Logbook entry


25 Oct 2016tulextreme
After a whole day farming mats for the NEPHELIN, I visited Felicity Farseen which had my FSD upgrade 4x . Many inconsistent upgrades but one was a big hit, 25.56ly unladen I was satisfied but still had mats, so I decided to hit the roulette again and lost that amazing setup! End up gettin 24.30ly unladen and decided to bite the dust! Next time I'll remember that optimal mass is better that mass in any scenario when messing with my 19 milhon FSD drive unit!
After that was gun engineer and "toddy!" had me a nice canon upgrade which can mess with enemy's turrets and gimbaled weapons! Amazing! Also got incendiary rounds on my multi-canon that now breathes fire on bounty hunters!

To end up my log I decided to finally try and get to Pleades sector to find the so talked alien ship crash land site. Well after 29 jumps from wolf 437 I end up on the supposed alien ship crash. As my systems showed me some signals on the planets to search, I noticed an diferent icon on one of the planets, some buildings... settlements! End up diving to the planet surface and found this lonely federation base, I wonder what's inside... BINGO I've found the ship, it was a few kilo,meters after the base itself and had a huge Majestic Class Interdictor guarding it! DAMN! What a ship! Them landed on my SRV, took some photos and made a video! What a trippy ED night it was!

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︎0 Shiny!
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