Logbook entry

Logbook #0005: Kveinkýklópar

02 Jul 2022Krynesur
Last Log: #0004
Current Location: Multiple Hyperspace Jumps, Undisclosed Fleet Carrier
Date: June 30th, 3308

The following footage has been recorded by Commander Krynesur, dated June 29th, 3308 and captured within Pleiades Sector SO-R c4-3. The text input was written by the Commander's manual input. This message has been sent to two other organizations, marked as high priority by the Commander herself.

Footage of Commander Krynesur's first Thargoid encounter.

Pleiades Sector SO-R c4-3 B, B1, B1 A, B5, B6, B2, B3, B4, B7 have been affected by a behavioral anomaly. Multiple non-human signals have been seen stacked upon each other, spreading out in a wave. Most signals were ranked as medium-to-high level, fluctuating between 5 and 9 on the threat scale. I had discovered this anomaly three days ago. Knowing that I would be heading to Vulcan Gate soon for the Eldritch Gate expedition, I decided to follow my instinct and go to one of these sites. It may be a long while before I return back to the Pleiades Sector.

FSS image of the behavior anomaly as described above. Estimated to be above 15+ signals depicted in this image

I was scared at first. My belly was full of iron as I got closer to the destination, even more so when I had dropped into the location of one of the non-human signals. I wasn't sure how well this would go, anything could happen, even the dire consequences of chasing after signals such as these. The Vondakallinn created threw me into a panic, and it was alarming to hear that it was behind me. But, by the flash of its lights, I was stopped as though I was trapped in its headlights, and a Thargoid Cyclops Interdictor revealed itself to me. After scanning me and my ship, it turned away from me to focus on picking up material from the salvage, which I assume to be meta-alloys that some poor soul had been carrying. My fear was quickly replaced with awe, seeing a glimmer of hope that this encounter will not go as bad as I expected. I let my amazement get the best of me and attempted to get closer to it, but they gave me a warning by firing a field of its missile pods. Never to kill, else I wouldn't be sending this message. Only one of its pods had hit me, but that it was because I flew into its line of fire. It must have understood that I listened to its warning, and continued its search.

First approach of the calmed Thargoid Cyclops Interdictor, depicted with a spinning Thargoid pod. Its red light continues to shine.

It cried out into the inky black afterwards when its job had been completed, no longer distracted by its search. I took it as a sign that it was okay for me to approach, seeing as it had stopped its current course of action. When I had reached close to it, I realized how much heat they radiated. This answers as to why Thargoids are able to survive in space the way they do. They generate their own heat. My own ship about overheated in its presence when I switched the Vequia Roaming into silent running mode. Switching back to normal flight, my shields amended the issue, and I was able to get even closer to the Cyclops.

Vequia Roaming and Cyclops Thargoid Interceptor depicted in near range to each other.

What was 30 minutes felt like hours. It was one where I was humbled, and honored, with the presence of the Interdictor. It trusted me to be in its presence, just as I was showing it that I was not going to do any harm to it. Not that I could, anyway. It balanced this delicate pod in front of itself, allowing me to approach it as well. The red indicator upon the pod showed me that it was fragile, so I dared not to touch it with my own ship. The only thing that broke that silence of space was the thrum of VR's engines and the chattering of the Cyclops. An experience I shall not ever forget, and surely this footage will help me remember it.

Pilot's view of the Thargoid pod and the Cyclops Interdictor. Note the shaking of the camera, caused by the Thargoid's own pull.

As this encounter was shared between the two of us, my memories began to stir. They were not Thargoids to me and my people, but instead the Stjörnublóm. They had enough presence where it was a notable phenomena to us whenever they would exit and enter our atmosphere. I heard tales of them departing gifts to their beacons in the form of a bright green ray, even some discovering their dens in the far reaches of our home planet.
These stories began to disappear with time as new foreigners integrated with us. We began hiding our culture out of fear, fear of being exterminated by those who didn't look at the Stjörnublóm the way we do. We have already faced prejudice for expressing our views, and the new overpowered the old. Our once proud views were quieted to being practiced in the comforts of our homes. This stipulation had rendered me to speak little of my own home. I'm sorry, Bessek, if I wasn't so honest with you about my upbringing.
We can learn so much from them if we just gave more time. But, if Salvation wins this war, we will be at his mercy and lose our chances.

Cyclops Interdictor and Vequia Roaming depicted together. Note the size difference between each other.

Thank you, Kveinkýklópar, for accepting communion with me. I no longer need to hide.
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