log 2, 50 jumps in. planning fuckups
12 May 2022Curi Frost
ok so, my journey has been realatively stressless but my router just decided to stop working for a bit, so I had to fix that. now that it's fixed, at least a little, I can see that my range isn't far enough to get all the way out, due to the scarcity of stars out there. so sadly ill have to opt for another star, still rather far out though.but yeah this journey has been rather fun, to be honest, I get to fly from star to star, documenting the planetary orbits and surfaces of them, and I get to see just these absolutely beautiful stars and planets, and be one of the only people to be out here... that feeling is both good and bad, good in that I'm one of the only ones to have seen these wonderful spots, bad because if something happens, like an engine malfunction, I'm gonna be fucked if I cant get someone to come help
but yeah this rounds out the 2nd proper log of this trip and man, I'm excited about doing this, but also quite scared