Cmdr AuroraRider
Diplomat / Freedom fighter
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette ENF
Overall assets
Equestrian Naval Fleet
Zachary Hudson

Logbook entry

Not One Inch.

05 Sep 2022AuroraRider
I have never met a Thargoid, nor a Guardian, in my time as a new pilot out in the Bubble, nor in the black.
However, I have felt the effects of both Thargoid and Guardian in the coming events, as well as my human fellows all around me.
Factions are squabbling, Superpowers are feuding, and Salvation's death as well as revealing all his misdeeds shows that humanity is wholly unprepared for any incoming Thargoid threat.
However, I nor my squadron are not responsible for protecting all of humanity, we're responsible for protecting our own. Once we're in a good spot, we can assist humanity as a whole, but we are not ready yet.

We've instructed our pilots to assist Azimuth in order to gain access to modified Guardian technology, and scheduled visits to Guardian sites to obtain blueprints and materials to bolster our ships. We might even have our first regular Anti-Xeno (AX) wing ready to go within the week.
We'll continue to shore up our main defenses in case squabbling squadrons decide to squabble with us, and soon enough our squadron will be armed to the teeth with Guardian and human technology to battle any incoming Thargoids.

Despite all I've heard about them, I hope the Thargoids are interested in communicating, maybe peace. If not, they'll have the full might of the Equestrian Naval Fleet armed with the latest technology to contend with. They'll learn soon enough that if they want to encroach on ENF territory...they'll get not one inch.
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