Logbook entry

Log Entry: 11-09-3308

11 Sep 2022Kaunisenkeli
An ex-girlfriend once suggested that I write my thoughts down in a journal, but I never really got into it. Now I find myself out on the edge, and unsure of what to do. I finally reached both the Soul and Heart nebulae today, and I've spent some time going through a few systems in each. Now I have to decide what's next. I would love to extend this journey and head for the pulsar in the Crab Nebula, and then go on to visit Eta Carinae, but I just learned something concerning. Thargoids have been seen in the Elysian Shore in recent days. With the reports of immediately violent encounters, even if a pilot has no Thargoid or Guardian items in their hold, that is extremely concerning.

The Ishtar isn't kitted out for any kind of combat, carries no weapons (well, I do have a couple fighters, but they won't do much good against a Thargoid interceptor), and I'm not sure she could outrun an angry interceptor. That narcissistic fool, Salvation, and the commanders he strung along like blind fools brought this mess upon us, and the superpower leaders have clearly learned nothing. I'd love to say the Empress saying the Empire will go it alone is just more proof of how out-dated monarchy is, but Pres. Hudson is no better. Sure, the Thargoids destroyed disabled ships in the aftermath of the Proteus Wave failure, but can that really be called unwarranted aggression? We had just tried to wipe the Thargoids from the face of the galaxy, after all, and commanders had supplied Azimuth Biotech with supplies for stripping the disabled Thargoid ships for research purposes. So, Pres. Hudson, how are we any different from the enraged Thargoids when they turned "Salvation's" idiocy back on us?

This is turning into a bit of a rant, but I do feel better having written my thoughts down. It still doesn't help me decide if it's safe enough to head for the Crab Nebula, though, much less the rest of the journey. For now, I'll head to my quarters and get some sleep. Maybe I'll have a decision when I wake up.
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