Logbook entry

Exploration to Sagittarius with Carrier Escudella / Viatge a Sagitari amb l'Escudella [Gener 3310 W03]

18 Jan 2024TrabucJL
15 de Gener de 3310

Waiking up and ready for more minig. As soon as I purchased 300 limpets refinery started to wrok and refined the 7 units stored. Units donated and now we need 354 units to fill the tanks.

Going back to Stuemeae GN-J c9-2615 for mining.

I have spent some time mining reaching at the end of the day 300 units of tritium on a better spot than yesterday. I decided to spend the night here to continue mining the next day.

16 de Gener de 3310

I have spent the beginning of the day collecting the 54 units we needed to continue our trip to the top of the galaxy.

8th carrier Escudella jump

We have arrived at Stuemeae EX-S d4-3003 and I have equipped my Athina ship an Adder that was my first purchase.
In Stuemeae EX-S d4-3003 we have found an A star class with 8 planets and one moon.

the trip for on this zone is:
Stuemeae GZ-L c9-1044 M star class with 1 belt and 7 planets where planet 5 is a high value scan. From planet 7 there are 6 gas giants and the system has 34 moons.
Stuemeae EX-S d4-2003 2 star system . A is a G class and B is a K class. No planets.
Stuemeae GZ-L c9-1183 2 star system. A is a K class with 2 belts and 1 planet and 2 gas giants with 2 moons . B is a M class with 5 planets and 1 moon.
Stuemeae GZ-L c9-2744 4 star system. A is a K class. B is a M class. C and D are L class. No planets.
Stuemeae GZ-L c9-205 3 star system. A is a K class. B and C are M class. Anything else.

After visiting these 5 system with anything interesting and also quite boring with an Adder, sorry Athina good times we had but your screen is quite narrow for exploring, i am back to escudell to continue up.

9th carrier Escudella jump

In Stuemeae SA-U d4-1898 we have found a nice star system with 4 star 3 of them very close each other. A and B are F class stars and C is a K class. 45KLs there is D as a M class star.

The route for this zone is:
Stuemeae VU-X e1-8597 4 Tauri star system that entering this system has been astonished. After jump deccelaration you pass very close to B star that you have to pull down your head. Almost hitting the star! C star has 1 belt. Orbiting on ABC there is a single planet.

Stuemeae SA-U d4-1901 5 star system. A is a G class. B is a K class. C is a M class with 1 belt.D is also M star class. D is T tauri star. Orbiting on AB ther are 3 planets where one is ahigh scan value and 2 gas giants witn 17 moons. Orbiting on C there are 5 planets and one moon. And finally orbiting on CDE there is 1 icy planet with rings.
Stuemeae IG-O c9-144 K star class with 2 belts and 4 gas giants with rings with 8 moons. Planet 3 is a icy planet. Then 5 planets in total.
Stuemeae SA-U d4-2422 G star clas alone.
Stuemeae SA-U d4-3329 M star class with 7 icy planets and 2 icy moons.

After a quite interesting visits on multiple star systems and almos hitting one star on exiting the jump (hope on board computer is able to evade this kind of collisions) we are back to Escudella for the next jump.

10th carrier Escudella jump

We have arrived at Nyuena UQ-K c9-82 and found a K star system with 2 belts and 1 planet between those belts, after the second belt there are 4 gas giants with 20 moons the last planet and 6th is an Icy planet with rings.

The route for this zone is:

17 de Gener de 3310

Nyuena UQ-K c9-92 I arrived yesterday here and foun a K star class with 2 belts. Before FSS I landed on a Metal Rich planet very close to the star.
Today I have discovered 4 gas giants with 10 moons and 2 Icy planets one with rings.
Nyuena KI-S d4-884 3 star system. A is a K class. B and C are M class and C has 1 ring and 8 icy planets with 1 icy moon. B has 6 planets and 2 moons.
Nyuena DB-X e1-1640 T tauri star with 1 belt. There are 5 gas giants.
Nyuena IX-T d3-703 K star class alone.
Nyuena DB-X e1-536 3 star system. A b and C are T Tauri class stars and each has 1 belt. They are triplets.

Back to escudella on my way back I had to stop by Nyuena UQ-K c9-92 since my jump was not enough. Jumping to Nyeuna YL-T D4-128 I need to change mi chip for a longer range one. I shift to Cissium my imperial Clipper.

11th carrier Escudella jump.

We have arrived on a 2 star system where A is a G class and B is a K class.

