Logbook entry

Entry Log #0004: Salvation's Vile Corral

24 Jun 2022Krynesur
Previous Entry: #0003
Current Location: Sisters' Refuge, HIP 15613

"Initiate video recording, dated for June 24th, 3308."

Once the indicator of the video recording had started, Krynesur had collapsed back into her seat with a hefty sigh and slumped shoulders. Her milky eyes had slipped shut, to prevent strain on them from the bright lights and the hours she had staring at her cockpit HUD.

"There's so many..." She spoke after a pause, "I hadn't a clue how many non-human signals I could pick up. It started in small numbers per system, then to 10 per system, then to 15 to 20... There's too many that something doesn't seem right at all..."

Her eyes opened, gazing away from the camera. Her fingers flexed and squeezed over the armrests of her pilot's chair, expelling any excess energy from her nerves. "This is plotted. But, I have reason to believe that Salvation and the Azimuth Biotech company have something to do with this. For what heinous crimes they have committed to both human and Thargoid kind, it's atrocious that the Alliance, the Empire, and the Federation, can align themselves to him. Perhaps, they feel they have no other choice... It seems strange to me, as well, that another project had managed to dig up Thargoid artifacts while these invasions were happening. I have reason to believe this is connection to Salvation's agenda as well."

"This leads back down to every grunt that had serviced in this cause. Including my Bessek, thrown to the cause while he thought he was servicing for the good of man and the Federation!" A fist hit the left arm of her chair. Her tattooed face had been scowled in fury. Her typically calm voice had intensified with its accent and volume, "This rotta has been manipulating every chain of command! Some say we need him, and I say we don't! Billions of lives have been saved, yes, but we are all underneath the radar of Salvation and Azimuth's manipulation. The only way we can break away from that is if we devise another way to settle this war, without his aid!"
She took a deep breath through her nostrils as tears stung at her eyes. She clenched her jaw, a hand lifting up to fidget with a rose gold locket that sat upon her chest. "If only I had known what I know now, maybe he would still be here..."

A sigh left her, continuing on with a quiet demeanor, "Aside from these troubles, I had landed upon one of icy bodies in Pleiades Sector XF-N b7-3, practicing my driving skills with the SRV. I had been hoping to find ruins, but with no luck. This was also a place of cold silence, yet a great surge of energies lurked on the outskirts of this system. I decided to rest for a time on b5 despite these energies, seeing as I had travelled 22,000 Lightyears through deep space. The place was... isolating. A cold, bitter stillness, with nothing but me, my ship, the planet, and the black around me. It is a strict mentor, this hugleiðsla, meditation. But, it has opened me up to the possibilities of... considering an act of tengja samneyti, a connecting communion."

Her hands clasped in front of her, pressing them to her lips. She nodded to herself, taking a deep breath as she prepared herself for another task, reaching over to tap on a few keys to initiate the Vequia Roaming into launch sequence. The roar of the engine spurred to life over the video, before falling back into silence. "I know what I have to do. It's a risk, but it's time. End of recording."
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