Cmdr Braydon Backhair
Adventurer / Explorer
Registered ship name
Backhair Raider
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Python Mk II BR-07P
Overall assets
A.C.E. Exploration

Logbook entry

A Commander Learns a Lesson

31 Dec 2022Braydon Backhair
12/22/2022 10:30 EST

So..... Funny story. There was this guy who logged into his game this morning, bought 320 limpets. Decided to disembark on his carrier and hang out in the concourse because his nephew was sitting in the chair next to him and the guy needed to head to the bathroom for his morning constitutional. He figured there wasn't much chance the kid could do any real damage.......

When he returned to his game, his 8 year old nephew is sitting in his chair, he  says, "I don't know what happened" and mentioned something "RED", maybe a door. The commander, not overly concerned at this point, says "Move over so I can take a look". At first glance it looks like a concourse, but the layout isn't right and there are too many people. His suspicions were confirmed when he opened the system map, he was in an outpost 2klyrs from his carrier.....

This commander then queries his nephew regarding his current situation, the nephew replies "I legit, thought it was an elevator". After explaining to the boy that what he entered was not an elevator, but was in fact an escape pod he thought, "Ok, not a big deal, I can move my carrier to my current location". But wait, I cannot access my carrier from the console, I need to purchase a ship! There is no ship yard at this outpost. So the commander uses Inara to locate a station with a shipyard and goes to the Apex counter to book a flight. He's never taken an Apex flight before and before this adventure is complete, he will have made three more trips in and Apex.

He arrives at the station with a shipyard, heads directly to it and opens up the console. He looks thought the list of ships and sees the DBX, he thinks to himself, I am going to purchase one anyway for the upcoming expedition, may as well buy it now. He selects the ship, it is now that he realizes just how screwed he his. Remember, at the beginning of this tale, I mentioned the purchase of 320 limpet? My current ship has too much cargo, so I cannot buy the DBX. Then he thinks, maybe I can buy a Type 9, but wait, this station does not sell them. Apex flight number 2. He gets to the next station, heads to the shipyard confident that he has found a solution to his predicament. He selects the Type 9 and attempts to purchase it, only to receive the same message, too much cargo in your current ship! At this point remembers, they always come with under sized cargo racks and empty module slots! The commander then thinks, maybe I can transfer my current ship, it's a Cutter. He gets the warning about the cargo and almost ruptures a blood vessel. He managed to keep his cool as his nephew was still standing next to him, still confident his uncle would find an easy solution for his little mistake. The commander focuses on the message in front of him, he notices that he can discard the cargo, just limpets anyway, not 700 tons of Monazite. So he moves forward with the transfer, 65M+ Cr, ok, no big deal (keep in mind the nephew is observing this whole process), I pay the fee, it says the transfer will be complete in 5h 52m. "Five hours and fifty two minutes", he exclaims. It is at his moment he sees his nephew quietly leave the room with his head down.

The commander then thinks, "Maybe I could have discarded the cargo when purchasing the ship!" He tries to cancel the transfer, but alas, it was too late. Well, he thinks to himself, I may as well buy my DBX and outfit it while I'm waiting. Apex flight number 3.

He goes to the shipyard to discover, he did not go to the correct system/station for the DBX, no, he did not update his Inara search. Apex flight number 4.

He is finally able to buy his little DBX upon his arrival at the correct system/station. He promptly gives it a fitting name, "Diamond Backhair". He initiates his carrier move to the system his Cutter will be arriving in 5h 30m and goes about outfitting his newly acquired ship with all the best equipment credits can buy. After installing his new pre-engineered FSD, he needs to make a trip to Farseer to install the experimental, then back to await his carriers arrival with only 3.5 hours to spare.

The lesson learned, aside from remote cargo dumping, was, never under estimate the destructive power of an 8 year old.

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