Logbook entry

Exploration to Sagittarius with Carrier Escudella / Viatge a Sagitari amb l'Escudella [Gener 3310 W05]

04 Feb 2024TrabucJL
T3V-LKG wake up on Escudella and quickly went for the next jump.

13th Escudella Jump
We are heading to Throepps AZ-Z D141. Also 8 jumps for Bayard.
Throepps PH-I c11-22 K Orange star class with 2 rings. There are 5 gas giants with rings and 6 moons.
Throepps HG-X e1-232 2 T Tauri class star with 1 belt each. A has 3 gas giants, and B has 2 gas giants and 1 icy planet.
Throepps MR-U d3-222 F white star with 7 planets and 2 moons. Planet 1, 6 and 7 are high value scan also moon 6a is a high value scan as well.

Message received: Escudella has arrived at destination
Throepps ZI-P c7-10 3 star class. All are Orange K class. B has a planet that is a high value scan. I have taken a weird pic here trying to frame 2 star and 1 planet.
Throepps RW-S c5-6 3 star system. A and B are Orange K class. C is a Red M class. B has 5 star. C has 5 icy stars and 1 icy moon.
Throepps EF-Y d1-1 2 star system. A is a Yellow G class. B is a Red M class. A has 6 planets and planet A2 is a high value scan. B has 7 planets and 3 moons.
Throepps FE-Y c2-14 3 star system. A is a Orange class. B is a Red M class, C is a Methane Dwarf T class star.
Throepps AZ-Z d141 3 star system. A is a Yellow G star with Escudella there and 1 belt. B is a red star. C is a K class. A has 7 planets. B has 6 planets and 1 moon. it looks like we will spend some time in this system. Planet B7 is a high value scan. C have 8 planets where 4 are gas giants. They have 19 moons and moon C4d has 5 biosigns. C4c has 4 biosigns C4a has 3 biosigns and C5d has 4 biosigns. I will land and bioscan those signs with Rodella.
T3V-LKG I docked on Escudella for changing my ship with Rodella a smaller and handy ship for bioscanning. Also we have checked this system and we are a littel below from 2001, we will jump a little upper next time.

Also the next carrier jump we will hit 20.000Ly jumping with Escudella. A nice figure.

Throepps AZ-Z d141 C 4 d Today is my Birthaday!! 50earth years I am counting.
Yesterday I spent the afternoon to bioscan 3 signs.
Toaday I finished scanning Throepps AZ-Z d141 C 4 d and after heading to planet Throepps AZ-Z d141 C 5 d for the last 3 bioscans.
Throepps AZ-Z d315 After scanning the last biosign I decided to jump to a next system to find a 2 star system. A is a White F star and B is a Orange K class.
T3V-LKG Back on Escudella we have collected 197M cr from Vista Genomics.

We will plan our next escudella jump tomorrow.

Today as I said is my birthday and I will spend the day partying with my crew.


T3V-LKG 14th Escudella Jump

Heading to Straneou KC-K D9-31
But found a blue star may be worth to visit that is 7 jumps with Bayard. going there meanwhile Escudella is preparing to jump.
Throepps XS-B d156 3 Star system. A is a Red M class, B is a methane dwarf T star and C is a dark red L class which has one gas giant.
Straneou EH-B d14-7 2 star system. A is a White F class and B is a red M class. No planets.
Straneou FI-E c27-11 2 star system. A is a Yellow G class. B is a Red M class. A has 1 belt, 5 planets where 2 are gas giants and 10 moons. B has 4 planets.
Straneou WU-E d12-182 F White star with 10 planets where 5 are gas giants and there are 21 moons. Planets 1 and 4 are high value and moon 10f has 5 biosigns.

Escudella has arrived at destination while bioscanning.
Straneou XE-Q e5-329 3 T Tauri star system. A and B with Belts. Orbiting on A there are 4 gas giants, 1 icy planet and 1 moon. Orbiting on BC there are 6 gas giants and 2 icy planets.
Straneou LD-N c22-18 Orange K class star with 2 belts and 10 planets were 3 are gas giants and have 18 moons. Planet 5 is a high value scan.
Straneou DL-Y g174 Luminous Hot O class star alone. This is a codex discovery star.
Straneou KC-K d9-31 2 star system. A is a White F class and B is a Orange K class. A has 7 planets and 1 moon. Planet A3 is a watersorld and A2 is a high value scan.
Also Escudella is there waiting for me to dock.
T3V-LKG Landed on Escudella, performed some estructural repairs and went to vista genomics to collect 36M cr.

