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Newly Formed Morpheus Mining Corp. Department of Defense announced by Sky Marshall Gordon Mitchell

28 May 2023Pr0j3kt676

Newly Formed Morpheus Mining Corp. Department of Defense announced by Sky Marshall Gordon Mitchell

As the ever present Thargoid War continues to consume the bubble, recent discoveries from within the maelstroms have resulted in the terrifying reports of massive Titan-class Thargoid vessels. Humanity's time may be almost up as we face such an extremely sophisticated invasion that shows no sign of stopping. It was made clear yesterday, Sky Marshall Gordon Mitchell (MMCO) stated, "The time is NOW! Our nation's citizens and humanity must put aside our petty differences in order to form a unified defense against this alien menace". Sky Marshall Mitchell praised the formation of the MMCO Department of Defense as the first stepping stone our faction is able to provide humanity in the fight against this invasive species. According to military and government officials, the DoD now consists of 4 individual branches: Anti-Xeno, Military Intelligence, Navy, and Mobile Infantry. Not only will our units provide an organized force to eradicate the Thargoid threat, additional military fleets and infantry divisions have been authorized to provide offensive and defensive in and around friendly systems.

Additionally, MMCO officials and Military Intelligence personnel hope to pave the way for the corporation by increasing diplomatic and financial influence in and around Garoju. One such diplomatic mission has consistently interested MMCO CEO Pr0j3kt676, the establishment and improvement upon Imperial relations. As we all know, Garoju has long been nestled close to the heart of Princess Aisling Duval’s territory; this has certainly impacted the stance of the corporation and CEO Pr0j3kt676. In a closing statement, CEO Pr0j3kt676 stated, "It is and always has been our intention to extend the 'olive branch' to nearby Imperial and Independent factions alike. However, our home is located within Imperial space; this ultimately determines whom we swear our allegiance as an independent nation. It is my hope to finally witness a time of great peace amoungst Imperials, Feds, Alliance members and Independent citizens...all of humanity might finally reach another golden age. If we continue fighting over territory soon to be consumed by the Thargoids, we won't even be the rulers of ash...we will be the rulers of nothing. The alien threat must be neutralized if we are to return to any sense of normalcy. Business as usual doesn't sound too bad now, right? We can dream. For the time being, the fight for survival is on.”

Reporter - Tuesday Jones

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