Logbook entry

Last transmission from Cmdr John Freeman of Morpheus Mining Corporation (deceased)

23 May 2023Pr0j3kt676
August 23 3308

The SRV team just left base camp and is on its way to us with the guardian relic. It’s going to be a true sight to behold once we get the relic into the device, I can feel it. The drones have all remained docile for the most part and seem to have forgotten about our last incident. I’m certain that with the data we receive from the relic along with the bio samples we’ve extracted from the eggs we’ll have enough data to decide the next big step in our research.

Cmdr John Freeman
MMCO AX Captain
Xeno Reconnaissance Division Delta
Morpheus Mining Corporation

Mel 22 Sector UE-G B11-0
Thargoid Ground Installation Site
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