Logbook entry

The Collection of Wonders

21 Sep 2022Kougyoku
Hmmmm. Well, I'm not on the carrier, I just got this lil' ol Diamondback Explorer. Such a quaint little ship. But it's quick and light on the feet, and that's what I like about her. I have to remember to get her outfitted with an advanced scanner as i don't have one. I'll have to give up cargo hold but that's okay since the intent of this ship ain't for hauling no cargo. Anywho, I'm out here with my good friend CMDR MediaMagnet who was so gracious to give me a lift out to Skaude AA-A h294, also known as The Collection of Wonders. She was out first and actually got a planet mapped to her name! Nice! I got to see the sickbay of the Songbird's Haiku for about two days as I was down and out. Thankfully when I was able to get back to my ship here I was able to fly out and give a honk to a few planets and see the ringed neutron star. I got brave and took a close gander at the Black Hole. Almost didn't make it out of that one, frame shift tripped my heatsinks! Well, that was a great outing and I got to see my first black hole, so I'm satisfied with the trip. I'll have to be sure to treat MediaMagnet out for some wine when we come on board my carrier, the TASHBot, and head back out to Rackham's Peak.
Anyway, I think I figured out how to upload a picture to this darn thing, so here ya are.
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︎0 Shiny!
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