Logbook entry

Captain's Log - 02/12/3310

12 Feb 2024Peter Ruhlmann
Instead of blasting off into the black indefinitely and running from the troubles in the bubble, I decided to take a quick romp down the Colonia highway; not the entire distance, but enough to feel like I'm leaving everything behind for a short time. A few hundred jumps and I'm back out in the black with Juliet, seeking new species of biology and systems alike. I landed at Eagle's Landing, stretched my legs, refueled, and departed shortly after. I made a few notable discoveries before I decided to turn around and head back to the bubble.

I've just got too much to accomplish in civilization before I begin any new expedition far away. I hear the rumors of specialized engineers that can bolster my ship's components. I'll be looking into these rumors over the next few days to see what they can do for me.
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︎0 Shiny!
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