The route for this zone is:
Nyuena YL-T d4-197 G star class with 2 belts. There are 10 planets where 3 of them are gas giants. Also we found 14 moons. Planet 6 is an Amonia world high value scan.
Nyuena YL-T d4-187 G star system with 2 belts. There are 10 planets where 1 is a gas giant with 8 moons and A6 is a Y star with rings and 5 moons.
Nyuena YL-T d4-24 3 star system. A is a F class, B and C are K class with 1 belt each. Orbiting on AB there are 2 icy planets. Orbiting on B there are 8 planets and 2 moons and orbiting on C there are 4 gas giants and 13 moons.
Nyuena WX-M c9-15 2 star system. A is a K star with 1 belt and B is a M star class. There are 4 planets orbiting on A, 3 gas giants with rings and 1 icy planet with rings as well. There are also 11 moons. On B there are 7 planets.
Nyuena WX-M c9-6 2 star system. This system was discovered by Cmdr ooFrankyoo. A is a K class and B is a M class.

Back on Escudella we are planning the next. We have deviated a little bit but no big deal. Next jump is Quemeou VE-Q C5-1 and looks the next jump will be our destination.

Enough for today going to sleep and continue tomorrow.

18 de Gener de 3310

12th Carrier Escudella jump.

We have arrived at Quemeou VE-Q c5-1 a system... not, a star M class with anything else.

We can perform some route with Cissium:
Quemeou VE-Q c5-2 M class system discovered by cmdr Cordiwainer Fish.
Quemeou LC-V d2-1 M class star half discovered by Cmdr Awesome Sounds - YT. It has 2 belts and 4 planets and 11 moons.
Quemeou LC-V d2-7 2 star system. Discovered by Cmdr Happyoutkast. A is a F class and B is a K class. No planets.
Quemeou KC-V d2-10 2 star system. Discovered by Cmdr Ren. A is a K class and B is a M class. No planets.
Quemeou VE-Q c5-0 M class star discovered by cmdr Aussieserenade. 2 gas giants and 5 moons.

On Escudella T3V-LKG we are planning the last jump but it is not possible since it is >600Ly therefore we need to stop by Quemeou AA-A G1, what we thought it was our destination.

Strangely we need to wait 30 minuts to jump there. I tried to reschedule but I have to waith 30 minutes. I do not why.

13th Carrier Escudella Jump

We have arrived at Quemeou DL-Y e1 and this is T Tauri class star with 1 belt. No planets no moons. Just a little mining is possible. Also this system was dicevered by Cmdr Kurama1100.

What Happened we have mistaken our destination and we are still more than 600Ly from the top of the galaxy. Planning the next jump we are facing to Quemeou AA-A G6 that looks closer to

Since we have 30 minutes for the next jump we are taking Alarich our Anaconda and going Quemeou AA-A G1, where we thought we have schedule our jump.
Quemeou AA-A g1 On this risky jump leaving Escudella counting down for jump I have found a 2 Star system already discovered by Cmdr Kurama1100. A is a T Tauri Star with a Belt and C is far away as another T Tauri star with 1 belt as well.

14th carrier Escudella Jump

Arrived at Quemeou AA-A g6 now we are ready to perform our last jump to the top of the milky way. The next jump is 469Ly and available from my carrier.

Here we found a 2 star system not discovered by any commander!! What a surprise! A star is a T Tauri star with 1 belt and B star is another T Tauri with 1 belt as well.

15th carrier Escudella jump.

Quemie BA-A g0 is the top of a Galaxy as expected is a T-Tauri star with 1 belt... and 1 gas giant. The system was discovered by Cmdr Tzaria and the Gas Giant was mapped by Cmdr Ailonur Diana McKay.

We are grabbing the Tissona Ship a Fer-de-Lance fully equipped for combat, but how fun is flight this ship on this remote system. We have approached at the gas giant and took some funny pictures aiming at shooting to the planet :-D

Back to Escudella to sleep and spent some time tomorrow playing on this system.

19 de Gener de 3310

I wake up on the top of the universe grab my Cissium and went to fly by the toppest planet a Blue Gas Giant class 1 that I scanned the surface.

After I went back to Escudella grab my Roca del Drac and gone for some mining. I destroyed a deep core rock and took some pictures after the blast... many dust but worth it.

Back to Escudella we finally are heading back to the bubble back to our families as true explorers.

This time we will improve this captain's log here are the rules:

1.- I will count the carrier jumps.
2.- I will make jump the carrier and pursue the route with my ship
3.- I will land on a planet only if there are more than 5 signs (6 is a little too much)
4.- It is best to use a high jump ship as Cissium or Bayard
5.- I will land with my Rodella if on the carrier jump we found planets with more than 2 biosigns.
6.- At least 2 pictures between jumps on any planet or system.

1st Escudella Jump

We have arrived at Syroomeou FG-Y g8 this is a 2 star system discovered by Cmdr Guy de Lomard. A is a T Bright Tauri star with 1 belt and B is another bright T Tauri star alone.

