Logbook entry

Entry 11 - Hitting a Slump

30 Aug 2022miamijuggler
So I've spent the past few days plotting my way across the parsecs, and if I'm honest, most of the novelty has worn off at this point. While I'm enjoying the discovery of new systems and planetary bodies, along with their accompanying scenery, I'm definitely feeling the repetitiveness. That was expected though, and I'm trying to give myself permission to goof off at times, while simultaneously giving myself permission to hunker down and grind out the light years.

Doesn't quite make sense, does it?

I suppose part of me is waiting to discover my first Earth-like World out here in the black. According to my maps and route plotting, I am now further from Colonia than Colonia is from Sol, and Beagle Point is still another ~23,000 light years away. I guess I figured that at this point I would have discovered at least one Earth-like World, so that Universal Cartographics can log my name in the system record for history to remember. I know it's egotistical, and isn't really the point of exploring everything, but for my first long-term voyage, every now and then I rely on that ego for motivation.

I know if I keep at this long enough, eventually that ELW-discovery will come my way, but like I said, I'm a little surprised that I've gone this long without finding one. That said, it could totally be down to my own inexperience. Perhaps I'm cruising the wrong sectors or the wrong star types, so I'm definitely open to this being a learning opportunity.

In any case, here are some photos from the past week or two of travels. I tried to get a photo of kitty, but every time I point the camera, the sensor overheats and shuts down. Maybe next time.

I would write more, but I'm frankly too exhausted. I landed on a bumpy, metal-rich planet that orbits extremely close to its parent star (Preae Aub EH-L c24-2), with a very short orbital period. I'll do some exploring when I wake up again, and maybe post some images in my next entry.
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