Logbook entry

Wining and Dining

26 Sep 2022Kougyoku
Commander MediaMagnet and I made it back from the Collection of Wonders and arrived back in the bubble at Bunda on 9/23/3308. From there I departed to my carrier the TASHBot and it seems my squadron has been busy with loading up some wine while I was away. I had a mere 9,000 tons of wine or so to load, I can't recall the exact amount. I'll have to thank Commanders SighnWaive and Kagrenzel for helping load her up. Anyway I made short work of loading up the last bit of wine from nearby Sharron Lee Free Market at a cost of 150t/unit. A bit more than I'd like but it's really pennies compared to the sell cost when Rackahm's goes into holiday. Well, after I filled her up I sent out the boarding call to my squadron and got Commanders SighnWaive, Kagrenzel, and MediaMagnet on board for the journey up to the Peak. We departed as soon as MediaMagnet made her way from refueling The Songbird's Haiku. Although we're pretty early to climb to the Peak it appears that our preparation and foresight to make the climb early paid off. The Pilot's Trade Network indicated system N-1 was jam packed once again ... lucky for me I had already found parking at P2 up at the Peak. Seems like it's pretty busy this go around.

Anyway, while I wait for Rackham's to call their holiday I invited Commander MediaMagnet to enjoy some wine with me on the command deck since I don't have a concourse bar or bartender. That's okay though, I can easily serve the both of us. We discussed our next exploration journey which I offered to pilot since she graciously took us out to the Collection of Wonders last time around. We considered the following flight plan of travelling from the Bubble > Colonia > Explorers Anchorage (Sag A) > Great Annihilator > Bubble. That winds up to be 15,591 trit (~50K/t , $779,550 in fuel), 123 Jumps (x 100K/jump = $12,300,000) for a estimated cost of just over 13 mil ($13,079,550) cr. At 123 jumps at 3/hr, that'll be 41 hours of straight driving. We'll have to fully stock the carrier's hold of Tritium just to be on the safe side. I'd expect that journey to take a couple weeks time. We're still hashing out the details.

We also mulled over the name of the my carrier. I told Media that you know, a name like Gnomish Flying Machine would be more appropriate considering my background in Ansalon, but I ultimately decided that the squadron has already done so much for me that I want to keep her dedicated to it. I'm flying the official tag for the squadron as well: T.S.C. TASHBot !

In other news, I've officially been made the Head of Commander Relations of Turbo Assisted Shipping. Makes a lot of sense for me to do outreach as a former contracting officer. I've brought on two new recruits who both got promotions to Agent from Rookie, Commanders Aeron and Kagrenzel. Welcome aboard!

Well, I've rambled on long enough. Until next time.
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