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Obvious but missed exploration way to get money/EXP

23 Mar 2023Kapetan Balvan
After exploring void for several days and mapping various planets, I managed to get only 300+ million credits for it (even with 3X payout from CG). The reason for that is that, flying randomly, you don't get much chance to scan high value planets. I would say that there is not even 1/200 chance of finding an earth-like world.
On the other hand, bubble is filled with earth-like & water worlds.
I found that by just mapping earth-like & water worlds inside the bubble, I managed to get from Elite III to Elite IV Explorer rank in maybe 2 hours and get more credits than flying for days randomly exploring.
This way, even a new player in Sidewinder with just a detailed surface scanner could get money for Anaconda in a few hours, and to get to Elite Explorer rank in not much more time.
I know this is excellent while 3X payout from CG is lasting, but I think this way will still be excellent after it.
For those new players, just pick up detailed surface scanner on your ship and try it. You can get planet locations even here on Inara. Just click on Data -> Search nearest -> Bodies and then select under "Planet type" tab earth-like world. After that just fly to the nearest planet and map it.
I think you'll be surprised by the amount of credits and exploration EXP you'll get.

o7 commanders and good luck!
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