Logbook entry

Log 3437 - "Notes on Salome's Return on 3303/04/29"

11 Apr 2017Alyx Wander

DB-IB Fi(0) T-1319 SUM(10,7,5,3)
"Clue 29c"

DB-1B in hexidecmal is=219-27=192=C0 // Cancel clue. Correct typing had the 1 in 1B replaced with an I. Hexadecimal not possible.
fi(0): Might mean f<i (f sub i).
T-1319: Angle of a clock at 13:19 is 74.5 |0.5*(60*1+19)-6*19|, or 255.5 |0.5*(60*13+19)-6*19|
Letters fade in sequence, but fade out in this order (Not confirmed): )B0,1B5iDT0-S(M37,19(-U3),F11

"At Phaethon's Reach"
"follow the Path of Souls"

Phaethon's Reach and Path of Souls:
Phaethon took the reins of a chariot of the sun, but could not control it, so Zeus struck him down with lightning. Phaethon's body fell into Eridanus, also known as the Path of Souls. Eridanus is a constellation made up of 24 main stars, 87 Bayer/Flamsteed stars. The "Eridanus Route" starts from Cursa, also known as Beta Eridani, and ends at Achernar.
Using this image (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6b/Eridanus_IAU.svg/1200px-Eridanus_IAU.svg.png), star 29 is Chi Eridani, which exists in Elite and seems to be accurate to the actual system.
Phi Eridani is star 29 on other maps (http://www.dibonsmith.com/eri_con.gif), and is a trinary system. This could meant that it is the target system, as 29c would refer to the 29th system en-route, third star.

Phaethon had 4 potential mothers, one of which was Merope.
Phaethon's constellation is Auriga.

3200 Phaethon is an asteroid with a very close orbit to the sun. Orbit is elliptical.

Curtsy of CMDR Scott:
• Merope; mother of Phaethon, the name of the home he scorched with his chariot. All around in-game boogyman planet.
• Eridanus; the river into which he plunged, also known as the Path of Souls.
• Achenar; one end of Eridanus, the capital of the Empire.
• Cursa; the other end of Eridanus, when viewed from Earth, right next to...
• Orion; the constellation in front of Barnard's Loop. Orion's Belt is known as Collinder 70, aka the giant Col 70 permit locked region.
• David Braben & Ian Bell; authors of Elite, DB-IB in the video clue?
• 1984; release date of Elite, T-1319 ... 3303 - 1319 = 1984.
• Lave; starting world in Elite.
• Tionisla; the system mentioned on p25 [ SUM(10,7,5,3) ] of The Dark Wheel, the book included with Elite. Drew's favorite system to reference.

Eddb, Phi Eridani: https://eddb.io/system/bodies/15494
Eddb, Chi Eridani: https://eddb.io/system/bodies/3303
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