Logbook entry

Kapoongzi Star System Recovering from Outbreak

02 Jul 2024Pr0j3kt676
*By Tuesday Jones, Kingdom of Garoju News*

The Kapoongzi star system is slowly recovering from a recent outbreak believed to have originated at the Berhe Research Facility on planet D-3. The outbreak, first detected two weeks ago, sent shockwaves through the system and raised alarms about the potential dangers of biological anomalies brought back from the recent Colonia excursion.

Earlier this year, the Morpheus Mining Corporation (MMCO) undertook an ambitious expedition to the Colonia region, an area known for its mysterious and hazardous environments. Commanders of MMCO brought back numerous biological samples, one of which is now suspected to be the source of the outbreak at Berhe.

The Berhe Research Facility, renowned for its advanced biological research, became ground zero for the outbreak. Swiftly following the first signs of infection, medical facilities across the Kapoongzi system mobilized to contain the spread. Quarantine measures were implemented, not only at Berhe but also at the Altamura Chemical Complex, which had personnel in contact with Berhe staff.

During the outbreak, the Morpheus Mining Corporation's private military took decisive action, enforcing a lockdown on planet D-3 and restricting all media access. This added to the confusion and speculation about the nature and severity of the outbreak.

Though no inhabited Earth-like worlds exist within the Kapoongzi system, the situation prompted concerns about interstellar biological hazards. The remaining staff from both Berhe and Altamura have been evacuated and are currently housed aboard the MMCO fleet carrier [MMCO] EUNOMIA. The Eunomia, stationed in the nearby Kawila system, is now the center of ongoing research to identify the cause of the outbreak and prevent future incidents.

The Kapoongzi system's recovery process is a testament to the rapid response and coordination of its medical and scientific communities. However, the incident has sparked a debate about the protocols and precautions needed when dealing with extraterrestrial biological samples. As the investigation continues aboard the Eunomia, the intergalactic community watches closely, hoping to glean lessons that could prevent similar crises in the future.

*This is Tuesday Jones from Kingdom of Garoju News, signing off*
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