Logbook entry

Captain's Log - 02/13/3310

13 Feb 2024Peter Ruhlmann
I've learned much about the engineers (and I had mispoken in previous entry, I already knew of some of these technicians, but not all). I've begun running around the bubble like an errand boy to fetch items for them so they will work on my ships. I've also pledged my allegiance to the Princess Aisling Duval; this decision came from many audio recordings I've been listening to the past few days about the Empire, and specifically what Aisling believes in.

Taking a break from being an errand boy for these engineers, I've been serving as an errand boy for the Empire, running data around a few systems. They seem to really appreciate this work as I've earned a lot of respect from them in a short amount of time. I hope that is well placed and they don't find out how inept I can be when the guns come out.
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