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16 Sep 2024CMDR Lord Nyrox
CMDR Lord Nyrox
Date: September 16, 3310

Distance Traveled: 2180 Light Years
Bodies Scanned: 498
Mapped Planets: 7
Organic Data Value: 230,808,000 credits
Body Scan Value: 14,642,830 credits

Today's journey through the black has been a lucrative one. After traveling 2180 light years, I managed to rack up an impressive 14 million credits worth of body scans, but that was only the start. Organic data proved to be the real treasure, with a haul worth around 230 million credits.

During this voyage, I mapped 7 planets, each more fascinating than the last. The scans came in at a total of 498 – time well spent as I continue to chart the unknown. The further I go, the more secrets the galaxy reveals. Profits aside, the thrill of discovery remains the driving force. Another step forward in expanding humanity's knowledge of the void.

End log.
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