Logbook entry

Complaint Re: Perez Hydroponics Lab Contract

25 Sep 2022TheDaviot
25 September 3308

Akualanu United & Co
c/o Nova Navy dba. Nova Paresa
Hughes Vista, Akualanu
63.78125 / -128.5 / 3

Dear Supervisor Macdonald,

As an independent pilot in good standing with the Pilots Federation, I would like to register a complaint against my treatment by Akualanu United & Co. regarding a contract I took yesterday (UTC) to provide vital repairs to the Perez Hydroponics Lab on Akualanu A5a, en route to Aisling Duval’s call for mercenary aid in Cemiess. En route, I was informed of “some scavs” that had taken control of the facility and was offered a monetary bonus for their forceful removal. This was a gross underestimate, as my Scorpion SRV picked up no less than seventeen hostile signatures that turned out to be a gang of unaligned pirates with military grade hardware and a Vulture they were using as a dropship, which opened fire on my ship before fleeing. Their combined bounties totaled more than not just the offered 60,000 Cr adjustment, but the entire mission.

Upon their dispatch, I found that your facility was a literal maze and would not pass traditional fire inspection code of either Federation or Imperial make, as exit routes were not marked, and despite the Power building marked from the outside and having outside-facing armored windows, it had no actual access except through the middle of the complex. In getting to the Power Centre, I had to cut into and manually charge the access panels for one production greenhouse and two research laboratories. I had to charge a computer terminal with my suit to verify that this was indeed the shortest route. You may also wish to reprimand the employee in Laboratory 3, who left a case of hand grenades next to a locker of oxidizers and organic volatiles immediately next to the security doors to the Power Centre.

Upon the reboot of the facility, I was immediately assigned a 900 Cr bounty for “blocking the landing pad” by having my SRV on the pad and my Alliance Crusader vaguely near the pad on your uninhabited installation. In retaliation, but entirely within the bounds of our contract, I left the installation alarm system disabled and helped myself to all the graphene and epoxy resin left in unlocked areas, which I used to patch up the damage to my suit and my SRV, and one medical kit, which I used on the glancing plasma burns suffered with the pirates.

En route back to Hughes Vista, I was harassed by HRH Lavigny-Duval’s Shields of Justice over the meager bounty you placed upon my ship during the course of my duties.

As the ancient Terran saying goes, “Go pound sand.” You may wish to repopulate your Lab complex briskly.


CMDR TheDaviot
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