Cmdr AuroraRider
Diplomat / Freedom fighter
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette ENF
Overall assets
Equestrian Naval Fleet
Zachary Hudson

Logbook entry

A reflection as a new officer.

27 Aug 2022AuroraRider
If you told me a few months ago that I would be flying a ship, I wouldn't believe you. If you told me I would be fighting in space, I would laugh in your face. I wouldn't even believe myself competent enough to taxi myself to ground targets!

When I first entered the Equestrian Naval Fleet actively I thought my only use would be my sharp wit and sharp tongue, to be used in diplomatic situations. Now, as the Operations Officer of the Equestrian Naval Fleet, its certainly a trip to look back on how far we've come!

Coordinating the logistics behind taking our home, Merbold Ring, from a Federation faction, was certainly an arduous task, but it was a task that proved I could amount to more than a smooth talker. Some of my fellow officers, two losses in and heavy resistance present, considered securing Merbold a fruitless endeavor. Now we have Merbold. They then considered taking all the assets to fully secure our home an impossible endeavor. Now we control almost every asset in the system! And now, I've expanded from ground to leading space wings as the Equestrian Naval Fleet seeks to secure its bubble and its place in history.

Whoever reads this and looks on the actions of our squadron in awe or as if we have done the impossible, heed this advice: the best defense is a good offense, but a good offense is made easier by a good defense. Secure your castle and then the worries of defending it while expanding become lesser. Push your limits and pick the brains of your fellow squadmates, and you'll be surprised what you may learn and pick up along the way! Don't neglect your economy even if you're itching for a fight, as the army you'll need to advance your ambitions marches on not just its stomach, but its infrastructure, technology, healthcare, and trade. And don't be afraid to speak up even if others do not agree; you may be the voice that makes the call that gives your squadron hope long enough to achieve the impossible!

I hope the writings of a newbie turned veteran in only a few mere months can inspire future Commanders to achieve the same; I look forward to seeing what both our squadron and the newer blood to the world of Elite: Dangerous will bring!

CMDR Aurora Rider
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