Logbook entry

Exploration to Sagittarius with Carrier Escudella / Viatge a Sagitari amb l'Escudella [Gener 3310 W04]

28 Jan 2024TrabucJL
Phua Scrua IA-D c1-2 2 star system A is a M class with 10 planets. B is another M class with 7 planets and 3 moons.
Phua Scrua QH-C d126 K class star alone.
Egnaiwn YV-B d14-27 K class star and alone again
Egnaiwn LC-V f2-27 3 star system. A b and C are T Tauri stars with 1 belt each. There 2 gas giants and one moon orbiting on AB. Orbiting on C there is another gas giant.
Egnaiwn SE-F d12-145 F star class with 1 belt and 8 planets. 4 of them are gas giants. 2 of them are amonia worlds with high value scan. The system has also 12 moons.
Egnaiwn SE-F d12-32 4 star system. A, B and C are K class, and D is a M class. No planets.
Egnaiwn OY-G d11-40 4 Star system. A is a A class with Escudella there and 4 planets where planet A1 is a high value.B and C are M class. Orbiting on ABC there are 3 planet and 1 moon. D is a K class with 1 belt. E is a M class with 1 belt also. Orbiting on DE there are 6 gas giants 5 of them with rings. They have 20 moons. Quite a huge system.
T3V-LKG On Escudella we started for advance maintenance with 2K spent.
I went to visit vista genomics to cash those 22M cr we had from last Escudella jump.
Then went to the bar to rest, tomorrow it is time to find some tritium to be able to continue.


T3V-LKG Wake up with a little hangover from yesterday's drinks.
thanks the stars we do not need to jump but calmly find some tritium.
I wento to my Roca del Drac equiped with limpets to find and mine rings.

The route is:
Egnaiwn CX-N c22-3 2 star system A is a K star with 1 belt and 11 planets where planet 5 is a high value scan and planet 11 has rings. There are also 3 moons. B is a M star with 1 belt and planets with 3 moons. Moon B1a has 7 biosigns. Rings on planet A11 have no Tritium.

I will land on that moon after filling my Escudella with Tritium and with a smaller ship.
Egnaiwn OY-G d11-171 3 star system where A is a K class and b and C are M class. No planets nor rings to scan.
Egnaiwn OY-G d11-104 2 star system. A is a F class with 1 belt and 3 planets where planet A1 is a high value scan. B is a M class with 7 planets and one moon. Aware! planets B2, B3, B4, B5, B6 and B7 are high value scan.
Egnaiwn CX-N c22-10 K star system with 2 belts and 5 planets with 14 moons. Planet 4 has rings but no tritium.
Egnaiwn AC-O c22-7 K class system alone.
Egnaiwn OY-G d11-40 Tired of jumping and not finding tritum I am back to Escudella's system where far far away there are 5 gas giants with rings.
Egnaiwn OY-G d11-40 DE 4 A Ring So i found Tritium on this system much easier than jumping system over system. The tricky part is that some rings are almost invisible but are there. Found some tritium here and collected 121 units. Enough for today going to sleep and continue tomorrow.

Egnaiwn OY-G d11-40 DE 4 A Ring After 2 days I collected full Tritium not only full cargo but full refinery.
Need to jump out and jump back to get to Escudella.
Egnaiwn OY-G d11-160 3 star system. A is a F star class. B is a K class. C is another F star class.
T3V-LKG Back on Escudella I deposit 576 tritium units.
Also 50K cr for estructural repairs.
I purchased limpets to start refinery and another 10 units of Tritium ready to donate.
I will rest here until tomorrow to go back for more Tritium.
T3V-LKG Wake up on my escudella and going to collect the 412 units of Tritium.
I will try another ring just for fun and discovery.
I will scan those transparent ring on planet DE5.
Egnaiwn OY-G d11-40 DE 3 B Ring Spent all day mining on ring Egnaiwn OY-G d11-40 DE 1 B Ring and Egnaiwn OY-G d11-40 DE 3 B Ring to collect 413 units of tritium.
Egnaiwn LC-V f2-324 4 star system. A, B , C and D are T Tauri stars. C has 1 belt. Orbiting on ABC there are 4 gas giants with one moon each, 3 moons in total. Orbiting on D there is 1 gas giant.
T3V-LKG Arrived at Escudella repairs counted 63k cr. I deposited 412 units of Tritium. I transfer 1 unit of Tritium and the remained limpets.
Tomorrow I will make Escudella jump and also pursue with my ship.
T3V-LKG I wake up on Escudella. Full of Titrium.
I grab my Bayard and ready to go back on route to the bubble.
Destination is Egnaiwn GB-J C11-0.
With Bayard this means 8 jumps.
Egnaiwn KS-I d10-79 3 star system. A is a G class with 1 belt, 5 planets and 2 moons. Planet A1 and A3 are Earthlikeworld and and waterworld. B is a K class. C is a M class. Orbiting on BC there is 1 planet.
Egnaiwn RD-S e4-276 T tauri star with 1 belt and anything else.
Egnaiwn NY-U c18-12 K class star alone
Egnaiwn CG-M d8-144 F star class with 9 planets where planets 5, 6, 7 and 8 are high value scan.

