Logbook entry

Entry 0? - Before the Beginning

27 Jun 2022miamijuggler
I'm not entirely sure how the idea made it into my head; likely it was hearing about another Commander's accomplishments, but the idea of aligning my efforts towards a larger project appeals to me. At least for now.

So the idea is to make a round trip to Beagle Point and back; likely also the farthest body out (which I'm told is both A: about 500ly from Beagle Point and B: has such a complex name as to make it impossible to remember). I realize that this is nothing ground-breaking, and that many other commanders have gone before me. But it gives me a goal to work towards, and will ultimately be rewarding (hopefully). To verify my commitment to this venture I have purchased a Krait Phantom. My credit balance is weeping in a corner right now.

However, right now the Phantom is just a shell. I have come up with a planned ship layout/configuration, and it's going to require significant retrofitting for the journey. The retrofitting itself will require a lot of gathering resources, making friends with engineers, and stocking up on essentials. In essence this means that the beginning of this journey means that the Phantom will lie dormant in the hangar for the time being, as I collect the require upgrades, modules, and materials.

So this is the kind of beginning that means that I'm not actually setting foot on the Phantom or flying it a single meter. It's the beginning before the beginning.

Let the odyssey commence.
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