Space Madness
22 Apr 2022Purple_Tux
{Paging SCG Reports Archives}<! new Transcript Found>
{Ship ID: Helios. Build: Asp Explorer. Pilot: CMDR Tux}
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--- It's been weeks since my colleague DeadMicrophone vanished into the black. I've been out looking for him, but odds of even finding his wreckage at this point in the cold nothingness of space are astronomical. I refuse to give up hope though. The Helios and I have been through the ringer on this mission, but the old bucket of bolts with a FTL taped to it can handle it. I've done worse to it.
--- With the information at hand, I know the following: An almost foolish amount of wanderlust took him over in the days leading up to these events, and he left with nearly nothing save what he had on board his Viper MK2 at the time. A fresh face from the Pilot's Federation District, he clearly didn't have the jump range or fuel tank to get far, so for now I'll limit my search to the Inner Orion Spur, and the general area that is a short flight from the bubble.
--- Oh, holocall. Pause Recording, Covas.
[Transcript paused]
--- ...................
[Transcript Resumed]
--- I really hate those "Starship Extended Warranty" scams. What's the point? I've told them at least a dozen times I've got 95% insurance. Sheesh. Anyway, the mission report. {Corruption Detected. Skipping vulnerabilities.}
--- I often find myself worried that he's run into a bunch of Thargoids with no way to defend himself (the weapons he has couldn't hit the broad side of a fleet carrier), or gotten sucked into an uncharted black hole, or something beyond comprehension has reached out of Witch Space and claimed him for its own. I also have contemplated getting the Rats involved, but this isn't really their cup of tea. He's kept his beacon off, so there's no way to track him even if the Rats could afford to dedicate resources for one pilot for that long. No, I'll need to find him myself. Seeing some interesting planets by the way, will follow up with pictures sometime soon. {Corruption Skip}
--- Now I understand the meaning of space madness. I need to be careful, been thinking wilder and wilder thoughts lately, like maybe those peanuts from the bar aren't so bad after all. Crazy, I know. Dead clearly had his reasons to completely flee the bubble. The conspiracy theorist in me wonders if he knows something dangerous, but that's probably not what happened.
--- CMDR Tux signing off. End recording, Covas.
{End of report. Closing Transmission software.}