I received a message that Escudella is waiting at the destination.

Egnaiwn AV-N d7-133 M star class with 1 belt and 9 planets, 2 gas giants with 12 moons and 7 planets, where planet 5 and 6 are water worlds.
Egnaiwn JR-V e2-184 3 star system. All are T Tauri clas but B and C have 1 belt each.
Egnaiwn MC-H c12-9 K class star with 2 belts and 5 planets, 3 are gas giants that have 10 moons in total and 2 planet between the belts.
Egnaiwn GB-J c11-0 M class alone, well not alone Escudella is here.
T3V-LKG 7th Escudella Jump
Looking the logs I need to anticipate jumps, they should be recorded on departing not arrival. Therefore in this simple one star system I will change the recording Escudellas Jump log.

8th Escudella Jump
Next destintaion is Egnaiwin UX-B D10. And will take another 8 jumps on Bayard.
Let's go!
Egnaiwn OC-T d4-1 G star class with 2 belts and 34 bodies which are also 9 planets, 8 gas giants with 14 moons. Moon 8C has 5 biosigns that need to be bioscanned.
Egnaiwn WD-O c8-7 2 star system. A is a K class. B is a L class. No planets.
Egnaiwn GQ-W d2-20 2 star system. A is a G class. B is a K class with 5 planets where planet B3 is a high value scan.
Egnaiwn GQ-W d2-74 F star class with 27 bodies. 7 planets, 5 gas giants with 19 moons and 2 icy planet the farthest with rings.
Egnaiwn CK-Y d1-62 F star class alone.
Egnaiwn YD-A d1-34 4 star system. A is a F class. B is a K class with 1 belt.C and D are M class. Orbiting on AB there are 4 planets and 2 moons. Planet AB4 and moon AB4a are high value scan. Orbiting on CD there is a single HMC planet.
Egnaiwn QG-C c1-4 2 star system. A is a K class with 1 belt and 8 planets. B is a L star class wuth 2 planets, 1 is a gas giant.
Egnaiwn UX-B d10 F star class alone.
T3V-LKG Arrived at Escudella first thing to do is cash those vista genomics for a total of 54M cr.

9th Escudella jump.

No time to rest now heading to Aunair EB-M D8-106. Another 8 jumps for Bayard.
Aunair CM-B d14-162 2 star system. A is a M class and B is a L class both with no planets.
Aunair YF-D d13-25 F star class with no planets.
Aunair QK-I c25-10 K class star with 9 planets. Planet 1, 2 and 3 are high value scan.
Aunair IY-L c23-9 K star class with 1 belt and 5 planets. $ gas giants with 9 moons and 1 icy planet.
Aunair QT-G d11-59 K star class with 2 belts and 5 planets 3 of them are gas giants with 11 moons.
Aunair MN-I d10-143 3 star system. A is a F star class. B and C are K class stars. A star has 1 gas giant and C star has another gas giant.
Aunair IH-K d9-6 2 star system. A is a G class and B is a M class. No planets.
Aunair EB-M d8-106 3 star system as expected. All are M classes. A has 1 ring and 3 planets. B has 4 planets and 2 moons. Orbiting on AB there is 1 icy planet. Orbiting on C there is 1 ring and 7 planets.
T3V-LKG I have hit not landed on the carrier and ready for the next Escudella jump

