Logbook entry

Captain's Log - 10/20/3308

20 Oct 2022Peter Ruhlmann
My last log was before I purchased my Anaconda. I was able to save enough money up during trade routes with my Type-9 for the purchase. She's such a beauty, I've named her Annie. I thought it was fitting. I was able to do some local contract jobs for money and upgraded a few of her systems, as well as bring another crewmember aboard. My first mate and master fighter pilot, Abby Adams. However, that excitement was short lived...

While I was exploring a few weeks ago, thousands of lightyears away from my home at Ray Gateway, I received a transmission that my father's father had passed away. He was the first pilot in our family, and I was very close to him. He used to take me on these outdoor outings where we would go "back to the basics," as he said and catch fish in the only fishing park on the station. We spent hours doing this, cooking, and eating what we caught. He told me stories on how his forefathers used to do this for food and fun a thousand years ago. We bonded very closely...

Today, I'm back in the gateway to lay him to rest. May his flight west be without turbulence and may his jump range be long.
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