I will spend the night with the crew.


T3V-LKG 15th Escudella Jump

Waking up at Escudella, we have made some visual improvements that did not work. We need a better connection between the helmet and visuals. A new wire is needed that will be done tomorrow. Meanwhile Escudella is heading to Straneosu DP-N C8-11. Another 8 jumps with Bayard.
Straneou WE-U c18-14 Orange K class star alone.
Straneou GW-L d8-64 3 star system. A is a White F Class, B and C are Orange K class stars.
Straneou CQ-N d7-100 Red M star class with 9 planets and 2 moons.
Straneou LM-V e2-433 T tauri star with 1 belt and 3 planets where 2 are gas giants.
Straneou UD-R d5-8 3 star system. A is a White F class b and are Red M clss stars. A has 6 planets and 1 moon. Orbiting on AB there is 1 gas giant with 10 moons. C has 2 belts 5 planets and 3 gas giants with 14 moons. 43 objects in total.
Straneou UD-R d5-1 White F class star that has 2 brown dwarf Y class star with rings. There is 1 belt and 1 planet. The dwarf stars have 17 moons and there are 6 moons with 4 biosigns.
Straneou QX-S d4-136 Yellow G star class alone
Straneou DP-N c8-11 3 star system and Escudella is here. A is a Yellow G class star, B and C are Red M class stars.
T3V-LKG 16th Escudella jump

Since this system has nothing interesting we will quickly jump to Eorm Scrua BB-D D13-53. Also another 8 jumps with Bayard.
Straneou MR-U d3-38 Red M class star with 6 planets and 1 moon.
Straneou IL-W d2-187 3 star system where A and B are White F class star and C is a Orange K class star.
Straneou NQ-U c4-5 Red M class star with 2 belts and 7 planets where 3 are gas giants and there are 13 moons.
Straneou FE-Y c2-0 2 star system. A is a Orange K class and B is a Orange M class. A has 8 planets where planet A1 is a high value scan. B has 1 belt, 1 gas giant with 9 moons and 1 planet.
Straneou XU-B b3-0 2 star system. A is a Red M class star and B is a Dark Red L class star.
Straneou NX-G b2 Red M class star with 1 belt and 3 planets and 1 gas giant with 3 moons.
Eorm Scrua JO-C c28-25 2 star system A is a Orange K class star and B is a Red M class star.
Eorm Scrua BB-D d13-53 A 3 star system. A and B are White F class stars and C is a Orange K class. I have arrived before Escudella and I have seen it arriving for the first time.
Back to cruise to scan the system. There are only 3 planets orbiting on BC where planet BC3 is a high valeu scan but its 15kls
Eorm Scrua KV-I b54-2 2 star system where A is a Red M class and B is a Dark Red L class star.
I have jump here to go back quickly to Escudella.
T3V-LKG 17th Escudella Jump

We are now heading to Eorm Scrua VY-Y B31-3. Another 8 jumps with Bayard.
Eorm Scrua XU-E d12-211 Yellow G class star alone.
Eorm Scrua XU-E d12-167 White F class star with 7 planets and 1 moon. Planets 5 and 6 are high value scan.
Eorm Scrua TO-G d11-16 Yellow G class star with 6 planets where 2 are gas giants and 9 moons. Planet 2 is a high value scan.
Eorm Scrua PI-I d10-116 Red M class star with 2 belts and 9 planets where 2 are gas giants and there are 6 moons.
Eorm Scrua DH-J b40-1 Red M class star with 1 belt and 7 planets with 2 moons. Cmdr Topian passed but did not scanned the system.
Eorm Scrua WE-U c18-13 Red M star class with 1 belt and 8 planets where 2 are gas giants with rings and 2 moons.

Escudella has arrived at destination
Eorm Scrua HW-L d8-21 2 star system A is a White F class star and B is a Orange K class star.
Eorm Scrua VY-Y b31-3 2 star system A and B are Red M class star.

Docking on Escudella and tomorrow I will continue.


T3V-LKG 18th Escudella Jump

I wake up on escudella and set up a carrier jump to Eorm Scrua KK-W C3-30.
Yes another 8 jumps with Bayard.
Eorm Scrua HL-E b29-0 2 star system A is a Red M class and B is a Methande Dwarf T class. There is also 1 icy planet orbiting on A.
Eorm Scrua ZJ-P d6-54 2 star system. A is a Orange K class and B is a Red M class star.

