Logbook entry

H.G. Wells

... Continued from Down to Earth

Passing by Sol system, I seized the opportunity to land on Earth. On my passenger flight there, I met sir Mikkel Olteri, a history and litterature teacher from Callisto on a field trip with his students. After landing in Scania spatioport, I decided to follow them in Greater London Historical and Touristic Area.

I didn't see much of Scania, outside of the spaceport terminal itself and the connection hub with the hyperloop station. Following Mr. Olteri and his class, I boarded the hyperloop capsule. Destination: Greater London Area. The 1200km journey was covered in a little less than 1h30.

At first, I didn't see much of London Greater Area either. I mean I didn't get to see any actual residential or business district. From London hyperloop station, we took a subway to the Historical and Touristic zone. It was a mix of upper high class residences and domes protecting various historical landmarks: Westminster, St Paul, Piccadily, Wembley or the British Museum. This last one was our final destination.

The staff at the museum, security, guides etc. were all dressed in weird costumes. Security guards especially, with their high hats covered with fur and their red coats.

- "Rather folkloric", I said

- "It is supposed to be traditionnal", smiled Mr Olteri, "It is part of the Historical and Touristic Area experience..."

- "No problem. I've seen weirder clothing in some Imperial systems"

We rapidly walk through painting and sculpture galleries of the Museum to reach the litterature section. There, were various showcases each one presenting a particular writer. Actual old books were displayed. I never saw any before. Mr. Olteri stopped me in front of the one dedicated to "H.G. Wells".

- "This one is interesting. Especially these days. He wrote a story at the end of the 19th century about a fictional alien invasion on Earth. Quite relevant lately, no?", said Mikkel.

- "Actually, I was looking for a name for an AX combat ship I am planning to buy. "H.G Wells" seems an appropriate name, then"

- "Yes... that may sound like a good idea. Although, you should know that he wrote this at a time where London, this very city, was the capital of a vast empire and when his country men were colonizing large parts of every Earth continents. So, you could wonder if he didn't wrote this story to raise the question: who was the invader then?... And who is the invader now? Us or them?"

There was an awkward silence for a couple of seconds. The conversation suddenly moved on a dangerous territory.

- "Ok well. Listen Mikkel, I know that Sol hasn't had to deal with Thargoids attacks, so far. Because you are talking about Thargoids, right? Before you go any further, just know that in some systems, systems where many people died, systems where there are still food and water or any other basic supplies shortages, because of the Thargoids! Well, in these systems you could be jailed and maybe worse for saying such things"

- "Yes, I understand. Just be careful yourself, especially while you are in Sol. I am not the only here to have such opinions. There are many political organisations down here, trying to push for some kind of negotiation. And some of them could be... how to put this... more vindictive..."

- "What, the Far God Cultists, you mean?", I asked, "I can't believe it. You, a teacher, with all your knowledges your culture! And you wouldn't mind talking with these crazy, obscurantists zealots."

- "I am talking about all kind of organisations. But since you are talking about the Far God followers... you know, when you have a goal, some time you need... again, how to put that... tactical alliance..."

- "Ok. We should probably stop now. And better if I leave. Again, you're a nice person, and some of my friends already followed the path you're on, with probably some good reasons and without any hidden agenda. But I don't think it is time for negotiation especially if you don't find anyone to negotiate with. I thank you again for bringing me here, and I wish you good luck in spite of..."

- "In spite of what?", he asked

- "Whatever..."

I left Mikkel Olteri, his students and his museum.

It was time to see what the life on Earth was really about... But what a mess. Okay, it is Sol, but mostly a Federal system with all the bureaucracy going along... I had to apply for a visa, because if your not an Earther citizen, it is okay to enter a Touristic Area, but nothing else. My Federal Navy record, helped a bit, I think, as I only had to wait a half hour the immigration service of local police department. Than I had to walk 1 km through a no man's land, separating the Theme Park that is the Touristic Area from regular districts.

I don't know what I expected then. I just wandered through streets. I kept thinking that I was on Earth, but I was just walking in an urban area, better than many I saw on other planets, worse than some. But finally, nothing special.

So, I booked a flight to Lincoln Station where I docked my T9 and left Earth behind me. What did I learned there? First, lot of business to make with my passengers liner ships there with all these tourists. Then, after this discussion with Mikkel, even if sometime, the Thargoids are defeated, winning the peace will be another matter, with the Thargoids themselves, bur also among us, humans.

And finally, I'll definetely name my AX ship the "H.G. Wells".
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