Logbook entry

Serving the Local Community

15 May 2022Mr. Mojave
[1] - Fixing the Fleet

I decided to take the day to spiffy up the Imperial Courier I bought last month. It sat dormant in the hangar at Ray Gateway while I was away trying to collect materials to improve Enceladus. While Enceladus is a great ship, I needed something a little more apt for local system operations. Y'know, for when I'm just hanging out inside my little spot in the galaxy. Siksikas has a lot to explore, and I don't necessarily need to be touting 'Celly around every which way I go in-system.

I took the Courier to Farseer for some drive tuning and other improvements to try and squeeze out the best maneuvreability I can for the time being... Soon, I will really need to find a resource-rich planet and restock on my supplies as engineering my ships has taken its toll out of the reserves. Nonetheless, the Courier has been modified and kitted out with a more combat-focused module setup, so that I can protect myself during the course of my exploits. I don't consider myself a bounty hunter by trade, but just because I don't label myself one doesn't mean I won't be needing the firepower to fight back against one. There have been a few times where being outgunned by being unarmed landed me on strange stations in extreme duress.

I named her Hegemone. Ahh, I do like homonyms.

Hegemone - Showroom Floor

[2] - Imperially Yours

I decided to pledge my allegiance to the Empire. I just can't stand the corporate greed that seems to consume the vast majority of the Federal universal agenda. That isn't to say that I oppose Capitalism; in fact, nothing could be further from the truth - that said, the fact corporate culture dominates the once proud and free republic is enough to send me elsewhere. The Empire ain't no prize either, but I can stand for Justice with the Emperor.

I teetered on whether or not to support Aisling. I admire her opposition to slavery, and feel emancipation is an imperative if the Empire is to grow its image on the galactic scale; however, her open utility of a propaganda machine to shape media narrative seems like a slippery slope antithetical to the goal of unmitigated freedom. For now, the purveyance of justice is all the more important if the Empire is t0 re...(0)%struct it2elf fr0m th5 m522 cre4TeD 6Y th5 (4bal... <<< DATA TRANSMISSION INTERRUPTED >>>

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