon 7d has 6 biosigns and I will back for some bioscanning witha ship with a rover.
Phraa Pra YQ-L c8-5 K star system with 1 belt and 9 planets and 14 moons. Planet 7 is a Y star with rings.
Phraa Pra KS-T d3-5 K star alone and undiscovered.
Phraa Pra YQ-L c8-7 K star system with 1 belt and 5 planets and 16 moons. There is one moon 2b with 5 biosigns.
Phraa Pra CX-J c9-1 M star class with 1 belt and 9 planets where planet 2 is ahigh value metal content, planet 3 is a water worls and planet 4 is an amonia planet.

Went back to Escudella to change my ship for Rodella an d its rover to scan those 6 biosigns on planet Phraa Pra KS-T d3-149 7D.

Quickly scanned the biosigns going back to Escudella.

3rd carrier Escudella jump:
Back on Escudella we are planning our next carrier jump to Phraa Pra YVU-U d3-588.

Also I stopped by to vista genomics to collect 107M cr. good cut for just one planet and good strategy to only stop if there is more than 5 biosigns.

Now going to the bar to have some gintonics and see tomorrow were we stop with our carrier.

13 de Gener de 3310

We have arrived at Phraa Pra YV-U d3-588 and we have found a 6! star system where A is F class star with . B is a M star class. C is a L star class. D and E are M class and F is a L class. Orbiting on EF there is a gas giant.

The route for today is:
Phraa Pra AY-N c8-50 K star class with 2 belts and 3 planets with 4 gas giants that have 23 moons. Some minor biosigns on some of these moons.
Phraa Pra YV-U d3-1477 2 star system with A sa a F class and B as a K class with 1 belt and 3 planets where planet B3 is a Earth like world and high value scan. Can you imagin human kind has started here? without a Jupiter o Saturn our history and knowledge fo the space would be very different.
Phraa Pra AQ-Y f2473 T tauri star class with 1 belt. Another one...
Phraa Pra CH-A b18-2 M star class with 7 icy planets and 1 icy moon.
Phraa Pra YV-U d3-1127 Another M star class with 7 icy planets but the first 2 of them rock and icy though and 1 icy moon.

4th carrier Jump:
Back to Escudella we are planning the next and 4th carrier jump which is Juenae JM-W E1-6935. This jump is 499.99 Ly the longest possible and my longest jump ever.

We have arrived at Juenae JM-W e1-6935 finding another T Tauri class with a single belt.

We are piloting for this route the Escursó and the route for this zone is:
Juenae WE-R d4-524 F star class with 2 belts and 2 planets where planet 2 is Metal Rich high value scan, 1 Gas giant with 7 moons and good biosigns but less than 6.
Juenae CX-S b17-11 2 star system where A is a M class and B is a L class. A has 7 planets with 4 moons and 1 gas giant.
Juenae SY-S d3-4940 F star class with 2 belts and 2 metal rich planets that are high value scan. After the second belt there are 4 gas giants and 16 moons.
Juenae SY-S d3-3241 3 star system A is a K star with 1 blet and and has 1 planet. B and C are M stars with 1 belt each. B has 2 High Metal content planets and orbiting on AB there are 5 planets. C has 6 planets 3 of them are gas giants and 14 moons orbiting on those gas giants.
Juenae SY-S d3-2445 F star type with 6 planets and 2 moons. Planet 3 is a High Mtela Content high value scan.

5th carrier jump:
Back on Escudella and after forgeting to write some discoveries I have made we are planning the 5th Jump to Juenae KI-S D4-5326, another 499,99Ly carrier jump.

Arrived at Juenae KI-S d4-5326 we finally decided to test another Imperial ship the Imperial Courier that I have not named yet. I will first equiped with a class 2 Guardian FSD Booster to jump a little farther. Also a 3 class fuel scoop. I grabbed the Bayard's Detalied surface scanner. I grabbed the rover hangar from Bombolla my Sidewinder. A hitsink launcher from Bombolla as well. An I have a quite fast ship 280m/s and 380M/s boost, with a Max jump range of 15.5Ly.

