Logbook entry

That poor bastard

15 Mar 2022Dracofrost
Way out in the black, over 1500 LY from the bubble, out in Outotz, I found him. Wreckage strewn across an obscure moon notable only for its wealth of antimony. A meat popsicle in an escape pod next to a wrecked self and some ejected cargo. Norns only knew who long he must have sat there. The black box and transponder hadn't survived the wreck, so I didn't even know his name, just his face through the frosted glass. He was young, younger than I'd been when I'd been in his shoes. I wonder if anyone he knew was still alive, or if he'd lingered there for decades or maybe even a century.

I ignored the narcotics and assault rifles in the intact cargo pods, and their implications too. I'd done enough questionable things without asking questions in my past to be in no place to judge. So I loaded the pod up into my cargo hold, and searched galnet for the nearest station. It was a hollowed out asteroid, just a mine smack dab in a pristine ring, but they had the facilities to thaw him out. Maybe he'd be able to make his way back to civilization, if he even wanted to. Wouldn't be my problem then, but at least I'd be able to tell myself I'd done something for someone else for once. Wasn't much, just one lonely soul on ice, but maybe it would be a start to paying off the debt my soul owed the galaxy. I could only hope...
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