Logbook entry

Entry Log #0003: Journey to Dangerous Places

15 Jun 2022Krynesur
The following has been logged by the Commander's input.

Date: June 15th, 3308
Time: 03:07
Log Number: 0003
System: Blua Eaec LY-I d9-136
Last Logbook: 0002
Title: Journey to Dangerous Places

It had been a few weeks since I have left Colonia. I have been documenting most of every system that I have stumbled across. It is a treasure hunt to me, where the uncovered secrets of a system are my treasure. Collecting cartographic data is a gold mine and there's plenty of it in this huge galaxy. Will there be a time where humans will traverse across galaxies?

It has been over a month since I have seen Bessek. This journey does make me feel guilty... I'm supposed to be finding him. But, he always wanted me to go out and search the stars, to chase the career that I've always wanted to do. I miss seeing his smile as I rambled onto him about my stories of the stars, sitting in cafes together after we were done training for our Pilot's license. He was my biggest supporter who encouraged me to get into the business of being an explorer. I'd feel like a fool to not follow what my heart desires.

That is why I am doing both. From what I last remember, Bessek told me he had received his naval license from the Federation. But, he was to be sent with the Sirius navy, to fight against the Thargoid invasions that were attacking the Didio, Novas, and Sosong systems back in April. The fools, the lot of them! I don't think he was equipped to fight those xenos! By whatever miracles the stars may bless me, the moment I find Bessek is when I'm going to give them a piece of my mind. That is, if I find him...

The threat of xenos becomes ever present. I have a vague memory of those creatures back when I was a little girl. One of those large ones came from the aurora, a quiet, snowy night. I remember those gorgeous petals wavering against the winds before I was quickly swept up by my mother. I remember its wicked call, the
Vondakallinn, echoing over the alarms.

I have a feeling I'll be hearing it again, once I am nearby Sirius.
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︎2 Shiny!
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