I am naming this ship Falcata as the sword the Iberians used to wear before roman invasion.

In Juenae KI-S d4-5326 we found a F class star with a belt and 1 planet with 3 gas giants which they have 17 moons.

the route in this zone is:
Juenae KI-S d4-2575 2 star system A is a M class and B is a T class. Nothing else.
Juenae SV-K c9-2182 M class star alone.
Juenae SV-K c9-1176 2 star system wit A as k class and B as a M class with 1 gas giant orbiting on A.
Juenae DB-X e1-4173 T tauri star class with 1 blet and 3 class 1 gas giants.
Juenae KI-S d4-4515 3 star system. A is a G class. B is a M class. C is a K class. Orbiting on C there are 6 planets and 2 moons. rbiting on ABC is 1 Gas giant with rings and 7 moons, were the 7th moon has rings and 2 biosigns since there is the final steop on the 5 systems route in this zone I decided to land there for some nice pictures with my Falcata. Also there is a Icy planet with 6 icy moons orbiting on ABC and attached to the gas giant..

6th carrier Escudella jump:
Back on escudella with some nice pictures from Falcata and just 1 biosign scan we are heading to Juenae WQ-T D4-4362.
I visit vista genomics just to cash the 15Mcr I had.
Now time for some drinks until we jump.

We have arrived at Juenae WQ-T d4-4362 finding a 4 star system with no planets. A is a A star. B is a K star. C is an M star. Dinally D is another M star.

The route for this zone is:
Juenae SH-N c9-4662 K star class with 2 belts and 5 planets two of them are gas giants. There are 8 moons as well.
Juenae KP-A b19-57 M star class with 1 belt 4 gas giants and 2 icy planets. There are 13 moons.
Juenae SH-N c9-2632 2 star system. A 6 B are K class and both have 2 belts each. A has 2 gas giants and 7 moons. B has 4 gas giants and 16 moons.
Juenae SH-N c9-6599 K star class with 2 belts and 3 giants with 16 moons.
Juenae WQ-T d4-7831 2 star system without planets. A is a F class and B is a K class.

7th carrier Escudella jump.
With his jump will surpass Sagittarius A* to arrive at Stuemeae GN-J C9-7067. There should be another 7 jumps ahead to achieve the top of the galaxy from Sagittarius A*. We will look for Tritium since the next jump we have not enough to jump 500Ly.

Arrived at Stuemeae GN-J c9-7067 we found a 2 star system where A and B are M stars class and there is a gas giant orbiting on AB.

For this route I will change to my miner la Roca del Drac to look for Tritium and be able to reach the top of the galaxy. Now the focus is to find this hot spot on the planet rings.

The tritium route for this section is:
Stuemeae QT-R d4-5187 F star system alone.
Stuemeae GN-J c9-4224 K star class alone
Stuemeae GN-J c9-1165 K star class with 6 planets and 1 moon. No rings.
Stuemeae GN-J c9-6875 4 star system with 40 bodies. There is a G star class on A with 1 belt and 2 gas giants with rings they have 6 moons. B is a K class star with 1 belt and 12 planets and 3 moons. Planets B7 and B8 are high value scan. C is a M class star with 1 belt and 3 planets. D s a L class star with also 1 belt and 2 planets. Orbiting on CD there are 6 planets and 2 moons.
No luck and no tritium on those rings, heading to scan B7 and B8 as a high value planets.
Stuemeae GN-J c9-4862 2 star system A is a K star and B is a M class.
Stuemeae GN-J c9-2615 K star class with 1 belt and 2 planets where the Icy planet has rings. Also there are 4 gas giants all of them with rings. There are 17 moons total. Going to start scan all of them if needed.

14 de Gener de 3310

After collecting the whole day 576 units plus 5 more on my refinery for Tritium I will donate all of them as a first part for continue our trip. Escudella has now 639 units but i cannot deploy the 5 I have on my refinery.

Tomorrow I will continue mining to get the rest 361 units.

This has been the second week of 3310. Closing this chapter of the Cmdr Trabuc Logbook. Reported and finished for public.

o7 Cmdr Trabuc.
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