Logbook entry

Humble Beginnings

13 Jun 2022Sapphire Lanse
"Pilot's Federation Report: 15 May 3299: A Dolphin liner was lost. It is known that Federation ships were in the area. It is unclear whether or not the terrorist blew up the ship or if a Federation ship attacked. The recovered black box, after a review, suggests that it was attacked. It is believed that the liner was carrying 4 souls, including the pilot, and was headed for-"

Sapphire sighed and slammed the pause button, shutting her eyes. She sat in her office, hands balled into fists. "Damn Feds..." she mumbled to herself. "Corruption reeks in their systems and the citizens don't even know it-" her tirade ended with a notification of a delivery mission. "Right, fine... fine, I'll take this." She hit the checkmark, stood up, and headed for the docks, picking up the package on her way over.

Lanse, the family's Python. It was handed down to her when she recieved her liscense by her family.

As she approached the steps to the captain's seat, she thought about the flight sims, and the application to the Pilot's Federation. The tests were difficult, but she managed to pass with nearly flying colors. She climbed up the steps, only having a few flight hours in the real ship. The G-forces were surprising, but expected.

She plugged in Ember - Van Houten. "Flight control, this is Sierra Papa Hotel Romeo two-one, requesting launch."

"Copy, you are clear for launch. Remember to reduce speed - there is heavy traffic today."

"Good night, Flight Control." Sapphire sat back in her seat, gently increasing the throttle, and flew out of the mailbox. She pointed her ship towards the stars, and pressed the button to jump. Saph gripped the controls tightly, and braced for the jump. While a seasoned pilot would think this is no big deal, but to her, it was an adrenaline rush every time.

A few jumps later, she arrived in her target system. The star was bright, almost too bright. She looked at her navigation tool, and aligned to Van Houten Station. She landed safely, took the package, and disembarked, heading towards the elevator shaft. She stumbled out of the elevator, and heard a woman yell "I'm HUNGRY! WHERE IS MY SPACE DAAASH!" Saph looked down at the reciept, and before she could even react, the bag was snatched out of her hands, and being inspected from every angle. "New pilot?'

That was a year ago.
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