Logbook entry

Down to Earth

"Down to Earth", it is one of these expressions that crossed years and centuries of human expansion in the galaxy, although you no longer really think of its literal meaning.
Obviously, more recent sayings did too, like "Being in low g", when you are too high on drugs or telling "you forgot your helmet again" to someone who is always forgetful. Both are frequently used across the human systems or at least where I come from, just like many others.

I didn't really plan it, but on my way from YZ Ceti to Flousop to acquire an Alliance Chieftain on sale, I jumped into Sol system. Being there didn't really mean anything to me and probably to most of the people scattered in the galaxy for generations. And aside from hosting the Federation governement on Mars, to must of us in the Bubble, Sol will always be just another system among thousands others.

Yet, like an Earther of the 2nd millenium passing nearby an ancient city, say Thebes, Athens, Angkor or Cuzco, I had to see the cradle of humanity for myself.

And so, "Down to Earth" would be more than just an expression for me.

But It wouldn't be without any difficulties. Although I could access Sol with my ship thanks to the permit granted by the Federation due to my rank in their navy, landing on Earth with an independant ship was another matter. As I reached Earth orbit with the Jacques Coeur, my T9, I quickly received a notification from Earth Traffic Authorities to divert my vessel to one of the system's spatioport.

- "Jacques Coeur Mechantman, this is Western Mediterranean Traffic Control. You are about to violate a higly restricted no-fly zone, nuclear weapons are already pointed on you. Only registered transport and passenger ships are allowed to land on Earth. Modify your course immediately. First and last warning... Please acknowledge."

- "Western Mediterranean Traffic Control, this is Commander Lecardunoie of the Jacques Coeur Merchantman. Warning duly received, I head to Abraham Lincoln Station. Signing off."

The closest I could get to Earth on my ship, unless I wanted to be nuked

Abraham Lincoln, one of the ten or so starports of Sol, home of 1.2 millions Federation Citizens, the main hub of the system and one of the entrance gate to Earth and Mars. There, transit all materials and ressources collected from other systems to sustain life on exhausted planets after centuries of over exploitation, but also a huge flow of passengers: business men and women as Earth and Mars are still the vibrant center of the Federal economy, where most important political decisions are made; and a lot of tourists looking forward to discover Earth historical heritage.

I bought a ticket on the earliest passenger flight to Earth. The exact destination didn't really matter: turned out it would be Scania Spaceport. I had to check where it was: Northern Europe, well, so be it! My flight was a small passenger charter ship and I was seated among high school students from Callisto. They were going on a 2 weeks field trip throughout Europe, organized by their history and litterature teacher, a very nice and wise man, in his 50s, going by the name of Mikel Olteri.

- "Scania is the main European space facility for passengers. Most of the continent population lives above Paris/Berlin latitude more or less", he explained, "In spite of all the Environmental Recovery plans, it is really difficult to live south of there."

He himself was born on earth, in Malta, in the Mediterranean Economical Zone, but his parents had a job opportunity on M. Gorbachev Station and from there he moved to Callisto. He became history and litterature teacher, because as a born Earther, he felt he had to transmit Earth culture to the younger.

We kept chatting on the flight and finally invited me to follow them, at least to the Greater London Cultural and Touristic Area, the first stop on their trip.

... to be continued in H.G. Wells
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