Logbook entry

LOG 3437 - "Thoughts on Leaving M67" - 3303/03/27

07 Apr 2017Alyx Wander
All scans are done, pictures as well. I'm going to call it a day after uploading the pictures, compile the data later and consider when it is I should leave M67...


I think it's about time I leave. The Children of Raxxla are preparing, Salome's alive! She's with Raan Corsen as well! Anyway, A code was broadcast publicly, a riddle as well. Although I haven't been able to decode the former yet, Salome's travels and the riddle hint to Col 70, Orion. Me trying to figure all that out were some of the main reasons for logs being sparse, to non existant, lately.

I'm going to save my notes on the riddle and code to this log. All the context needed whould be found in the video, in case someone needs to find this. So long, M67.



DB-IB Fi(0) T-1319 SUM(10,7,5,3)
"Clue 29c"

DB-1B in hexidecmal is=219-27=192=C0 // Cancel clue. Correct tpying had the 1 in 1B replaced with an I. Hexadecimal not possible.
fi(0): Might mean f<i (f sub i).
T-1319: Angle of a clock at 13:19 is 74.5 |0.5*(60*1+19)-6*19|, or 255.5 |0.5*(60*13+19)-6*19|
Letters fade in sequence, but fade out in this order (Not confirmed): )B0,1B5iDT0-S(M37,19(-U3),F11

"At Phaethon's Reach"
"follow the Path of Souls"

Phaethon's Reach and Path of Souls:
Phaethon took the reins of a chariot of the sun, but could not control it, so Zeus struck him down with lighning. Phaethon's body fell into Eridanus, also known as the Path of Souls. Eridanus is a constellation made up of 24 main stars, 87 Bayer/Flamsteed stars. The "Eridanus Route" starts from Cursa, also known as Beta Eridani, and ends at Achernar.
Using this image (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6b/Eridanus_IAU.svg/1200px-Eridanus_IAU.svg.png), star 29 is Chi Eridani, which exists in Elite and seems to be accurate to the actual system.
Phi Eridani is star 29 on other maps (http://www.dibonsmith.com/eri_con.gif), and is a trinary system. This could meant that it is the target system, as 29c would refer to the 29th system en-route, third star.

Phaethon had 4 potential mothers, one of which was Merope.
Phaethon's constellation is Auriga.

3200 Phaethon is an asteroid with a very close orbit to the sun. Orbit is elliptical.

Eddb, Phi Eridani: https://eddb.io/system/bodies/15494
Eddb, Chi Eridani: https://eddb.io/system/bodies/3303
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