Logbook entry

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18 Sep 2024CMDR Lord Nyrox
CMDR Lord Nyrox Logbook
Date: September 18, 3310

Today's Distance Traveled: 2,145.81 Light Years (48 Jumps)
Bodies Scanned: 439
Mapped Planets: 6
Scan Value: 9,551,800 credits
Organic Data Value: 512,739,500 credits
Achievement: Reached my Fleet Carrier

After a cumulative journey of nearly 4,900 light years, I have finally arrived at my Fleet Carrier. Today’s expedition alone covered 2,145.81 light years with 48 jumps, bringing in valuable data from 439 scans and 6 newly mapped planets. The organic data gathered today, with its multiplier, brought in a massive 512.7 million credits.

Now that I’ve reached this milestone, the journey continues with new opportunities awaiting.

End log.
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