There is 1 star nearby I can jump using Bayard.
Bayard cannot jump enough I need Alarich.
Syroomeou FG-Y g2 is a T Tauri star with 1 belt discovered by Cmdr Misto.

Back to Escudella and preparing the next jump back to Ostyat.

20 de Gener de 3310

2nd Escudella Jump.

We have arrived at Syroomeou PH-T c17-1 this system is a 5 star system without planets. We are back to undiscovered systems. A is a K star, B is a M star, C and D are L types and E is a T star.

Grabbing a Cissium we have 14 jumps to get to the next Escudella Jump that is headed to Syroomeou ZS-U D2-12.

Cissium is ready for scooping and bioscanning, it is fast and safe following the rules we stablished for our going back to the bubble.

Threrefore our route is:
Syroomeou NW-U c16-0 2 Star system half discovered by Cmdr Kasad. A is a G class with 1 gas giant. B is a L class with 8 icy planets and 3 icy moons.
Syroomeou QC-M d7-24 G star class alone discovered by Cmdr KamikazeZombie
Syroomeou HF-Y c14-0 4 star system where A is a K class, B is a M class, C and D are another K class. No planets.
Syroomeou DZ-Z c13-1 K class star alone discovered by Cmdr (Sorry I did not cathch the name)
Syroomeou SS-U e2-49 2 Star systems where A is a M class with 6 planets. B is aL class with 1 belt and 5 planets. Orbiting on AB there are 2 gas giants with 5 icy moons.
Syroomeou ZS-B c13-0 3 star class where A is a K class, B is a M class and C is T Tauri class.
Syroomeou KL-P d5-43 2 star class A is a G class and B is a K class.
Syroomeou TB-F c11-1 2 star class. A is a K class and B is a M class with 1 belt.
We have received a message: Escudella is waiting on the destination. We are half the way.
After FSS B star has 9 planets and 1 moon.
Syroomeou PV-G c10-1 M class star alone.
Syroomeou GF-R d4-25 F star class alone as well.
Syroomeou JE-K c8-2 2 Star class. A is a G class and B is a M class. No planets.
Syroomeou OM-W e1-31 2 star, T Tauri class with 1 belt both.
Syroomeou CS-N c6-0 G star class with 2 belts. There are 3 gas giants and 19 moons, some with 4 Biosigns but rules says to land if there is at least 5 biosigns.
Syroomeou ZS-U d2-12 We have arrived to Escudella destination. A system with 1 K star and 1 icy planet.

3rd Escudella Jump

Escudella has arrived at this system also only has one icy planet not landable.
After visiting 14 systems with Cissium we did not find any high value scan planets and also not enough biosigns.
Therefore we have decided to go forward for the next jump to Phua Scrua VH-K C25-0.

Our pursue route with Cissium are 13 jumps and is:
Syroomeou YL-P c5-3 K star class with 2 belts. Tjere are 3 planets between the belts. After the belts are 1 star class Y 2 gas giants and 2 icy planets. The gas giants have 16 moons and moon 4D has 6 biosigns. Time to land there.
Syroomeou YL-P c5-3 4 d Trying to land I crash on land luckily my shields are strong, but i have to be carefull next time, this ship is fast.

While scanning my second biosign an incoming message from Escudella that they have already arrived at destination.

Scanned 6 biosigns and take some pics. Now its time to continue the route.

Syroomeou UF-R c4-4 2 star system. A is a K star with 1 belt and 10 planet with 2 moons. Planets A4 and A5 are high value scan. B is a M star class with 1 belt and 7 planets.
Syroomeou VM-W d1-14 G star class with 1 belt and 2 gas giants with 12 moons.
Syroomeou MT-U c2-3 K star class with 1 belt and 3 gas giants with 22 moons.
Croomaa YJ-C c2-0 M star class with 1 belt and 8 planets with 1 moons. Planet 3 is a high value scan.
Syroomeou NA-A d28 G star alone.
Syroomeou NA-A d7 3 star system. A is a G class with 1 belt. B is a K class. C is a M class. Only A star has planets, 4 in total and 24 moons. Moon A2C has 5 biosigns ready to bioscan.

21 de Gener de 3310

Syroomeou NA-A d7 A 2 c Spent the night on Syroomeou NA-A d7 A 2 c and after bioscanning 2 more signs time to go back to our route (Bacterium is not worth scan).
Treqai VO-Z d13-32 G star class alone.
Treqai VO-Z d13-13 F star class with 1 'planet and 6 gas giants that have 16 moons. Moon 2C has 5 biosigns. Going there to land.
Treqai VO-Z d13-13 2 c Spent an hour on Treqai VO-Z d13-13 2 c and performed the 5 bioscans
Treqai RI-B d13-2 2 star system. A is M class and B is a L class without planets both stars.
Treqai IR-C c26-1 G star class with 8 planets and 1 moon. Planets 1, 2 and 4 are high value scan.
Phua Scrua JY-F d12-47 F class system with 6 planets and 4 moons, no gas giants but planet 2 is a high value scan.
Phua Scrua VH-K c25-0 G class star with 1 belt, 5 gas giants and 25 moons, many geo signs but no biosigns.

