Logbook entry

Logbook Entry #002 - Stillness Breeds Anxiousness

29 May 2022Krynesur
"Initiate audio recording, dated May 29, 3308."

With a cleared throat, Krynesur's husky, silvery voice entered,

"It has been ten days since my last entry. I didn't feel the need to log anything, as I have been focused on my current plans. I have traversed from Azura Initiative space and back into Colonia, to gather the credits and resources to prepare myself for an excursion into Thargoid sites."

"To aid in my credit hauling, I have achieved a new ship -
a Krait Mk. II designated as "Serve the Offering". She serves me well, the kappi. An extraordinary combat ship... Oh, it feels good to be back in the fight again. Well, at least for whoever pays me... Not so much for those on the receiving end." A chuckle sounded, hardly an echo in the close quarters of a ship.

A quiet mechanical whirring, and the tapping of footsteps upon metal. A sigh escaped her nostrils.

"He wouldn't leave for this long without saying something... Every day, I hope that a message comes in. Every alert of an incoming message, I can't help but anticipate it is him. Unfortunately, there has been nothing. Bessek, quit making me wait! You're making me worry!" Urgency clouded her voice the more she pleaded, breaking her formal tone.

Krynesur noticed that her formality had been cracked, as there was a pause of silence upon the recording.


With newfound vigor, her voice broke the silence, "I grow tired of staying in this system. I should be out exploring the stars, already on my way to these sites. May the stars guide thee, pilots. Shaw, if you don't say anything soon, I will find you, I swear it. End of recording."
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