Logbook entry

MMC0 - Remembering the Proteus Wave

09 Aug 2023Pr0j3kt676
Galactic News Report from Kingdom of Garoju News
By Reporter Tuesday Jones

Greetings, citizens of the Kingdom of Garoju. I'm Tuesday Jones, and I bring you a solemn report on this momentous day, marking the one-year anniversary of the ill-fated Proteus Wave firing in system HIP 22460.

As the universe held its collective breath, the Proteus Wave was fired with hopes of unlocking new frontiers, but alas, the experiment's outcome proved to be catastrophic. Instead of unveiling untold secrets, the Proteus Wave backfired, inadvertently summoning the relentless Thargoid Maelstroms to swarm and seize control over the systems.

The galaxy has since found itself plunged into an intense Thargoid war, an ongoing struggle against the extraterrestrial forces. Humanity, though initially caught off guard, has shown incredible resilience and determination. United factions have rallied to the cause, mounting a fierce defense against the Thargoid onslaught.

In the midst of this chaos, a beacon of hope has emerged - the Morpheus Mining Corporation. Stepping onto the forefront of the conflict, Morpheus Mining has supplied crucial resources and support, enabling factions to bolster their military divisions and confront the Thargoid threat head-on. Their unwavering dedication to arming the defenders has proven instrumental in the galaxy's fight for survival.

As we reflect on this solemn anniversary, let us take a moment of silence to honor the fallen lives in system HIP 22460. Their sacrifice serves as a stark reminder of the price paid in the pursuit of knowledge and discovery, and as we persevere, their memory will guide us forward in this ongoing battle against the Thargoid menace.

This chapter in our history feels like only the beginning of a larger conflict, and though the road ahead may be uncertain, humanity's indomitable spirit continues to shine through. We stand united, steadfast in our determination to safeguard our systems and forge a brighter future amidst the stars.

This is Tuesday Jones, reporting for the Kingdom of Garoju News. Stay strong, stay vigilant, and together, we shall prevail.
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