This is the system where Escudella has jumped.

4th Escudella jump

Escudella arrived at Phua Scrua VH-K c25-0 and my Cissium docked on Escudella. First I made some repairs about after 14 jumps around 8k cr, change our loadout and headed to Vista Genomics for cash. I have collected 256M cr and my balance reached 7 Billiion cr.

Time to spent some time with my crew at the bar.

After good beers and motivating up the crew we decided the next jump to Phua Scrua AW.G C13-3.

I am grabbbing Bayard this time and equipping with a FSD booster and Rover. Also painted nice for 2k Cr. Setting destination we have 8 jumps ahead. since we increased our jump from 50ly to 65ly.
Phua Scrua NV-N c23-2 2 star system. A is a K star and B is a M star. No planets.
Phua Scrua FS-H d11-48 2 star system. A is a G class and B is a M class with 1 ring. A has 6 planets and B has 7 planets and 1 moon. Some minor Biosigns.
Phua Scrua FB-X f1-90 T tauri with 1 belt. Also there are 11 planets. 9 Gas giants and 2 icy planets. No moons.

I had to stop and on my way back Escudella is on their destination.

Phua Scrua XF-L d9-47 2 star system. A is a F star class with 7 planets where planet A7 is a high value scan. B is a K star class with 3 planets and all of them are high value. Planet B2 has 1 moon.
Phua Scrua IH-U e3-20 T Tauri star with 1 belt and 2 Gas giants with 1 Icy planet that has 1 icy moon.
Phua Scrua PT-O d7-18 4 Star system. A is a F class with 6 planets. B is a K class. C is a M class. D is a T class star. Orbiting on ABCD there are 2 gas giants with rings and 11 moons.
Phua Scrua FN-D c15-2 2 star system. A is a K class. B is a M class. No planets.
Phua Scrua AW-G c13-3 We have arrived at Escudella, This system is a 2 star system. A is a G class an B is a K class with 2 belts, 10 planets and 6 moons.

5th Escudella Jump.

Landing on Escudella for the next jump. Repairs have been 2.4K cr. And the next jump is planned to Phua Scrua UN-A D1-44.
8 jumps with my Bayard. Then the route is:
Phua Scrua KC-S d5-66 G star class with 2 belts and 3 planets between the belts. 2 gas giants anwith 12 moons and 1 Icy planet.
Phua Scrua GW-T d4-2 M class system with 2 belts and 7 planets with 14 moons.
Phua Scrua IR-T d4-5 4 star system. A is a F class. B and C are M class. D is a L class. Orbiting on ABCD three is another star Y type with rings and 2 gas giants.
Phua Scrua BV-Y f25 T Tauri star bright and yellow. Nothing else.
Phua Scrua EQ-S c6-2 2 star system. A is a K class and B is a M class.
Phua Scrua ZJ-Z e122 3 star system. All are T Tauri class bright thoug. Orbiting on BC there are 4 gas giants 1 Icy planet and 1 Icy moon.
Phua Scrua VY-Y d1-83 F star class alone.
Phua Scrua UN-A d1-44 We have arrived before Escudella.
This is a 2 star system. A is a F class and B is a M class with 1 belt. Orbiting on B 190k ls far away there are 6 planets and 4 moons. Moon B2a and B6z have 4 and 2 biosigns each. Time to wait for Escudella, grab rodella and scan this far planets :-(
Since there is 10 minutes since Escudella arrives I will approach the second star and see who is first me to arrive at the star or Escudella to arrive at the system.
Phua Scrua UN-A d1-44 B 6 a Boring and useless landing on Phua Scrua UN-A d1-44 B2a and Phua Scrua UN-A d1-44 B6a. At the end low cash and hard to scan. We will think next time on carrier arrival.
Phua Scrua QM-Z c2-4 G star class alone I needed to visit to quickly return to Escudella.

6th Escudella jump.

Back on Escudella repairs cost me this time 29K cr.
Escudella has 64 units and can jump only 439.81LY, We will empty tank for maintenance on the arrival and time to mine Tritium when I get there en the pursuit.
Next destination is EGNAIWN OY-G D11-40
Phua Scrua IA-D c1-2 We left Escudella and let it to jump and myself I will sleep here to continue tomorrow.

This has been the third week of 3310. Closing this chapter of the Cmdr Trabuc Logbook. Reported and finished for public.

o7 Cmdr Trabuc.
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