Logbook entry

Rescue continues

19 Apr 2023OTheYetiO
I couldn't help but feel a tinge of excitement as I loaded the refugees aboard my copper-painted Federal Corvette. Sure, I was saving lives, but I also knew that the rewards for rescuing more people were materials that I could use to upgrade my ship.

I had outfitted my Corvette with the best weapons and defenses available, but there were always ways to improve. And with the Thargoid invasion raging on, I knew that I needed to be prepared for anything.

As I flew from one refugee camp to the next, I made sure to take as many people aboard as possible. The more refugees I rescued, the more rewards I would receive. It was a win-win situation.

But it wasn't just about the rewards. I knew that I was making a difference in the lives of these stranded people. They had no chance against the Thargoids, but with my help, they had a fighting chance.

And so I continued on, dodging enemy fire and delivering refugees to the safety of the rescue ships. It was a dangerous and difficult mission, but I was determined to come out on top.

When the Thargoid invasion was finally repelled, I had saved thousands of lives and collected a bounty of materials for my ship upgrades. It was a successful mission, both in terms of profit and humanitarian aid.

But as I looked back on my actions, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. Had I been too focused on the rewards? Had I forgotten the real reason I was out there in the first place?

I knew that I needed to change my approach. Yes, the rewards were important, but so was the human element. These were people's lives at stake, and I couldn't let my greed cloud my judgment.

And so I set out once again, determined to rescue as many refugees as possible, not just for the rewards, but for the sake of humanity.
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