Logbook entry

A journey to Colonia

This Sunday I felt the urge to begin my final planning stages for my journey to Colonia. I have been playing Elite Dangerous for nearly 2 years now and have yet to make the journey to Sag A and Colonia. Figured, the time has come. With 34 ships equipped on fleet carrier, Spirit In The Sky, along with over 8,000 tons of tritium ready, and a DBX ready for some jumps in between- I am ready. Using Spansh's Fleet Carrier Plotter, I have an estimated 45 jumps to complete in my fleet carrier to make it [i]next[i] to Colonia. Using my DBX in between the hyperdrive warm-up-cool-downs, I will be jumping 9 jumps in between. Therefore, I will be launching Fleet Carrier roughly 499LY away, launching with DBX, plotting course (roughly 9 jumps), and meeting my carrier at destination system. I will be doing this over the course for the next few days. Setting a big jump- sending it- launching in between- and collecting data along the way. While some of the systems I will be simply "honking" and then moving forward with- some systems I will be diving deeper completing FSS(Full Spectrum Scans) Detailed Surface Map Scans, and possibly some first footfalls! NOTE: I will be avoiding all planets that have 2-3+ Gs of gravity for I am not trying to risk blowing up during route. I have been collectively turning in my data to my fleet carrier every 9 jumps. I will be playing in Open until roughly 2,000LY out from Colonia, to which I will then go to Private or Solo to avoid the possibility of gankers.. In addition, I have unlocked 3 out of the 4 engineers that are in Colonia and already have prerequisites on my FC for them. While out, 22,000 LY from the bubble, I would like to do some additional exploration, including but not limited to: Lagrange clouds, phenomena, bio/exo data, and some awesome screenshots of some fantastic star clusters!

In closing, I'll leave this logbook on my desk in my office in Spirit In The Sky. The crew/staff know that it's there in case something happens to me during my journey. I will be making periodic updates here in the near future. While I will miss everyone on this journey, sometimes you need to get away from everyone and everything....

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︎3 Shiny!
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