10th Escudella Jump

Next jump is Aunair QM-R C6-14 and this means 8 jumps again on Bayard.
Aunair NX-T e3-169 3 star system. All 3 are T Tauri class stars. C also has a 1 belt. Orbiting on AB ther is 1 icy planet.
Aunair AQ-B c15-0 2 star system. A is a K class and B is a M class. No planets.
Aunair WO-P d6-31 2 star system. A is a M class and B is a L class. No planets again.
Aunair SI-R d5-20 M class star and no planets again.
Aunair OC-T d4-88 F class star with 8 planets and 2 moons. Planet 6 is a high value scan.
Aunair CF-M c9-15 2 star system. A is a M class and B is a L class. A has 6 planets and 3 moons.
Aunair FL-X e1-313 T star system with 1 Gas giant.
Aunair QM-R c6-14 M star system with 2 belts and 5 planets, 2 of them are gas giants and they have rings and 9 moons.
T3V-LKG Arrived at Escudella I decided to stop a little bit wait for tomorrow to jump and go with the crew for some Valxerics.
Starnge trip not many planets and also no biosigns only some small high value scan.
Tomorrow will be another day.
T3V-LKG Wake up and decided to continue my journey

11th Escudella jump

Setting course to Throepps WU-E D12-271. Another 8 jumps with Bayard.
Aunair BF-Z e151 2 T Tauri star system with no planets.
Aunair EF-Y d1-204 K star system with 2 belts 5 planets, 4 are gas giants and have 18 moons.
Aunair AZ-Z d219 F star class alone
Aunair QQ-D c5 2 star system. A is a M class with 2 belts and 7 planets, 6 are gas giants and the total moons are 16. B is a L class with 1 belt and 6 planets where 2 are gas giants total moons on this star are 10.
Escudella has arrived at destination.
Throepps EH-B d14-204 1 M star with 1 gas giant planet
Throepps AB-D d13-258 F star class with 8 planets and 3 moons. Planets 5 and 6 are high value scan.
Throepps AB-D d13-8 2 star system. A is a G class and B is a M class. A has 7 planets and 2 moons and planets A1 and A2 are high valu scan. Also moon A2a is a high value scan. B has 7 icy planets nad 1 icy moon.
Throepps WU-E d12-271 F star class with Escudella there! it has 1 belt and 10 planets with 1 gas giant with 3 moons. Planets 4, 5 and 6 are high valu scan.
T3V-LKG Docked at Escudella for the next jump. We will keep 2001 LY altitude from Sol from now on to evade discovered systems.

12th Escudella Jump
We are heading to Throepps YJ-P D6-88. Another 8 jumps on Bayard.
Throepps XE-Q e5-423 T Tauri star class with 1 belt and 6 planets. 4 are gas giants and 2 icy planets.
Throepps GX-O c21-2 2 star systems. A is an Orange K class and B is a Red M class. A has 8 planets where planet A1 is a high value scan. B has 7 planets and 1 moon.
Throepps OI-I d10-18 4 star system. A is a White F star. B is a Yellow G star and D and C are Red M classes. Orbiting on ABC there are 3 planets and 1 moon. Orbiting on D are 5 planets and 1 moon.
Throepps KC-K d9-189 2 Star system. A is a Orange K class and B is a Dark Red L class. Only 1 icy planet orbiting on A.

Escudella has arrived at destination.
I will rest here for a little bit.
Throepps GW-L d8-308 4 star system. A is a Orange K class, and B, C and D are Red M class. The interesting here is that A, B and C are very close one on another. B is 2,5 Ls from A and C is 50 Ls from AB. There is also a belt on AB. Orbiting on ABC there are 5 planets. 2 of them gas giants with 5 moons.
Throepps JM-Z c15-8 K Orange star class alone.
Throepps BA-D c14-2 5 star system. A is a Orange K class, B is a Dark Red L class same is C. D is a Red M class. C has 1 icy planet orbiting.
Throepps YJ-P d6-88 2 star system, A is a Yellow G class, and B is a Red M class. A has Escudella orbiting and 2 belts. Alos 4 planets 1 is a gas giant. There are 13 moons on this star. B has 1 belt, 7 planets where 2 are gas giants and these gas giants have 8 moons.
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︎0 Shiny!
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