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Report on Anaconda with 6 modified shard cannons

22 Feb 2023Kapetan Balvan
I recently builded new fully engineered Anaconda with 6 modified shard cannons, so after some testing, both solo and in a team, I decided to share my experience.
I must say that Shardconda exceeded my expectations. It eats cyclopes for breakfast! Basically, you destroy one heart and then shoot it dead. If done properly, it can be done by a single magazine of 5 shots after shields expire.
Shardconda also do very well against basilisks, but they don't die as fast. You need to destroy about half of it's hearts before you can shoot it dead and send it back to it's master in hell.
Unfortunately, I haven't encountered any medusa to report on it, but I guess it's not too hard if you are fighting by base where you can repair.
To my surprise, Shardconda isn't useless against hydra as I feared. I never fought successfully 1on1 with hydra in any ship, so I am far from expert, but I'll share my experience. Shardconda can easily exert hearts and can take some beating from hydra, so it can be quite useful in a team.

In summary, Shardconda is fun build easy to fly (compared to Guardian Gauss Cannon builds). It doesn't require fancy maneuvers to by effective goid hunter.
This build is excellent for solo base runs where you can repair. I couldn't believe how fast I cleared instance compared to my other AX build (meta chieftain). Still, I would retreat when hydras came and reset instance. I wouldn't recommend fighting those solo, unless you are AX master.
You are a big & slow target, so strategy is to kill goids faster than they can kill you. Modified shard cannons are extremely easy to aim (compared to Gauss) and do excellent damage to both shields and hull. Main task is to always watch your heat as shard overheat ship very fast.
Also unfortunately, two small hardpoints which I used for Beam Lasers (Long range & Thermal Vent) have very bad coverage, so they often can't shoot. Thankfully, they are not as critical for this build as for most others.
In short, if you want a ship to support war effort or make money easily, you won't be disappointed in Shardconda.

o7 commanders and good hunting!
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