Logbook entry

I made it to Colonia- about a week ago.

*Begin Transmission and activate speak to text function* Speak to text activated, cmdr. Oh Colonia, home away from home. While sitting around 22,000LY from the bubble, I can't even smell that gut-wrenching Thargoid burning stench anymore. How I miss it....Yet, I digress. Jumping from Neutron star, to Neutron star, stopping to fuel scoop some along the way, I caught myself in a familiar flow of expedition. That was until I got about halfway in journey and most of the systems I was jumping into had both: land-able planets and atmospheres. From there, I stepped out on foot with use of my Artemis suit, scanning flora, and taking in the breath taking sights. 7 planets in and I hoped to the next system where my FC was. Nonchalantly made my way to Vista Geonomics and guess what I found out!? Not only was I first footfall, but I was also first discovered, mapped and hit them with probe efficency bonuses. YES!!! I was looking at around 240,000,000 in credits. I went to turn them in and in disbelief, saw with the added bonus, my total was well over a billion credits. One single tear fall and hit my Artemis faceshield. While being in the protection of the FC's atmosphere; I removed my helmet and wiped the tear from my cheek. After celebrating and hitting the bar for a lavian brandy, on the rocks, I went back aboard my DBX and hit the sky, with the hopes to find some more planets/moons/stars along the way. Once I rolled up to Colonia, I laid my head to rest for a few seconds while on landing pad 04. Sitting there I looked out and began to think about home, Sol. I hope everyone there was doing alright. Hopefully my fellow cmdrs are doing well. Hopefully, one day, I'll finish up work out here in Colonia and will make my way back to the bubble. I miss logging in, jumping into random system, and seeing a full wing of cmdrs on a mission. I miss the hiss from the Hydras as they let out their last battle cry before being pulverised into space dust. I miss....AHHhHHhHHhH!!! MAyDay MayDay MAYDAY!!!! THERE SEEMS TO BE A GAS LEAK AT THE STATION....PEOPLE ARE RUNNING WILD WITH EXPLOSIONS LEAVING THE STATION TO PIECES. DON'T HEAD THIS WAY! SAVE YOURSEL.... **Transmission Lost; signal not found**
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