I have seen a nebula close by I will check the Star Map on the next jump to see if it is worth to stop by.
Eorm Scrua QH-I c11-21 Orange K class star with 2 belts and 5 planets where 3 of them are gas giants. They have 18 moons.

The nebula I see it looks like is Froarks Nebula around 2000 Ly from where we are. I will think if it is worth to visit on my way back or maybe is a long detour.
Eorm Scrua SB-W b19-3 Red M class star. It has 5 planets and 1 moon
Eorm Scrua NR-U d3-72 2 Red M class star system. There are 3 planets orbiting on AB with 16 moons. B has 1 belt, 3 planets and 1 moon.

Escudella has arrived at destination.
Eorm Scrua WC-R c6-8 Orange K class star with 2 belts and 3 planets, 2 are gas giants with 7 moons.
Eorm Scrua KY-L b11-2 3 star syste with A as a Red M class and B and C as Dark Red L class. Only C has planets, 6 icy planets.
Eorm Scrua KK-W c3-30 Orange K class star alone, well not alone Escudella is here waiting for me.

I have decided to not visit that nebule we will continue at 2001Ly over the Sol system going back trip.
T3V-LKG 19th Escudella Jump

After some reparirs I planned to quickly jump to Foerst MD-N C22-4.
Hope we found there Tritium since it will be necessary to continue our trip.
Another 8 jumps with Bayard.
Eorm Scrua MN-W b5-0 3 star system A is a Red M Class, B is a Dark Red L class and C is a Methane Dwarf T class star. B has 1 blet and 7 icy planets and C has 1 belt as well and 8 icy planets with 1 icy moon.zsqwqccdcvdrrre
Eorm Scrua ZR-B c1-5 Orange K class star with 4 planets
Foerst GA-A b59-1 Orange M class star with 1 belt and 7 planets where 5 are gas giants and the system has 28 moons in total.
Foerst LO-C c28-27 2 Star system A is a Orange K Class and B is a Red M class star. A has 1 belt and 4 planets. There are also 2 planet orbiting on AB.
Foerst JK-K b53-1 Red M class star alone.
Foerst YV-H c25-18 2 Red M class stars system. A has 2 belts and 2 gas giants with rings with 1 moon as well. B has 1 belt 5 planets and 10 moons.

Escudella has arrived at destination.
Foerst HJ-V b47-2 Red M class star with 1 belt and 3 planets where 2 are gas giants, the system has 9 moons.
Foerst MD-N c22-4 Yellow G class star alone. Well again Escudella is here but no Tritium rings.
T3V-LKG 20th Escudella Jump

We have transfer some Tritium from our reserves and we can achieve a 450Ly jump. I think it is worth to jump since it is very close to 500ly.
Also it is 8 jumps far away again. So we hope it will be some Tritium there since on this jump our reserves will be 0, total empty.
Foerst JY-F b42-0 2 Red M class stars system, anything else.
Foerst ZA-L b39-4 Red M class star with 8 planets.
Foerst TY-V c17-6 Yellow G class star alone
Foerst PS-X c16-9 5 star system A is a Orange K class, B, C and Dare Red M class, E is a Methane Dwarf T class star. Only C has planets 3 int toal ans 1 moon.
Foerst FL-B c15-10 3 star system. A is a Orange K class, B is a Red M class and B is a Dark Red L class.
Foerst ZJ-P d6-16 Orange K class star with 2 belts and 5 planets, 4 are gas giants with 20 moons.
Foerst QR-L b25-2 2 star system with A as a Red M class and B as a Dark Red L class. A has 8 planets and B has 3 icy planets.

Escudella is waiting for me on the next system.
Foerst OG-N b24-1 Red M class star with again only Escudella park here, the crew will think that these systems have no planets.


T3V-LKG We are at Escudella with no Carrier fuel at all.

Escudella has finally installed a big upgrade, fully 3D Vision to experience the best of the Milky Way. I will try this enhancement during my mining session

Picking La Roca del Drac for some mining, 300 limpets and starting to look for some tritium rings. Since we are in a alone star we will start jumping.
Foerst OG-N b24-3 Orange Star class with a belt with 6 gas giants 4 of them with belts. There is also 39 moons. All of them have moons.

Heading to planet 1 for Ring scanning and luckily found a one tritium spot there.

Starting mining and refined 180 units of Titium.
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︎0 Shiny!
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