Logbook entry

Captain's Log - 10/07/3308

07 Oct 2022Peter Ruhlmann
I continue my exploration through the Inner Orion Spur. I'd like to continue towards the Sanguineous Rim, but my flight computer isn't confident we can make the jumps required. I may need to see some engineers soon about a better Frame Shift Drive. A few friends have mentioned the Anaconda's jump range as superior to my Diamondback. However, it seems a difference of only 5Ly after engineering. The tradeoffs of larger landing pads and such may keep me in Juliet.

I've hopped plenty of systems today and have taken a liking to finding organic samples on various planet surfaces. Something about stretching my legs is peaceful. However, the SRV's handling is not. I'm still getting the hang of it.

My first sample found came from an Icy Body, yet I can't recall the name. Perhaps I can find it in my log somewhere. I was able to snap a good picture for the logbook of the SRV and Juliet sitting nicely.

Another wonderful discovery: I found a few bands of natural metallic crystal formations. I spent much time flying around and admiring the beauty of nature's space.

Before resting in the Synuefai AI-C C0 system, I uncovered more genetic samples; this time in complete darkness. My mistake for not landing on the star-side of the planet, but test-running Juliet's night vision system was very fun. However, the isolation from others hit deep when I looked up at the stars outside of my SRV. All alone in deep space. It's gut-wrenching; but definitely worth it.

I set a new course and found myself in the Synuefai LG-W D2-8 system. I took some special time and collected biological samples from a few planets in the system. It's time for a rest, however. I've set up camp on the surface of one of the planets. What a beautiful view I have for the evening. Until tomorrow, universe.
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︎0 Shiny!
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