Logbook entry

Bio & Journey to Elite

13 Sep 2022Kougyoku
*Koug fiddles with the tablet in his carrier, the TASHBot*

"Ehem, now do I work this damn thing? Sure ain't like anything the gnomes made on Mt. Nevermind. Not enough steam, and sure not enough explosions. Oh! It's recording. Yes. Well, I'd better start with the basics. Hi. I'm Kougyoku. Yep, that's my name. Former contracting officer of the Mercenaries of Krynn, but I'm a world traveller now. Today is... What, September 12, 3033? Not sure how that relates to the Day of Zivilyn, the 20th of the Month of Sargonnas, but that is irrelevant.

So, i'm a world traveller. And I'd better use the date this one's provided me. Well, I've been enjoying my time in the black so far. I only had the beginning ship and the cobra mark 3 for a long time. But then I met this group called Turbo Assisted Shipping. What a great bunch! Their leader MediaMagnet is pretty chill. Commander SighnWaive helped me get together funds for a cargo python and a type-9 Heavy so I could load up his carrier, the Toredo Maru.

And loading I did. We did some trading of Bauxite and Argonomic treatment at first. But then, he asked for a staple community that I'm all too familiar with - wine. Little did I know that decadent beverage to be some of the most lucrative profits I've seen in a long time. We went on something called the Booze Cruise. My first cruise I made billions of spacebucks. I was overflowing in credits, but that was just the beginning. I went on two more cruises with commander SighnWaive and finally breached the 5 billion credit mark.

I bought my first carrier and christened her after the squadron who did so much for me: The TASHBot [K8N-G9Z] was mine to command.
It wasn't long for me to break in her frameshift drive with the 16 jumps up to Rackham's Peak. I was in tight budget then after purchasing the carrier, having a scant hundred million to my name or so. But as fate would have it, Rackham's went back into holiday as I scored an elusive parking spot at the Star up at the Peak. I offloaded 21K units of wine almost entirely by myself, making over 4 billion credits. But boy was I tired. I quickly stowed them away and prepared for the next cruise.

This most recent cruise was also very lucrative at over 4 billion credits. After carrier upkeep, trit, wine, and other expenses, I racked up over 7 billion in the bank. It's been good for me. My squadron has been good to me. MediaMagnet, TheMas, and SighnWaive are awesome.

Along the way I made Elite V trading rank along with promotions to Senior Officer in Turbo Assisted Shipping as their head of commander relations. I am looking forward with my future journeys with my squadron in the black and running more wine!

Well, I've rambled on long enough. That's it for now.
--- recording ends ---
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